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chapter edited

it was cynthia. my bestfriend that i haven't seen ever since she moved. she ran up to me and i ran up to her and we hugged. we pulled away eventually.

cyn: "i cannot believe it's you! i haven't seen you in forever! i didn't even know you moved already!"
y/n: "well, now you do! but, i've missed you so much!"
cyn: "me too!"

we hugged one again. alvaro came in and of course, he ruined the moment.

alv: "who's that?"

we pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

y/n: "you did not just ask who cynthia is"
alv: "ohh, cynthia!"
cyn: "yeah, you dumbass"

we laughed and they gave a quick hug.

alv: "it's been a while bro"
y/n: "for real, it was boring without you back in texas"
alv: "not really but sure i guess"
cyn: "wow rude"

we laughed and cynthia gave him a playful punch in the arm.

we told cynthia we had to go and we went on finding more things. after paying, we went home and got our own supplies. i went downstairs to tell my mom goodnight before i head off to bed.

y/n: "alright ma, ya me voy a dormir"
(ma, ya me voy a dormir - mom, i'm going to sleep)
mom: "alright, la escuela tu y alvaro van a ir se llama Passaic Valley."
(the school you and alvaro are going to is called Passaic Valley)
y/n: "oh ok, goodnight"

i headed to my room and went straight to sleep.
the next morning
i woke up to my alarm. i turned it off and got out of bed. i got the clothes ima be wearing today and headed off to shower. i got out and brushed my teeth. i changed into my fit.
(you can image any outfit)
i brushed my hair, grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs. my mom was there, cooking alvaro and i some breakfast. smells so good.

y/n: "good morning"
mom: "good morning! i made you guys some breakfast"
y/n: "gracias"
(thank you)

i was eating my breakfast while alvaro came in to the kitchen. my mom served his breakfast.

alv: "thank you ma"
y/m: "your welcome mijo. now hurry along, i don't want you guys to be late"

we were done eating our breakfast and we headed to the car. the school wasn't that far from us, it was only 5 minutes away from our home. we have arrived at our new school.

mom: "we're here"
alv&y/n: "thank you"

we got off and walked in. we headed to the office to get our schedules. the office was pretty easy to find.

we got are schedules, looked over them and only had 2 classes together. we only had a few minutes till the bell rung, so we decided to go outside and talk.

alv: "damn, i'm not ready"
y/n: " me either but it's whatever, we're here"
alv: "true, but wh-"
cyn: "y/n! alvaro!"

we turned around to see cynthia. i was so happy when i saw her. i ran up to her and gave her a hug.

y/n: "i didn't know you go to this school!"
cyn: "i didn't even know you attended this school!"

we laughed and pulled away. alvaro was just standing there, staring at us.

cyn: "what are you staring at"
alv: "jeez sorry"

we laughed and the bell had rung. we headed to our first period. gladly, i had mine with cynthia, which was history. we went inside the classroom and the teacher saw me. he introduced me to the class and told me i could sit in the desk next to cynthia. phew. i sat next to her and class has began.

it was lunch time and cynthia was waiting for alvaro and i to put away our things in our locker.

cyn: "you guys will be sitting with me and my friends"
y/n&alv: "alright"
cyn: "they're really fun & nice, so i hope you guys like them"

we entered the cafeteria and followed cynthia. it was a table full of 5 boys. damn, so many guy friends. we introduced ourselves and cynthia introduced them to us.

cyn: "this is alejandro, mattia, kairi, robert, and roshaun."

they all said hi to us and we sat down. i've noticed one of the boys looking at me. what was his name again? oh yes, kairi. he kept looking at me. i mean he is cute. alvaro and i were already getting along with the guys. they're really chill and fun.
after school
school is finally over. i was outside with alvaro waiting for cynthia's mom cause our mom can't pick us up since she's working. alvaro went to go talk with the boys, so i was alone. i was on my phone until someone approached to me. it was kairi. i put my phone down and smiled at him.

y/n: "hey kairi"
kai: "hey, y/n right?"
y/n: "yes! what are you doing here?"
kai: "you looked lonely and so i decided to, you know, give you some company"
y/n: "awe, you didn't have to do that, but thank you"
kai: "how was your first day?"
y/n: "it was good. at first it was scary cause you know, this is a new highschool for me, so i was really nervous"
kai: "i get it. i was nervous too since we're only freshmans and i obviously don't know the highschool well but now i'm used to it."
y/n: "yeah, eventually i'll get used to it too"

kairi was checking his phone. i'm guessing his mom is here.

kai: "welp l, my mom's here. but before i go.."

he asked me for my number and socials and so i gave him that. we said goodbye to each other and he left. cynthia approached towards me.

cyn: "i see you were alone with mr. wasian boy"
y/n: "oh cmon, you know we're only friends"
cyn: "mhmm, alright let's go. my mom arrived"

alvaro and i followed cynthia to her mom's car. we got in and told cynthia's mom our address. we arrived and we thanked cynthia's mom for giving us a ride home. we said our byes and went inside. i went straight to my room and decided to take a nap.


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