𝟻𝟸 - 𝚙𝚝. 𝟸

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i'm not gonna make y/n go in details about the s3x cause it's weird. anyways.

i don't even know what to say. knowing this is my first time having s3x with someone i have been with for so long and truly love. it's so new and different to me. it was such an experience. yes i know i've seen some s3x scenes in movies but like, i never expected myself to do this WITH my boyfriend. i'm literally like wtf in a shocking way.

we were downstairs in the living room, cuddling up on the couch, taking care of milo.

kai: "so?"
y/n: "soo..?"
kai: "how did you feel? were you scared?"
y/n: "i felt a bit nervous cause yk, i've never done that before, so this was obviously new to me."
kai: "ooo and kairi cosentino takes away y/n y/l/n's virginity"
y/n: "stopp"
kai: "should we tell the group?"
y/n: "about?"
kai: "me taking yo virginity away?"
y/n: "no, until i'm ready"
kai: "i'll respect that"
y/n: "what if the condom ripped?"
kai: "i checked, it didn't. don't overthink babe."
y/n: "you're right"
kai: "even if it did, i'm not saying it did cause it didn't but even if it did rip, i don't mind having a kid."
y/n: "if i was pregnant, you wouldn't care?"
kai: "no, i want to have kids with you either way. i'm not gonna be those boyfriends that just fuck and then leave you after finding out your pregnant."
y/n: "cause it's fucked up"
kai: "exactly and only used them for s3x, another fucked up thing"
y/n: "yup."
kai: "look, you overthink too much babe, and it only stresses you out. don't do that to yourself, ok?"
looks up
y/n: "i won't."
kai: "let's go to the park with milo"
y/n: "what time is it?"
kai: "almost 6:30"
y/n: "i have to be home by 8, so we have time"
kai: "so.."
y/n: "yeah, let's go"

we got up and kairi went to go get milo's leash. if i was pregnant, kairi wouldn't care about being a dad. he would actually be there for the kid and support me and the kid. i'm not saying i'm pregnant cause the condon didn't rip but if i WAS. i really love kairi with all my heart. i'm just blessed i'm with him and that he understands me in any way.

4 days later
so these past few days, we celebrated my cousin's birthday, and robert's birthday. both days were really fun and good days to remember. robert liked the gifts alvaro & i bought for him. i knew he would like that hoodie i got him. alvaro didn't like it but it ain't for him. anyways, today's the 21st and i was supposed to get my period yesterday, but it did not come. it's probably coming in late. it only comes a day late. fingers crossed hope it comes.

next day
nope. it didn't come. i was upset. its supposed to come every month. it always comes on time or a day late. it's been two days and i haven't gotten my period. i'm getting anxiety cause.. what if i'm pregnant? what if the condon actually broke and we didn't see it? stop, don't overthink like kairi said. it only makes me more nervous, stressed and everything! i went on google and i have to wait at least a week to be able to take a pregnancy test. i'll wait 3 more days.

3 days later
okay, today's the day. i'm gonna go buy 3 pregnancy tests. i'm scared, what if i'm actually pregnant? what will i tell my siblings? my parents? i feel like i wanna cry. i know i'm 18, but i'm a young adult. if i'm pregnant, i'm pregnant. i'll be moving out soon after i graduate so i'll be okay. i called kairi.

y/n: "babe, come to the store with me please."
kai: "what for"
y/n: "to buy pregnancy tests"
kai: "oh right, i'll pick you up"

i hung up and i was waiting outside. i only told my mom i was gonna go to the store with him. can't tell her the reason.

few minutes later and kairi came. i got inside his car.

kai: "you're nervous, aren't you"
y/n: "yeah cause the condon actually rip!"
kai: "i'm sorry babe, i should've been more careful."
y/n: "it's fine. if i'm pregnant, i'm pregnant. plus, having a child would be an amazing gift to me."
kai: "that's true but what will our parents say?"
y/n: "i hope it gets negative. but if it's positive, then oh well. i ain't gonna abort it"
kai: "true. let's go"

we went into walgreens. we were looking for some pregnancy tests and we found them. i got 3 and went to go checkout.

(𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚎𝚛 - 𝚏.𝚌)
f.c: "these pregnancy tests are for you honey?"
y/n: "um, yeah.."
f.c: "yall look young. how old are you?"
y/n: "we're both 18.."
f.c: "omg, you are young. ima give you some advice, just incase you are pregnant."

the cashier gave me some really useful and helpful advice. she was so sweet, wish i could cry. we were finally done paying.

f.c: "you guys stay safe and god will be with you."
y/n: "you too, thank you very much!"

we got back to my house. glad it was empty. my parents went out with my uncle and aunt, and my siblings went out with friends. so i could peacefully and calmly take the tests. we were in my bathroom.

kai: "don't be scared, ok? i'll be right out here. you'll be okay i promise."

i nodded my head and closed the door. now, i have to pee on it.

okay now that i've peed on it, i have to wait 3 minutes for the results.
3 minutes later
okay it's time. i'm scared. i think google said to wait a few days to take another test. so ima take another one in 2 days. okay, i got the results and it's...


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