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chapter edited

i woke up by my alarm. i turned it off and went to my closet. i grabbed a pair of clothes and headed to the shower. i got out and changed. i turned on the dryer and dried my hair. i brushed it and head downstairs. my parents are at work so i just left to school with alvaro.

we arrived and seen the group. we went up to them and greeted them.

kai: "guess who's singing today"
y/n: "who"
rob: "now, don't play dumb"
y/n: "oh me"
alv: "i'm confused"
y/n: "so kairi and i made a bet yesterday before going to the bowling alley and so my bet for him was to run down the street half naked and his for me was to sing a karaoke infront of yall and HE gets to chose the song"
alv: "she can't sing for shit"
y/n: "your one to talk"
tia: "and we're doing it at my crib"
y/n: "of course"

school was over and we went over to mattia's. we went inside and head into his room. we all either sat on his bed or stood up.

ale: "do you have a speaker and mic?"
tia: "of course"
ro: "mattia in clutch"

mattia went to go find his speaker and microphone. while, everyone else was helping kairi pick a song. oh god.

ale: "i say that one"
kai: "you sure?"
cyn: "yess, do it"
kai: "bet"
cyn: "gotta dress her like it too"
alv: "alright then go"

cynthia came up to me. she took my hand and we went into mattia's bathroom. she got one of mattia's poofy coats, her beanie, and her sunglasses.

cyn: "put them on"
y/n: "why am i putting this one?"
cyn: "you'll see why, put it on!!"

so confused. i put on the coat, the beanie and sunglasses. i look so weird. are they tryna embarrass me. they're so funny.

cyn: "alright, let's go!!"

she took my hand and went back out. they looked at me and laughed a bit. mattia gave me the microphone.

y/n: "yall tryna embarrass me huh"
ro: "aye, it's the deal"
y/n: "whatever, play the song"

kairi played the music and it started playing. wait, it sounds familiar. is it what i think it is?

y/n: "wait, is this freak the freak out, the song tori sang from victorious??"
cyn: "ding ding ding! why else would i make you put on the coat, sunglasses and beanie"
y/n: "omg, unpause the music right now!!"
ale: "it's playing dumbass"
y/n: "restart it stupid"

kairi restarted the music and played it. omg i love this scene from the show (if y'all don't know the show victorious, where were you?). my favorite part is coming. omg

y/n: "nodding your head, don't hear a word i said. i can't communicate-"

i took off the coat, beanie and sunglasses, just like tori did. ofc, they were all recording me but i didn't give a shit. i was enjoying this moment.

y/n: "i'm so sick of it, your attention deficit. never listen, you never listen"

i was singing my heart out. man, i feel like i'm doing this scene in real life.
kairi's pov
oh, my, god. she can sing. and she says she can't sing. in my opinion, she's doing amazing. it's so shocking to me. she's really enjoying it.

ale: "bro, she can fucking sing"
cyn: "and somebody wanna be saying she can't sing for shit, cough cough alvaro"
alv: "leave me alone"
y/n's pov
my other favorite part is coming. they better yell it out too.

y/n: "so what i'm gonna do now is-"

we were all jumping and having fun. at first, i thought it was gonna be embarrassing but it turned out hella lit.

momentarily, the song ended. that was so fun to do.

rob: "ok but you can actually sing"
tia: "my mind went directly blank"
cyn: "it literally blew our minds like wtf"
y/n: "you should be ashamed alvaro"
alv: "ok i get it, i said she can't sing. sorry"
y/n: "at first i thought yall were gonna make me sing an embarrassing song while dressing up like that. but turns out, it was lit. i was enjoying that shit"
ro: "oh, we can tell"
kai: "we recorded yo ass too"
y/n: "lemme see it"

ale pulled out his phone and pulled up the video. it started off when i said "yall tryna embarrass me huh". i looked so ridiculous. i was hella confused on why they made me wear that shit.

we arrived back home. i head upstairs and got into my pjs. i went downstairs to eat dinner.

y/n: "wassup fam"
gian: "shut up"
(𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚜 𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚔)
gian: "OW"
anna: "why are you so loud"
alv: "exactly, like shut up"
gian: "don't talk before i smack yours"
alv: "do it. you won't, you won't"

gian got up and started chasing alvaro around the house. childish. i was with my mom, helping her.

y/n: "ooo spaghettii"
mom: "puedes agarrar la crema, porfis"
(could you grab the cream, please)
y/n: "yes"
mom: "pinche anna no me lo dio"
(fucking anna didn't give it to me)
y/n: "huevona"
mom: "ni hablas porqué eres huevona también"
(don't talk because you're lazy too)
anna: "EXACTLY"
y/n: "shut up your MORE"
mom: "ya callen las dos"
(both of you shut up)

anna: "anywa-"
gian: "STOP"
y/n: "what the.."
anna: "nvm"

we finally ate dinner. so delicious. i went upstairs and got everything ready for school tomorrow.


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