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chapter edited

march 13
it was a school day. so tired of school. can't wait to graduate. oh, and we gotta be careful around celia. fucking snake.

alv: "just imagine if we seen celia around kairi."
y/n: "shut up, i don't wanna think about that bitch"
alv: "chill out, kairi loves you."

we arrived to school. we got off and walked to our spot. we didn't see robert. oh lord.

y/n: "so i'm guessing robert stayed home cause he's crying"
tia: "yup"
alv: my lord robert"
people around them talking about lockdown
tia: "yall here that?"
ale: "lockdown? what's shutting down?"
others talking about coronavirus
ro: "coronavirus?"
kai: "i remember seeing that shit somewhere on twitter, saying how a virus is spreading around the world. some countries are already shutting down."
ness: "and it hit the us"
vic: "so they're shutting down places"
jen: "ok, how do you guys know about this but not me"
alv: "fr"
kai: "i seen it on twitter"
vic: "news"
ness: "news"
y/n: "wtf, that's wild"
bell rings
tia: "i think the teachers are gonna be talking about it"

during 8th period - kairi's pov
i was on my way to the restroom, until someone pulled me into the janitor's closet.

cel: "heyy"
kai: "ew, what the hell do you want?"
cel: "you know what people do in janitor's closet?"
kai: "either make out or fuck, why?"
cel: "we're gonna be one of those people who fuck or make out"
kai: "we? i'm not in this."
cel: "but your in here with me, too late"
kai: "i don't wanna be with you celia, leave me alone."
cel: "but i love you kairii"
kai: "and i love-"
cel: "me."
kai: "no, y/n!"
cel: "ew, not that bitch"
kai: "the real bitch is you."
cel: "don't call me a bitch"
kai: "ok then don't call y/n a bitch"
cel: "why don't you love me?"
kai: "celia, i never loved you, idk what the fuck your on rn, but you need to go get help"
cel: "shut up, don't disrespectful to your girlfriend!"
kai: "bro, you're not my girlfriend!"

y/n's pov
i was walking to the library to get something, until i heard something in the janitor's closet. who's in there? i went to go eavesdrop and heard kairi & celia in there. what are they doing? is he cheating on me? i doubt that..

kai: "i don't wanna be with you celia, leave me alone."
cel: "but i love you kairii"
kai: "and i love-"
cel: "me."
kai: "no, y/n!"
cel: "ew, not that bitch"
kai: "the real bitch is you."
cel: "don't call me a bitch"
kai: "ok then don't call y/n a bitch"

why is she so obsessed with kairi? like, there's other dudes she can go for, but she chose the one who's already damn taken. my lord. what a home wrecker.

cel: "honestly, i just wanna make out with you rn"
kai: "you are no where touching me, so i need to get out."
cel: "no, stay!"
kai: "celia, back the fuck up!"

hell no, she is not gonna fucking touch him. i opened the door real quick. looks like someone forgot to lock it. celia then stopped leaning in.

cel: "who the hell invited you here?"
y/n: "myself."
kai: "thank you for saving me!"
cel: "no, sta-"
y/n: "don't fucking touching him."
cel: "i'll touch him whenever i want, don't tell me what to do."
kai: "no you're not"
cel: "bab-"
kai: "don't call me "baby". i'm not your fucking boyfriend."
cel: "yeah you are, the fuck."
y/n: "fucking slut ass bitch, she's just like cynthia"
cel: "don't be talking shit about my bestie like that, you whore snake bitch"
y/n: "first of all, you and your little friend are just alike. two, the real snake and whore is you. stop mixing your damn words around."

nessa's pov
i was doing a partner activity, with vic. we later heard some yelling outside the hall. what's going on? vic & i decided to sneak out of the classroom, since the teacher wasn't looking. we left and seen y/n, kairi, and celia. oh lord.

ness: "what's going on?"
cel: "why are you in our business?"
ness: "who the hell asked you to speak up?"
cel: "you ask a que-"
ness: "i was asking kairi & y/n, not you."
y/n: "this bitch was in the damn closet with kairi"
kai: "she pulled me in there! she was forcing me to make out."
cel: "i'm your girlfr-"
kai: "for the last time, you're not!"
ness: "what a home wrecker and whore. slept with other guys, including robert, left them and is now obsessed with kairi."
vic: "and called him a distraction, messed up."
cel: "shut up softy"
ness: "what did you say?"
cel: "she's a softy, your a slut, y/n's a whore, jenna's a bitch, robert's a dick, and your other damn friends are bitches"

nessa was so mad, she slapped celia right across the face. oh shit.
jenna's pov
i was in class with mattia, when we heard yelling outside the hall. we later then heard my name. someone called me a bitch? who the fuck? we left the classroom and we seen nessa slap celia. oh shit

jen: "so she called me a bitch?"
cel: "don't fucking slap me!"

