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chapter edited

passing time
it was already january 2020. jeez, time flies. we've all hung out during new years and christmas. good times. we were also now in senior year, about to graduate in 5 months. we also added two new people to our group. they are nessa and josh. they're really cool and they're also together.
present time
it was 2 days before (friday) me & alvaro's birthday (sunday). we were turning 18. damn, we're growing up. i was pretty excited!
kairi's POV
i was with mattia, thinking about a gift for y/n. cmon kairi, think.

kai: "yo, idk what to get y/n for her birthday."
tia: "your the boyfriend, you should know."
kai: "i know, but i don't know"
tia: "get her the basic shit: flowers and chocolate"
kai: "hell no, i wanna give her something better than that."
tia: "well, can you think of any other things she likes?"
kai: "i got it. ima get matching necklaces and custom airforces. she always wanted custom airforces."
tia: "boom, there you go"
kai: "what are you getting her?"
tia: "perfume from victoria secret"
kai: "your gonna go inside the store? by yourself?"
tia: "hell yeah. what about alvaro? don't forget, it's his birthday too"
kai: "i know i'm not stupid. i'm getting him the shoes he's been asking for"
tia: "i'm getting him the jacket he wanted for a while"

alvaro's POV
i was in my room, chillin with ale. y/n was out with nessa, which is perfect for me to think about a gift for her.

alv: "what should i get for y/n?"
ale: "your her twin brother, you should know"
alv: "yeah, but i feel like she already has enough shit"
ale: "there has to be some things she doesn't have"
alv: "i don't know, i have to think deep"
ale: "well, i gotta go. don't think that deep"
(𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚜 ; 𝚍𝚊𝚋𝚜 𝚞𝚙)
alv: "aight, cya"

ale waved and left.
minutes past and i texted the boys.

minutes past and i texted the boys

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yup, that's my gift to her

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yup, that's my gift to her. my gift from her better be good too.
y/n's POV
i was out hanging with nessa.

y/n: "it's hard to think about what i should get for alvaro"
ness: "mans has shit already"
y/n: "fr- wait, i got it"
ness: "ooh, what is it?"
y/n: "he's been wanting this one chain for a while, i'm definitely getting him that. ooh and these pair of jordans, he's been talking about. damn, i'm smart"
ness: "mm rethink that"
y/n: "what are you getting him?"
ness: "not sure. maybe cologne, since he's always complaining he doesn't have any"
y/n: "he has like 3 colognes and he complains he doesn't have any. he's so blind"
ness: "very"

we laughed again and went off with our day.


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