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chapter editing

may 14 - roshaun's birthday
today was roshaun's birthday. he finally turns 19. today, he wants us to go over to his house to celebrate with him and said to bring masks, so we're safe. it's been so long since i seen the group. since march and it's now may. 2 months, damn. felt like it was longer. it was 2 and we were heading to his place. we didn't have time to go to the mall and buy him something because we woke up late and school. so we put $100 inside an envelope.

we got to roshaun's house. we seen most of the group there, with their masks on. it's funny but it's to keep us safe. we put on our masks and got off. they seen us and ran up to us.

ness: "fuck 6 feet apart-"

she hugged me, then everyone else did.

ro: "sup dickheads"
y/n: "hey bitch, happy birthday"
hands envelope
ro: "you got me a gift?"
alv: "yeah, we couldn't get you sum nicer cause we woke up late and shitty ass school but i hope that's enough"
ro: "i don't even care about gifts, i just wanted yall to be here with me but thanks guys"
y/n: "your welcome"
vic: "is everyone here?"
ale: "kairi's not here yet"
tia: "mf always late to shit"
jen: "he arrived"

boutta say, my dream isn't a dream then. i gotta stop thinking about that. kairi arrived and got off. everyone ran up to him.

kai: "this is all i could get you since i was rushing, happy birthday bro"
ro: "thank you"

everyone was hugging him. i want it to be my turn please

kai: "alvaro!"
alv: "kairi!"
man hug
kai: "missed you short bud"
alv: "missed you too bae"
kai: "where's y/n"

i stepped in front of him. before i could say anything, he went straight into hugging me. i was surprised but really happy, so i immediately hugged back.

ness: "such couple goals, awe"
vic: "makes me feel lonely"
ale: "helloo..?"
rob: "damn, yall can let go of each other now"
ro: "rob, let them have their moment"
jen: "right"

we finally pulled back. it felt so amazing to see him again. i realized i was tearing up a bit, but so was kairi, it made me laugh.

alv: "damn they didn't just hug, they also cried"
ness: "probably because they haven't seen each other for 2 damn months?"
alv: "attitude."
jen: "mattia & i did the same thing tbh"
vic&ale: "so did we"
alv: "okay shut up"

we laughed and went on with the day.

it was dark and we decided it was best to go home. we'll see each other again on the 16th, aka mattia's birthday. everyone had left but us & kairi. we said bye to roshaun and made our way to our cars. alvaro went in the car, so it was just kairi & i. we both pulled down our masks.

kai: "fuck this covid shit, these masks make my damn ears hurt"
y/n: "and it's hard to sometimes breathe in it, like let me live"
kai: "honestly, but i missed you so much"
y/n: "i did too"

we hugged again. i felt like crying again but i hold them tears back.

y/n: "i wanna kiss you, but cov-"

he cut me off and kissed me. i obviously kissed back. but is this against the rules? idc, i wanted to enjoy this moment. we pulled back and we both smiled.

kai: "that felt fucking amazing to do again"
y/n: "fuck covid at this point"
kai: "honeslty, tired of this bullshit"
y/n: "well, i gotta get going before alvaro gets mad"
kai: "fuck him"
y/n: "tbh"
kai: "alright, see you on saturday"
y/n: "yep, bye baby"
kai: "bye bye"

we hugged one more time. ugh, lovin this tbh. we separated and we got in our cars.

alv: "goddamn, what took you so long"
y/n: "can i not have a moment with my boyfriend"
alv: "i thought he had left a while ago"
y/n: "well no he didn't dumbfuck"
alv: "anyways let's go"

finally made it home. i got ready for bed. i got on my bed and thoughts ran through my head.

it felt so amazing seeing kairi again. i honestly gotta stop thinking about that damn dream i had 2 nights ago. it was just only a dream. when he kissed me, it made me so happy, i wanted to cry. felt so long since i had his lips against mine. stop, i'm gonna cry again just for thinking about this. ima just go sleep now.


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