celia slapped nessa back and they both started fighting. kids started to appear out of nowhere and circled around the fight. i was too busy cheering for nessa.
y/n's pov
celia and nessa were fighting. oh lord, i started recording. it was interesting. kids were appearing and circled around the fight. we let them fight for a few minutes, until a teacher came into the scenario. they were blowing the whistle and tried to break up the two. mattia & kairi pulled nessa, and the teacher was holding back celia. students' heads were peeking out of their rooms to see what was going on. two teachers took the girls to the office.

after school
i went to our spot and waited with alvaro. they all arrived.

ale: "i heard about the fight"
alv: "there was a fight??"
tia: "nessa and celia"
ro: "nessa and celia?!?"
y/n: "yep"
nessa walks up
ness: "so, i'm obviously not suspended cause we're going on quarantine"
alv: "you guys fought and i didn't know??"
kai: "it was during class"
y/n: "i have it recorded, i'll-"
others: "SHOW US"
y/n: "not here, or i'll get in trouble"
alv: "ok then our place?"
others: "bet" "ok"
alv: "bet, let's go"

damn, i can't believe today will be the last time i'll be with my friends in person. man, i wish this virus wasn't existing. alvaro & i arrived home. gian & anna were in the kitchen.

gian: "yo, did you hear about school shutting down?"
y/n: "yes, we did"
gian: "we don't have to go for a few weeks, let's goo! but ima miss my boys"
anna: "i mean, i'm glad that we're not gonna go to school for a few weeks, but ima miss my friends and i'm gonna be bored being stuck at home"
alv: "uh what about us??"
y/n: "we make this house fun and entertaining, so be quiet"
gian: "eh, i guess"
alv: "looks like mom and dad will be home, too"
y/n: "damn"
alv: "i'll get it"
gian: "mattia!"
tia: "sup gian"
dabs up
gian: "hello jenna"
jen: "sup"
tia: "dang, i can't believe today it'll be the last time i'll see the four of you chipmunks"
y/n: "this virus is wild"
gian: "i'll get it"
gian: "oh shit, hi everyone. come in, come in"
nessa walks in
gian: "wassup ness-"
ness: "shut up"
kairi walks
kai: "fuck off"
gian: "wha-??"
maiya walks in
mai: "hi gian, hi anna, hi everyone"
gian: "what are you do-"
anna: "hey maiya!!"

8 pm
damn, it's already dark? but, i don't want my friends to leave. they were getting ready to leave.

tia: "ima miss my favorite twins"
ro: "see you guys when we come back"
vic: "ima miss you guys!!"
ness: "i don't wanna leave but i have to"
ale: "see you next time hoes"
y/n: "stop, this makes me sad"
alvaro walks out with them
kai: "well, this is the last time ima see you in person"
y/n: "i hate this"
kai: "i don't wanna go"
y/n: "i don't want you to go either, but it's for our safety"
kai: "yeah"
y/n: "but before you do leave, i wanna be able to get my last in person beso"
(beso - kiss)
kai: "my pleasure"

he lifted my chin and placed his soft lips on mine. this was for sure a passionate soft kiss. something i haven't felt before. this was such an amazing moment. i didn't wanna stop. we eventually pulled away.

y/n: "damn, ima miss that hella"
kai: "i gotta call maiya down"
calls maiya
mai: "yes!?"
kai: "cmon we gotta go!"
mai: "aww"

maiya's pov
mai: "aww"
anna: "you have to go?"
mai: "yup"
gian: "aw man"
mai: "ima miss you guys"
anna: "byee"
gian: "bye maiya"
hugs ; gian blushes
mai: "bye"
anna: "you should ft me when you get home!"
mai: "for sure!"
anna: "are you blushing??"
gian: "what- no."
anna: "awe look at you"
gian: "stop"

y/n's pov
mai: "i'm here"
kai: "did you say bye?"
mai: "yup"
kai: "alright, get in the car"
mai: "ok, bye y/n!!"
mai: "ima miss you!!"
y/n: "bye maiya, ima miss you too!!"
she leaves
kai: "i'm just hoping during quarantine, nothing happens."
y/n: "yeah, especially with the celia shit."
kai: "fr, bitch gets on my last nerves.
y/n: "she gets on everyone's nerves"
kai: "alright, i'll text you when i get home"
y/n: "alright"
hugs for a while
kai: "ima be texting yo ass every day"
y/n: "how cute"
kai: "i love you."
↬ smiles
y/n: "i love you too."
he leaves

welp, that's it. they left. no more hang outs for a while.
alvaro's pov
i seen maiya walk out.

mai: "bye alvaro!!"
alv: "bye!"
kairi walks out
alv: "ima miss you short buddy"
kai: "ima miss you too"
hugs ; squeezes kairi's ass
kai: "ayo"
alv: "aight, bye"
kai: "bye"

and he drove off. man, i don't want this to happen. can't believe i'll have to see them through the screen. so much better in person. quarantine is taking over now.


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