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he looked down and seen the water spilled. he quickly gone outside and yelled out:

"y/n's water broke!"

the music had turned off and everyone rushed inside.

"i'll drive, you get our things that we had packed." kairi told mattia.

"no, i'm driving. you short ass can't even see the road." mattia got the keys. kairi rolled his eyes as he told alejandro to get our stuff. ale ran up the stairs, as kairi, robert, and roshaun helped me get to the car.

"we'll be with your parents." jenna said.

"okay, i'll see you there" i said, holding in the pain.

"goodluck!!" she yelled out as we were now on our way to the hospital.


we arrived and everyone in the car got off. they all helped me get in the hospital. mattia told the fromt desk that i was going in labor. they all rushed and got a hospital bed. they lifted me up and laid me on it. i was now getting taken into a room.

kairi's pov

holy shit. y/n's in labor. this is fucking happening. we all wanted to follow after y/n, but one of the nurses said we had to wait in the living room. i told her i was the boyfriend, so she let me go. i caught with y/n in a room. i went up to her and held her hand. the nurses were rushing to get things ready.

"can't believe this is happening." y/n says. she was in so much pain.

"i can't believe it too but you'll be okay, i promise. i'll be here holding your hand, but i won't be looking." y/n and i laughed.

"okay hun, i need you to push as hard as you can when we tell you to, okay?" the nurse looked at y/n. she nodded her head, still in pain.

"okay, go!" the nurse said. y/n was trying so hard to push. i closed my eyes cause i was too scared to look.

"keep pushing! you can do it!" y/n kept pushing, as her grip on my hand was tighter.

she kept pushing for at least 10 minutes. not even a second, we hear crying. holy shit. it's here. it's really here.

y/n's pov

i pushed again and i heard crying. oh my god, it's here! my baby's here! i'm gonna cry. the doctors took the baby out carefully and i sighed in relief. the baby was crying, as the nurses were cleaning him carefully. they let me hold him and oh my god, it hit me. i started tearing up. he was so beautiful. my own baby.

kairi was shocked. knowing that i gave birth right in front of him. acting like he's seen a baby for the first time. the nurses took the baby to clean him up. i relaxed on the bed, with kairi sitting on the chair next to me.

"how are you feeling" i asked him. he looked up and smiled.

"you don't even know how much i'm fucking happy" he said, hugging me. i hugged back.

"i know we're young but you know, it's like.. we were prepared for this." i said, as he pulled away.

"i didn't expect myself to become a dad right when you told me you were pregnant. knowing that i felt guilty when you got kicked out all because the condom ripped." kairi said, holding my hand.

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