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chapter edited

it was 1 am and we were still awake. i was getting a bit tired, but not much. the rest were getting tired but they're not giving up.

gian: "i'm fucking tired"
y/n: "then go to sleep"
gian: "no"
anna: "then stop complaining"
alv: "exactly"
gian: "shut the fuck up"

we were vibing to music, when we heard little snores. gian had fallen asleep. 1 down, 2 more, since there's only one winner.

alv: "looks like someone is getting egged tomorrow"
anna: "now it's just the 3 of us"
y/n: "i ain't going to sleep yet"
alv: "neither am i"
anna: "same"

2 am
it was the next hour, and no one has fallen asleep. i was getting a bit more tired, but i ain't giving up. alvaro and i were eating chips.

alv: "these chips be bussin"
y/n: "yessir, anna you want some?"
y/n: "anna?"
y/n: "she fell asleep"
alv: "looks like she's getting egged tomorrow, too"
y/n: "now it's between you and me"
alv: "i'm winning"
y/n: "no, i am"

3 am
alvaro was scrolling through tik tok, while i was watching youtube. i was getting real tired. i needed to use the restroom, so i got off the trampoline. i was gonna go in, but i remembered we have an alarm. if i open the door, it'll go off. which means, i gotta use the restroom out here. oh well, what can i do about it. i went behind our shed and used the restroom. it was kinda cold. after all that, i went back to the trampoline. i'm gonna go to sleep, i don't care if i get egged.

y/n: "it's kinda cold out there, was gonna freeze my ass while peeing"
no response
y/n: "alvaro, were you even listening to me?"
silence ; checks
y/n: "i won bitches"

can't wait to egg them bitches tomorrow. i finally went to sleep.

it was the next morning. i woke up to gian, anna, and alvaro jumping.

y/n: "bro wtf"
anna: "goodmorning"
gian: "so, who lost"
y/n: "you, anna and alvaro"
alv: "wait what?!"
y/n: "i got off the trampoline to use the restroom, i come back to you sleeping"
alv: "fuck my life"
y/n: "let me go get eggs"
gian: "wait now?!"
y/n: "yes now"

i got off and went inside to get eggs. gonna be entertaining. i got eggs and went back outside.

y/n: "lemme record first"
starts recording
y/n: "guys i'm about to crack eggs on them cause they lost, so i think 3 eggs for each is good"
alv: "fuck"
y/n: "alright stand side by side"

they stood side by side. i was gonna throw the eggs at them.

alv: "why are you standing far from us?"
y/n: "i'm throwing the eggs at you guys"
gian: "fuck my life"
y/n: "first up: anna"
anna: "damn"
y/n: "close your eyes"

i threw the first egg and it hit her stomach.

anna: "damnn, you throw hard"
y/n: sarcastically "whoops"

the second egg hit her head.

anna: "oww"
gian: "that must've hurt"
anna: "no shit it did"

the third one was a lame throw, it hit her leg. next was alvaro.

alv: "i'm scared"
y/n: "good"

first egg: chest, second egg: arm, third egg: thigh

alv: "that hurt like a bitch"
y/n: "good, your last gian"
gian: "oh fuck"

the first egg hit his head. the second egg hit his private part, and i didn't mean to aim it there.

gian: "no!-" falls
alv: "now that's pain"
y/n: "i didn't mean to, cmon last egg"
gian: "i don't wanna do this anymore"

we were still laughing and i grabbed one more egg. i threw the egg randomly and it hit gian's face. ohh lordd.

gian: "OW wtf!"
y/n: "why did you look up dumbass"
anna: "he had bad luck"
gian: "fuck you"

i ended the video and went inside to get wipes. i came back out and handed them wipes. alvaro cleaned his thigh, arm and shirt. anna cleaned leg and her shirt. gian went to go shower and anna was waiting for her turn.
meanwhile, alvaro and i were taking down the fort. we took everything inside. alvaro was taking off the covers. well, that was fun. i posted a part one and two of the video on tik tok. a lot of comments were talking about how gian got the bad luck. i was liking some comments. then i read a comment saying "you guys should make a youtube channel". now that's smart. how come i didn't come up with that? i liked and replied to it.

