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chapter edited

we pulled up to kairi's driveway.

y/n: "we're all hanging out here soon, might as well stay"
alv: "you gotta clean your side of the room tho"
y/n: "can you please clean it for me? i'll owe you back, please"
alv: "mm i don't know"
y/n: "i promise i will, please"
alv: "fine, but you do owe me back"
y/n: "yes yes, take my bookbag with you as well. thank you!!"

alvaro rolled his eyes and drove away. i love this kid. we went inside kairi's house and got greeted by his mom. i greeted her back and gave her a warm smile.

hir: "i'm so glad kairi has a girlfriend like you. helping him out, cares about him, loves him, trusts him. and he can be himself around you. even maiya and i love you!"
y/n: "awe, this makes me really happy! i love the both of you guys as well!"
hir: "now, go with kairi while i make some lunch!"
y/n: "you don't want any help?"
hir: "no thank you honey, i'm alright!"
y/n: "you sure? cause i ca-"
hir: "it's ok, it's ok!"
y/n: "if you need help, call me down"

she gave me the sweetest smile and i headed to kairi's room.

y/n: "i love your mom, she's so sweet and cute!"
kai: "i know, got it from her"
y/n: "you're more rude than sweet but yeah, get it i guess"
kai: "woww"
y/n: "i'm just kidding, you are sweet, when you wanna be"
kai: "i'm always sweet"
y/n: "SOMEtimes"

we laughed. we were having a good alone time, until mattia bust into the room.

tia: "sup whores"
kai: "easy on the door man"
rob: "were you guys about to kiss"
ness: "what's wrong with that"
rob: "nothing"
ale: "if your jealous, just say that"
alv: "you don't even have a girl either"
ale: "i'm actually talking to someone, fyi"
alv: "who is it now"
y/n: "your talking to someone and we didn't know??"
ale: "my ba-"
y/n: "sit down ale, let's chismear"
y/n: "how come you never told us about this girl"
ale: "i thought yall would like, hate her or sum"
ness: "um why would we"
ale: "next question"
y/n: "ook, so who's the girl?"
ale: "her name's victoria, but people would call her vic"
ro: "isn't it that one girl with dirty-blonde hair?"
tia: "i thought it was brown"
ro: "nah, you blind. it's dirty blonde"
josh: "yeah, it definitely is"
ale: "you know her?"
josh: "we have a class together"
ale: "ohh ok"
rob: "it's dirty blonde, stupid fuckers"
tia: "shut up robert"
y/n: "you got a pic of her?"
ale: "yeah"

he pulled out his phone and unlocked it. he went into his camera roll and pressed on a pic of this dirty-blonde haired girl. she seems nice.

ness: "she's pretty"
y/n: "she seems nice"
kai: "how long have you been talking to her for?"
ale: "um i think a month"
ness: "and you had the audacity not to tell us"
ale: "sorry jeez"
y/n: "can we meet her tomorrow?"
ale: "yeah, i'll bring her to our spot in the morning."
ness: "kk"
y/n: "kk. so what about you mattia?"
tia: "what about me"
y/n: "any girls your interested atm?"
tia: "nah"
josh: "he lyin"
ro: "what about the time in the hal-""
tia: "roshaun, just be quiet"
ness: "no roshaun, keep talking"
ro: "there's this one girl that kept flirting with mattia in the hallways"
kai: "wait, was it during the prep rally?"
ro: "yeah, you were there?"
kai: "i was with you guys, dumbfuck"
tia: "he was with us"
y/n: "mattia flirted back, i already know"
tia: "well-"
ro: "he did"
tia: "yall never let me talk"
y/n: "i wanna meet her too please"
ness: "this feels nice, having new friends"
alv: "your weird"
ness: "no you"
tia: "i guess you guys can meet her"
y/n: "bet when?"
tia: "tomorrow, during lunch?"
others: "bet" "ok"
ness: "so everyone is taken now, sheesh"
alv&rob&ro: "not us"
ness: "oh, i forgot about you guys"
alv: "shut up"

hours later, we all left home. man, tomorrow is gonna be interesting. meeting other girls. they seem nice ngl, and pretty. let's just hope they're not, you know who. but i doubt it.


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