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chapter edited

time skipping
it's been a year now since the romero twins moved. y/n & alvaro got really close to the group, especially y/n and kairi. they hung out pretty much everyday after school. kairi and y/n had feelings for each other, but are too afraid to confess. they were all now in sophomore year.
at school - y/n's POV
alvaro & i arrived at school. ugh, school. we got off and walked. nobody was outside waiting for us but kairi. we greeted him and talked.

alv: "if ima be honest, yall would be the best couple evER"
y/n: "why are you so loudd"
alv: "cause i can"
kai: "who has this much energy this early in the morning"
alv: "me, do sum about it"
kai: "shut up shithead"

we laughed and chatted for a bit. the rest of the group started to arrive. we greeted them and we all started talking.

tia: "we should all hang out at my place after school"
everyone: "bet"

school's finally over and we all met outside. i called my mom and told her we were gonna hang with the group. she was ok with it and so i told her goodbye and everything.

we got to mattia's house and we went inside. we went down to his room and hung there. every time we go to his place, alvaro & i always say his room is nice. his room is just.. nice.

y/n&alv: "your room's nice"
tia: "why do you guys keep saying that"
alv: "cause it's nice"
rob: "they sound like aliens, when they speak at the same time"
alv: "shut up"
y/n: "fuck you"

we laughed and went separate ways. the boys were playing fifa, while cynthia & i were chatting on mattia's bed.

cyn: "soo, what do you think about them?"
y/n: "they're all fun and sweet. honestly, i'm glad i moved"
cyn: "girl, i'm just glad i get to see you again"
cyn: "do you like any of the boys besides mattia ofc"
y/n: "you and mattia are cute together, no cap."
cyn: "did you get the "no cap" from alvaro?"
y/n: "ever since he said it, it's been stuck in my head"
cyn: "soo, do you??"
y/n: "what"
cyn: "like any of the guys?"
y/n: (𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚛𝚔𝚜) "what if i do"
cyn: "ayo, whoo??"
cyn: (𝚐𝚊𝚜𝚙𝚜) "i think i know who it is"
y/n: "whoo??"
cyn: "kairiii"
y/n: "ok okk, shut up!!"
(𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍)
cyn: "you like kairii, you like kairii"
y/n: "shut up-"

i accidentally pushed her, a bit hard. she fell off the bad and we started laughing. i was laughing too much, to the point where i also fell off the bed, which made me snort, and the boys turned around.

tia: "who the fuck snorted?"
ro: "ohh they're doing drugs"
y/n: "roshaun!!we're not doing drugs!"
cyn: "we're not those type of girls that do drugs"
y/n: "exactly"
alv: "oink oink"
y/n: "shut up"
kai: "why did you guys laugh so hard.. & loud"
y/n: "i accidentally pushed cynthia off the bed, which i apologize"
cyn: "it's fine, i kept say-"
y/n: "sssaying something verry funny, cynthia let's go upstairs a bit"
cyn: "umm okk"

we head upstairs and closed the door. we head to the living room and sat on the couch.
kairi's pov
why would y/n cut off cynthia like that. hmm, ima see after this round of fifa.

ale: "they're weird"
alv: "y/n's sus"
rob: "i wanted to know what cynthia was gonna say. what if it one of y/n's secrets"
tia: "idk but i love cynthia the way she is"
ro: "simp"
tia: "stfu, you simp too"

y/n's pov
we were alone in the living room. i'm guessing mrs. polibio went out. cynthia grabbed me a water, and a drink for herself, too.

cyn: "soo, why are we here again?"
y/n: "you can't say i like kairi out loud!"
cyn: "why not"
y/n: "because if he knows that i like him, it's gonna be awkward. like, what if he doesn't feel the same way? it's gonna ruin our friendship and it'll never be the-"
cyn: "calm down woman! i'm sure he feels the same way"
y/n: "how would you know"
cyn: "cmon, do you not see the way he acts when he's around you?"

