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chapter edited

Game Night: Truth or Shot
i finished cutting up the limes, and i placed them on a plate. i took the plate over to the dining table. jenna was pouring tequila in the cups. i'm guessing this is a warm up.

jen: "alright, do you guys know how to play this?"
ness: "i'm guessing your gonna ask us a question, if we back out on the question, we gotta take a shot..?"
jen: "exactly."
alv: "sounds easy"
jen: "the questions starts off easy, the more we get into the game, the more tense the questions get"
ale: "bet"
rob: "what if we get drunk? what will our parents say?"
y/n: "you're staying the night bozo"
rob: "shut up"
jen: "i poured tequila in the cups as a warm up. either bite the lime or drink a bit of sprite after the shot."
everyone: "ok"

we all took a shot and took a bite/ sip of our limes/sprite. we all had a reactions to the taste. hella strong.

jen: "alright, before we start, i just wanna say one thing: i'm not gonna be taking shots. ima be the one asking the questions."
vic: "why ??"
jen: "cause tomorrow it's gonna be noticeable for her to know that i drinked."
kai: "then how did you get the bottle?"
jen: "my friends whose 21 bought it for me."
ness: "alright, let's start"
jen: "alright"

Truth or Shot
jen: "ima keep track on who took a shot. alright first up: mattia."
tia: "bet"
jen: "this one is easy: how many relationships have you been in? not including me."
tia: "relationships? talking-talking doesn't count?"
jen: "nope."
tia: "alright, i'm being honest here, so i think 2"
jen: "alright"
alv: "damn barely any"
tia: "shut up, you only been in one"
jen: "rob"
rob: "yes"
jen: "are you still a virgin?"
rob: "yes, sadly"
cel: "your a virgin?"
rob: "yup"
cel: "maybe i can be your first body (winks)"
y/n: looks at everyone with an awkward reaction
cel: "before we continue, can i use the restroom please?"
y/n: "yeah, out the kitchen to your left"
cel: "thank you"

celia got up and head up to the restroom. that was mad awkward.

vic: "..."
y/n: "that was hella awkward."
ness: "yup. sure was."
ale: "i think it's better to have virgin robert"
rob: "why are you guys so overprotective"
tia: "there's just sumn wrong about her"
rob: "she's perfectly fine to me tho"
kai: "to you, but to all of us no"
ro: "your just too innocent, and she in the other hand.. not"
rob: "you guys just met her tho, you guys barely know her like that"
tia: "OH and you know her more than us? you guys barely even met and now yall wanna be holding hands or sum shit"
rob: "what's wrong with us holding hands"
kai: "it's the fact that you like her"
ness: "go fuck her all you want, but watch. she's just gonna play with your feelings and go for someone else, like nothing happened between the two of you. i'm warning you robert"
rob: "whatever i-"
vic: "shh, she's coming"

celia came back downstairs and smiled at us. some of us gave her a neutral smile, some didn't. she sat back down next to robert, snaking around his hand.
we were silent.

cel: "um, is something wrong?"
y/n: "oh no, let's continue"
jen: "alright, nessa"

we continued playing the game until it was 2am. must be wondering who had the most shots. it was roshaun. we all had at least some shots. vic barely even had any. we all fell asleep at last, until someone got up.

cel: whispering "robert, robert"
rob: "what" whispering
cel: "come, follow me"
rob: "where?"
cel: "to y/n's room."
rob: "why?"
cel: "cause, just follow me."
rob: "fine"

they both got up and disappeared in the darkness. everyone else was dead asleep, and i was just falling asleep. what the hell are they gonna be doing in MY room?


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