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chapter edited

next morning, at school
we've arrived at school. we got off and seen ale with that blonde girl we talked about yesterday. we walked up to them.

ale: "hey guys, this is victoria. vic these are my very close twin friends: y/n & alvaro."
y/n&alv: "hey victoria!"
vic: "hey!! you guys can just call me vic"
y/n: "alright, you're very pretty!"
vic: "thank you!! so are you!!"
y/n: "thank you!"
vic: "so cool that yall are twins"
alv: "i know right, but she can sometimes be annoying"
y/n: "shut up, so are you"
alv: "anyways, do you know anyone else besides us?"
vic: "um, just mattia and the girl he talks to aka my friend jenna"
y/n: "so that's the other girl we're meeting later"
ale: "yup"
alv: "or actually now"

i turned around, seeing mattia with the jenna girl. mmk

tia: "hey guys, this is jenna. jenna, this is the twin siblings, alvaro & y/n"
y/n&alv: "hey jenna!"
jen: "hi!"
(𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚙𝚞𝚕𝚕 𝚞𝚙)
vic: "are those your other friends?"
ale&tia: "yup"

i ran up to kairi, hugged him, then helped him by carrying his bookbag.

ale: "guys, this is vic & jenna. girls, this is josh, roshaun, nessa, kairi, & robert."
them: "hello!"
girls: "hi!"
ness: "you guys seem pretty nice"
girls: "thanks!"
alv: "let's go inside, i'm cold"

we head inside and talked in there. the bell rung and head to our classes. vic & i had chemistry together, so we walked there. we head inside and seen cynthia looking at us. she rolled her eyes and picked up her phone. bruh, what's her problem?

vic: "did you see that?"
y/n: "yup, ignore it. she's a bitch"

we sat down in our seats.

class was over and i packed up my stuff. i was waiting outside the door for vic. she came out, then cynthia did. cynthia tried to be slick by giving vic a dirty look.

y/n: "why is she giving dirty looks for?"
vic: "probably mad & jealous"
y/n: "yup, for sure. but if she does anything to you or jenna, you can let me know"
vic: "gotcha"
y/n: "alright, cya"
vic: "cya"

we then head off to our second periods. why is cynthia giving vic a bitchy face? can she not mind her own damn business? damn, be getting on my nerves.
nessa's pov
i was walking to second period with jenna, since we had it together. we spotted cynthia in the halls. she gave us a disgusting look. the hell.

jen: "the fuck is her problem?"
ness: "probably mad and jealous"
jen: "idk why she would be jealous, when she has a whole boyfriend"
ness: "for real, she's probably gonna cheat on him too"
jen: "yup, like the hoe she is. probably gonna go after one of his friends"
ness: "homie hoppin"

we were all at lunch, and we invited jenna & vic over.

y/n: "bro, cynthia gave vic a bitchy face for no reason, earlier"
ness: "she did the same to jenna"
jen: "idk who the hell she think she is, but she ain't givin me nothin"
ale: "she's obsessed, that's what"
rob: "she keeps looking at us for no reason"
tia: "fuck her hoe ass. she gotta control her eyes"
y/n: "she gets on my fucking nerves"
ness: "she makes me wanna beat her ass"
alv: "why would she glare at us, when she has a whole boyfriend she can stare at"
jen: "she's a hoe"
ness: "she's gonna go hook up to one of his friends, i already know it"
ro: "imagine if he ran back to mattia"
kai: "fuck both of them. if he does, he ain't getting no damn forgiveness from anyone"
y/n: "if this keeps happening, i'll simply confront her"
vic: "but, won't that cause drama again?"
y/n: "yeah, but she's the one who keeps glaring at us for no reason and it bothers me. if something bothers me, i'll simply point it out."
ale: "let's see how this day will go"

we continued to talk, with the remaining time of lunch period we had. vic & jenna are very sweet. we've gotten really close with them.


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