kairi's pov
we finished off another round of fifa. we all decided to do a tiktok, but before that, ima check on the girls. i made my excuse.

kai: "ima go use the restroom real quick"
tia: "alright"

i head upstairs and opened the door quietly. i seen cynthia & y/n talking quietly. i crawled on the floor and hid behind the kitchen counter, near the living room. i could hear them somewhat clearly now.

y/n: "because if he knows that i like him, it's gonna be awkward. like, what if he doesn't feel the same way? it's gonna ruin our friendship and it'll never be the-"
cyn: "calm down woman!" i'm sure he feels the same way."
y/n: "how would you know"
cyn: "cmon, do you not see the way he acts when he's around you?"

looks like someone noticed it. i'm much of a dick to tell her how i feel. maybe i should walk around with her, and maybe see how it goes. i went back downstairs and told them.

kai: "i just found out.."
ale: "..found out what?"
rob: "y/n does drugs!?"
kai: "no dumbass, she likes me!"
them: "what?!" "ayoo"
tia: "i mean, do you like her back?"
kai: "yeah"
ro: "sheesh, my guy got a girl now"
alv: "not yet"
kai: "yeah, not yet"
ale: "are you gonna confess? or are you much of a dick?"
(𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚔𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒)
kai: "haha funny. i'm gonna tell her sometime soon."
tia: "better, before it's too late"
kai: "when she comes down, don't say anything"

y/n's pov
we stood up, to go head back down downstairs.

cyn: "you gotta tell him soon, no later"
y/n: "i know, i know. i'll see when i can."

we head back downstairs and everyone was looking at us, especially me. they're so weird.

y/n: "what are yall staring at?
ro: "huh"
cyn: "anyways, whatchu guys doin"
tia: "we're making a tiktok, wanna join?"
cyn: "sure!"
y/n: "ima just chill out on the bed"
tia: "ok then, cmon guys"

they made their little tiktok video. it was kinda funny, so i recorded them. i was just on my phone, chilling when someone approached next to me. i put my phone down and seen kairi. oh lord

kai: "hey, you wanna go walk around a bit?"

he whispered in my ear. my eyes widen.

y/n: "sure, for what?"
kai: "idk, outside feels nice and it be nice to yk, walk around"
y/n: "alright, sure"

he got up and he helped me get up. we were walking up the stairs, when mattia said something.

tia: "where are you guys going?"
kai: "we're just gonna walk around, that's all"
alv: "yall better not run away"
y/n: "what?"
alv: "just go"
tia: "stay safe, too"
kai&y/n: "yup"

we left the house and started walking. the climate outside was the best. cold but feels good.

kai: "alvaro's weird"
y/n: "i know. he's fun to be around but he can be random, weird, and dumb sometimes"
kai: "i can tell"
kai: "have you ever been in a relationship?"
y/n: "no actually"

he looked at me in shock. people back in texas and last year would tell me "how have you never been in a relationship if you're really pretty" "oh your such an amazing girl" blah blah blah.

kai: "you fr?"
y/n: "yeah"
kai: "your lying to me"
y/n: "no, i'm being serious. you can even ask alvaro"
kai: "how wtf. you're an amazing and beautiful girl."
y/n: "eh, it's whatever. and thank you for the compliments"
kai: "mhm"
y/n: "this is random but, i love your smile."
kai: "thanks"
kai: "you wanna go to the park, so we can see the sunset?"
y/n: "and see the stars. that actually sounds fun rn, let's go"

i grabbed his hand and we ran. we arrived at the park and stayed in this spot that had the best sunset view. we were both admiring it. we laid down and looked up. damn, it was dark already. stars were already popping out so we stared at them. this is the best night.

kai: "the sunset and stars are so damn pretty"
y/n: "i've never seen the stars with someone like this before"
kai: "wym?"
y/n: "like, with someone i really love being around with.. like you"

we both looked at each other for a moment. kairi looked at my eyes, then my lips. is this a sign that he wants to.. kiss me? he started to lean in. oh shit. i say fuck it and lean it too.

we kissed.


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