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chapter edited

i woke up to kairi not being in bed. i got off and used the restroom, first. i got out and left the room. i went downstairs, into the kitchen. i seen kairi cooking up some breakfast. both of his parents were at work and maiya was at school, so it was just kairi, milo, and i. he hasn't noticed me, so i went to go get milo real quick. i had milo in my arms now and we both went to go say goodmorning to kairi.

y/n: "milo and i wanted to say goodmorning."
(𝚓𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝)
kai: "oh shit, you scared me"
y/n: "oh, sorry"
kai: "it's ok. damn, the house is so lonely. since it's a tuesday."
y/n: "maiya at school, the parents working. just you, milo and i."
(𝚙𝚞𝚝𝚜 𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚘 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗)
y/n: "sheesh, milo is growing a bit."
kai: "really? i don't see the difference."
y/n: "he's gonna be taller than you soon."
kai: "oh shush."
y/n: "nah but maiya is definitely getting taller."
kai: "i know. what if she's taller than me?"
y/n: "then, the boys are gonna make fun of you for it."
kai: "fuck them."
y/n: "is ok to be short. i'm short. shorter than you."
kai: "yeah, by only like 2 inches."
y/n: "i'm 5'2. but i'm still shorter than you. don't forget, alvaro's short too."
kai: "he's taller by an inch."
y/n: (𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚜𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚖) "kairi, you sometimes can be difficult."
kai: "thanks."

we laughed and ate our breakfast.
kairi went to the living room to clean, while i stayed in the kitchen with milo, cleaning. i was cleaning the counters, when i came across a little note in the corner. i decided to not open it, and continued cleaning. though, it's tempting to open it, but no. i'm not gonna open it. so stop thinking about it. i kept cleaning. and i did it. i opened it. yep. your so dumb y/n.
i opened it slowly and read what it said in my head:
"don't tell anyone this, but i kinda like gianmarco-maiya"
hold up, what?? she likes my brother?! as in, gianMARCO?! maiya, you could do so much better. but if she likes him, what can i do about it? i'll let them like each other. they're too young to be in a relationship, anyway.
i kept thinking until kairi came in. i hid the note behind me.

kai: "what are you doing?"
y/n: "cleaning."
kai: "what did you hide behind your back?"
y/n: "nothing."
kai: "y/nn."
y/n: "if i tell you the truth, will you be mad?"
kai: "no, cause your telling me the truth."
y/n: "so, i might've, sort of, kind of opened the note that was in this c o r n e r r.."
kai: "oh shit."
(𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚔𝚜 𝚞𝚙)
kai: "welp, you already found out."
y/n: "yeahh, but hey! it's nothing bad."
kai: "gian can sometimes be a dick."
y/n: "i know, maiya could do better. BUT, what can we do about it?"
kai: "stop them, duh"
y/n: "don't be overprotective now. they're just middle schoolers, they obviously gotta know they're too young."
kai: "fine, but you can't tell alvaro or gianmarco."
y/n: "anna?"
kai: "she's trustworthy, right?"
y/n: "sometimes, but mostly yeah."
kai: "i don't want maiya mad."
y/n: "i know i know, but what if gianmarco likes her ba-"
kai: "i don't wanna think about it"
y/n: "you're funny."
kai: "i know i am."

back home - evening
i was in my room, chillin, until i remembered the note from earlier. no, i'm obv not gonna say it word to alvaro or gianmarco. butt, i can to anna. she's really good friends with maiya.
i got up and head to anna's room. she was laying on her bed, watching tik toks.

y/n: "hey anna"
anna: "huh- oh hey"
y/n: "i gotta tell you something"
anna: "lemme close the door"
(𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚘𝚛)
anna: "okok, so what is it??"

alvaro's pov
i was going up the stairs when i saw y/n in anna's room. she only goes in there when she has to tell her shit. i tried my best to not get noticed.

y/n: "i gotta tell you something"
anna: "lemme close the door"

anna then closed the door. ima be a chismoso. i went up to the door, put my ear against the door, and tried to ease drop.

y/n's pov
anna: "okok, so what is it??"
y/n: "maiya has a bit of feelings for gian.."
anna: "which one?"
y/n: "huh?"
anna: "which one?"
y/n: "wym which one?"
anna: "you dumbass, gianluca, as in mattia's brother?! or ours?!"
y/n: "ohh"
anna: "oHh, who?!?"
y/n: "gianmarcO."
anna: "gianMARCO??"
y/n: "yes, gianMARCo."
anna: "oh pls, not him."
y/n: "i know BUT they're young, let em be"

alvaro's pov
maiya has WHAT? feelings for WHO? nonono, she can't be crushing on a dickhead. i shall ask if he has feelings. let's go
i walked into gianmarco's room. he was playing COD. he sucks ass.

alv: "ayo gian, maiya's here!"
(𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚜𝚎𝚝 𝚘𝚏𝚏)
gian: "huh?!"
alv: "maiya's downstairs. aren't you gonna go greet her?"
gian: "i'm not even dressed nice! or smell nice! i can't have a girl i-"
alv: "i knew you liked her!"
(𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 & 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑)
alv: "ok, but the fact that you haven't showered is nasty as fuck."
gian: "i'll shower later. is she actually here??"
alv: "no dumbass, i just wanted to test you!"
gian: "what's wrong with you?!"
alv: "she likes you back!"
gian: "what?!?"

y/n's pov
i was still talking to anna, when we suddenly heard yelling in gianmarco's room.

anna: "you hear that, too?"
y/n: "yup."
(𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚠𝚊𝚕𝚕)
alv: "i knew you liked her!"
y/n: "like who?"
anna: "who knows, let's keep listening."
(𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛)
alv: "she likes you back!"
gian: "what?!?"
(𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗)
anna: "could they be talking about .. maiya?"
y/n: "hope not, cause i barely even talked loud about it."
anna: "orr.."

my eyes gotten more wider.
we ran out of anna's room and into gianmarco's.

y/n: "WHAT are you guys talking about?"
gian: "nnothing"
alv: "gianmarco likes maiya!"
anna: "fucking pendejo, you listened to our convo through the door, didn't you?"
alv: "no, pfft."
y/n: "alvaro, why!"
alv: "i wanted to know too!"
y/n: "you nor gian shouldn't be knowing anout this!"
alv: "who said?!"
y/n: "kairi fucker!"
alv: "well, i'm sorry! can we just pretend none of this happened?"
y/n: "whatever"

hours past and i started to feel tired. i got up, did my usual night routine. i charged my phone, and head to bed. if alvaro says one thing about maiya OR gianmarco, he's dead. i finally fell asleep.


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