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this chapter is meant to be 55 not 54. read chapter 54 if you haven't yet.

this whole chapter is just mainly gonna be ale's pov

ale's pov
i just finished making a tik tok with nano, my little brother. i was in my room, chillin with my dog miguel. the group and social media say miguel looks like a target dog. and he really does. he just needs the two big red circle in his left eye. i was scrolling through tik tok, when i got a text from robert.

 i was scrolling through tik tok, when i got a text from robert

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it'd be nice to have robert around. he's always fun to be around. been my bestfriend since 8th grade. nothing has ever came between us. always been bros. and will always be bros.

doorbell rung, which means he's here. i went downstairs, with miguel following me. i opened the door to see my bestfriend. i dabbed him up.

ale: "come in bro"
rob: "thanks"

he greeted my mom and nano. we went up to my room. we started making a few tik toks. we were getting more followers, by posting a lot. a lot of people say we're a group full of attractive people. seems nice to know people love us. saying how we're kind, chill, funny, loving, well mannered, and so on. honestly be known through social media isn't as bad as i thought. at least for now. the more we're famous, the more shit we're probably gonna go through. but we're unproblematic, so it's ok.

we were chillin on my bed, when robert spoke up.

rob: "ale."
ale: "hm?"
rob: "i need to tell you something."

he said in a serious tone. what happened? he sounds real serious, it worries me. let's just hear him out.

ale: "what happened?"
rob: "please just listen to me, ok?"
ale: "uh.. ok."
rob: "please don't be mad at me. i wasn't the one who wanted to do this."
ale: "you're worrying me."
rob: "ima just show you."

he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. he went into his messages and clicked on vic. we're all friends, so of course we all text each other. but what happened with vic? he showed me the messages of her and him talking back & forth. but they aren't good messages. they're messages that make me wanna burst out tears.

knowing that i loved vic and she's been the loml for a while, she does this to me. she broke my heart. she cheated on me by hitting up on robert. on my own bestfriend. why would she do that? i thought she loved me. she was my first ever love. the girl that made me happy for so long, she does this to me? i don't understand what i did wrong. and this isn't a dream. it's reality.

i felt anger and sadness. i wanted to punch something. a wall, a pillow, something! i can't control my emotions. i started crying on robert's shoulder. he patted my back.

rob: "i hated it. it started out of no where and she's been messaging me nonstop. i told her to stop but she wouldn't. i blocked her but that didn't help. she continued through insta. it's been going on for 3 days i think. i'm so sorry ale. i should've told you sooner."
ale: "robert. don't blame yourself. this isn't your fault. it's hers. she's the one who started it and continued on with it. you tried to stop her by telling her and blocking her but she didn't stop. you're my bestfriend. you did the right thing by telling me."

my emotions changed. i was even more angrier than upset. i wanted revenge. i wanted to give her the same energy she gave me. cheating. i should cheat back. i know it's stupid but i wanna do it. and i have the perfect girl for it. alessya. alessya farrugia. she was one of my good friends from school. perfect.

ale: "why should i cry over someone who didn't give a shit about me, when i could just give them the same energy back."
rob: "what do you mean?"
ale: "i should cheat back, to get back at her."
rob: "and why do you think you should do this?"
ale: "because she wanna be doing this to me. she chose to cheat on me. it's not a mistake. it's a choice she chose to do. so i'll do the same thing."
rob: "so you're basically getting revenge?"
ale: "yup."
rob: "but who the hell are you gonna cheat on her with?"
ale: "alessya."
rob: "alessya? as in, alessya farrugia?"
ale: "mhm."
rob: "oh bro, she's hot."
ale: "i know she is."
rob: "but how will she know you cheated back?"
ale: "by pretending to be caught in 4k. think smart robert."
rob: "aye i am smart"
ale: "sometimes yeah"
ale: "will you help me? please."
rob: "mm fine. but don't get me into this whole thing."
ale: "thanks bro."

can't wait for this. mf deserves this, just like she did to me. but first, i gotta tell everyone. i decided to a group call. they were all joining.

tia: "yo"
ness: "ale, i'm not helping you in math anymore."
ale: "i don't need help with homework. maybe"
y/n: "boy"
ale: "first, y/n."
y/n: "what"
ale: "can you remove vic please?"
y/n: "wh-"
ale: "just remove her."
y/n: "oh, ok."

she removed vic. everyone was now confused why i wanted her to be removed.

kai: "why did you want vic removed?"
ale: "because that hoe cheated on me."
others: "what?!?"
jen: "she what?!"
alv: "but how? with who?!"
rob: "she kept trying to get with me. i'll send the messages."

robert then ss and sent the convo between him and vic. everyone was surprised to see this type of vic.

ness: "this makes no sense."
ro: "why would she do that?"
y/n: "ale, i'm so sorry this happened to you."
tia: "he isn't alone now."
ale: "but i don't care, fuck it. i'm doing the same shit to her back."
alv: "what do you mean?"
rob: "he's basically gonna cheat on her back, revenge."
kai: "but with who?"
ale: "alessya."
ness: "farrugia?!"
ale: "yup."
jen: "dude, that bitch is so fucking pretty. hot girl in the school."
alv: "no shit"
tia: "how are you gonna manage to talk to you?"
ale: "she's a good friend of mine, fyi."
alv: "oh yall friends"
ale: "no shit"
y/n: "but how will she know you're cheating back?"
ale: "by pretending to be caught in 4k."
rob: "think smart y/n"
y/n: "shut up robert"
kai: "just know we're here for you bro"
jen: "definitely keep us updated"
ale: "will do"

let's do it.


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