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"hey kairi.."

i turned around and i couldn't believe who it was.

emily. my ex. what was she doing here? how did she know i was here? stalker activity or i should just let her talk, maybe.

"oh hey emily.. long time no see." i awkward smiled. i need to go back. i don't wanna be here.

"yeah.. i see you're at a party." she softly said. well yeah, no shit.

"yup. very fun party"

"who's birthday party is it?" she asked. why so many questions woman.

"oh it's actually my girlfriends and i's gender reveal.." i pursed my lips.

"oh.. you're having a child?.." no kidding.

"yup. ready to be a father." someone get me out of here.

"boy or girl?"


"that's amazing. congrats."


it was an awkward silence.

"well ima head back now, i don't wanna miss any fun and i wanna be there with my girlfriend."

"oh right" emily nodded.

"it was nice seeing you again" she said, with a small smile.

"yeah.. you too" i faked smiled. i was slowly walking back, putting on my jacket, when emily called out my name. i turned around and stood in my current position.

"i need to tell you something.." she looked down at her feet.

i furrowed my eyebrows. what does she need to tell me? how extraordinary.

"i- um" she paused. i'm getting a bit nervous but very impatient. i just wanna go back and have fun and be there for y/n. i'm of course not cheating. i do not like emily. she cheated on me and it really hurt me. y/n knows about it and she felt bad for me. y/n is the only girl i really have full trust and love on. she's the best girlfriend i ever had. and i could never lose her. it'd hurt me so much.

emily sighed and looked up back at me.

"i still love you.."


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