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chapter edited

at hospital - kairi's pov
we finally arrived to the hospital. my leg was hurting so fucking bad. the medical assistants opened the doors and carried me off the bed. we all got out of the back of the vehicle and went in the hospital. our (y/n & kai) hands let go, since she had to wait out in the waiting room. they took me to the x-ray room and placed me on the bed. they carefully put my injured leg down and went to check out on the leg on the monitor thingy.

doc: "it's broken."
kai: "fuck"
doc: "how did you break it, again?"
kai: "my friends and i were at the trampoline park and my friend decided to jump right infront of me. i went in the air too high and my leg bent the way it shouldn't have bent."
doc: "alright. so you're obviously getting a cast and crutches. your gonna be in a cast for 6 weeks. i know it seems like a long time, but it's a way to heal your leg."
kai: "i understand."

he went out to go get the stuff for my leg. i can't believe it. 6 weeks in a cast. i have school to go to, tho. the teachers better let me leave class 5 minutes before the bell.
the doctor came back with the cast and crutches. he put the cast on my leg, carefully. feels so weird, but nice. he then gave me the crutches. i got up and grabbed them. we walked out of the room and head to where the others were.
y/n's pov
we were waiting in the waiting room. a few minutes past and we seen kairi and the doctor coming towards us. we got up and listened to what the doctor had to say.

doc: "alright so, he'll be having the cast for 6 weeks, to be able to have the leg healed. here is the school note, so make sure you give that to your principal."

i grabbed the paper and some other papers.

y/n: "alright, thank you so much."

we all walked out of the hospital. i was walking the same pace as kairi.

y/n: "how are you feeling?"
kai: "weird, but it's cool walking around like this"
y/n: "i'm sorry this happened to you."
kai: "it's not your fault. the one who should be apologizing is mattia."
y/n: "yep, he should."

we finally got to my car and i helped kairi get in. i closed the door and sat in the passenger seat, with alvaro in the driver's.

alv: "i can't believe you actually broke your leg"
kai: "yeah, i'm still waiting for an apology from someone."
alv: "ohh he's the reason why it broke"
y/n: "i'm hungry, anyone else?"
kai&alv: "yeah"
alv: "where should we go eat?"
kai: "chik-fil-a? please"
alv: "bet"

we drove off to chik-fi-la. we ordered what we wanted and drove off slowly to the first window. the line was kinda empty, but there was still customers ordering. we finally got our food, and drove off to kairi's house. we got there and i got off to help him.

kai: "thank you guys for driving me home and getting me food, i appreciate it."
y/n: "your welcomee and will you be ok with everything at home?"
kai: "yes, plus i already have you helping me at school. i'm not gonna force you to help me all the time."
y/n: "alright then, we'll pick you up tomorrow."
kai: "alright"

i opened the front door for him. he got inside, we kissed and waved. i got in the car and finally ate some of my chik-fi-la. damn know i was hungry.
we got home and went in our separate ways.

gian: "oo did you get me some food?"
y/n: "no fatass"
gian: "fuck you"

i head upstairs, into my room, with alvaro chilling in his bed.

y/n: "mattia should be apologizing for what he did."
alv: "who knows when he will, mans never apologizes for anything."
y/n: "sometimes but yeah"

i hopped off my bed and decided to hop in the shower.
after showering, i got in my pjs and head out. i enjoyed my night playing some roblox.


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