y/n: "we should make a youtube channel"
alv: "you think we'll get subscribers?"
y/n: "yours plus mine, obviously. plus, we can gain more if we end up in people's recommendation"
alv: "true true, but what are we gonna name it?"
y/n: "i say "The Romero Twins" since we're obviously twins"
alv: "sounds good"
y/n: "and maybe we could post our first video tomorrow?"
alv: "but what will it be about?"
y/n: "a mukbang + q&a, so they can know us better"
alv: "oh yes, that's good. but we should go buy a camera to record, no?"
y/n: "how, if stores are closed rn?"
alv: "walmart, target, krogert, are opened"
y/n: "but best buy has the best cameras"
alv: "can we not check if its open? jesus"
y/n: "fine, let's go"
alv: "if we're making a q&a, don't you think we need some questions from people out there?"
y/n: "right, i'll post on insta rn"

we got our shoes and i went to go get the keys to our car. my mom was eating cereal.

mom: "where you guys going?"
y/n: "a la tienda"
(to the store)
mom: "necesitas mascaras"
(you need masks)
y/n: "where we gonna get that?"
mom: "hay en tu carro"
(there's some in your car)
y/n: "oh ok"
mom: "and put on hand sanitizer, in your car too"
y/n: "ok gracias"
(thank you)

damn, we need to wear masks now. i got in the car, alvaro started it.

alv: "what took you so long"
y/n: "mom was telling me we need to wear masks to the store"
alv: "really?"
y/n: "yeah and we need to sanitize our hands"
alv: "but where are the masks?"
y/n: "mom said there's some in here"
finds them
y/n: "found them"
alv: "damn, aight let's go"

we were on our way to best buy. i posted an insta post, so people can leave some questions for us. we got there and yeah, it was open. there was barely people. we went inside and we see people with masks. damn, is this how we're gonna go out now? with masks on? well, it's for our safety. we went to the camera area and looked for one.

alv: "look at this one"
y/n: "it looks a bit too small

we kept looking and i found one that i really liked.

y/n: "i like this one a lot"
alv: "it's hella nice"
y/n: "let's get it"
alv: "so much money"
y/n: "shut up"

we got the camera and went to go pay. we left and head to target. we went in and went to the electronic area. we were looking for a ring light.

alv: "damn, there's a lot of them"
y/n: "we should buy a big one and a medium one."
alv: "and why two?"
y/n: "cause why not"
alv: "jesus"

we found the ring lights we wanted and went to go pay. before we left target, i got starbucks cause why not. we left and head back home. we arrived and went inside.

y/n: "ya llegamos"
(we arrived)
mom: "que compraron?"
(what did you guys buy)
y/n: "una cámara y luces"
(a camera and [ring] lights)
mom: "o ma goodness"
alv: "gastamos mucho dinero bruh"
(we wasted a lot of money)
mom: "no mames"
y/n: "for our tik toks y youtube"
(y - and)

we went upstairs to our room. we took out the stuff we bought. alvaro was setting up the ring lights, while i was trying to turn on the camera. i was looking at the instructions.

y/n: "i turned it on"
alv: "i'm done"
y/n: "we should record the mukbang today, then we'll edit, then post it tomorrow"
alv: "let's do it now"
y/n: "alright"

we let our mom know we were gonna go get food for us. we left and we were on our way. i recorded a short carpool video and posted on my account. my caption read: "we're posting a yt vid tmr, so subscribe to our yt channel, up on our bio!" we got to this place where it had some bomb ass food. we went in and bought shit we liked. paid and got back in the car.

alv: "i'll set the camera up, while you look for the questions"
y/n: "kk"

alvaro had set up the camera and i found some questions. alvaro started recording. we weren't really that nervous.


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