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today was the day our friends got to my newborn. they were all pretty excited

some of them had texted me they had arrived. i was sitting on the couch, holding sammy. the doorbell rung and kairi went up to open the door. kairi dabbed up whoever was there and let them in.

"give me my nephew" alvaro said

"chill damn" i said

"hey language" ale said

i playfully rolled my eyes and past sammy to alvaro after he sat down.

"remember to-"

"support his head, i know. i'm not stupid" alvaro said

"finally used your brain for once" kairi said

"shut up" alvaro said

seconds later, doorbell had rung. i went up to the door and opened it

"hey girll omg i missed you. though it's been like 4 days" nessa said, hugging me

"i missed you too" i chuckled, as we pulled away

"omg you still look the same after that belly popped" she laughed

"i miss it ngl. so much weigh but fun having it" i said

"hey robert, i missed you too. so how are you, oh i'm fine" robert said, behind nessa

nessa rolled her eyes and moved so robert was fully visible. i laughed and hugged robert

"hi robert, i missed you" i said

"missed you too, how are you feeling" he asked

"i'm feeling good right now. i kinda miss my belly bump though" i chuckled

"i've gotten used to the pregnant y/n" he said

"yeah me too. come in" i said

nessa and robert came inside and walked towards ale, who now had the baby

"i wanna carry him" nessa said

"no, i barely had him" ale said


momentirally, the rest had came. they all had a turn carrying sammy. adorable

"he really has both y/n and kairi's genes" jenna said, who was carrying the baby

"he really does huh" alvaro said

"he so fucking cu- oh my god" nessa said

we laughed at nessa for slipping out fuck. though my baby will get used to hearing cuss words soon

"how did you feel when you were giving birth" mattia asked

"it felt scary cause this is obviously my first child, so i didn't know what to do, but the nurses were helping me through it, keeing me calm and so i felt a bit better" i said

"it must be nerve racking, just having a whole ass human just popping out of your pussy" ale said

"god poor baby" jenna said covering sammy's ears

"it really is though. so whenever one of yall bitches get pregnant, i'll give you the advice i had taken from many people" i said

"who's many" rob asked

"my mom, kairi's mom, my aunt, who else" i said

"ok jeez sorry"

"i wanna have a child of my own now" nessa said

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