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chapter edited

y/n's POV
today was the day of the big surprise date. i was so excited. i checked the time and it was 12pm. why did i wake up so late? oh well. i texted cynthia about it and now she will be taking me to the mall. first, i need to text kairi about what should i wear.

 first, i need to text kairi about what should i wear

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ok, so something nice for the outdoors. ok ok. cynthia texted me she was outside.

(cm - cynthia's mom)
y/n: "hi mrs. parker!"
cm: "hi darling!"
cyn: "hey girl"
y/n: "heyy"
cyn: "i'm excited for you! wonder why he's doing this"
y/n: "i'm excited too and yeahh, but let's go!!"

we drove to the mall. we got there and got off the car. we went into some shops but i couldn't find a dress i like. i went to this one store and i found the right one:

 i went to this one store and i found the right one:

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this is the one. i bought it and we left. it was 4, so i had 3 hours to get ready. cynthia waited for me to get out of the shower, so she could do my makeup. i was blow drying my hair and brushing it. i did some light curls. cynthia did me a little natural makeup. just perfect. i checked the time and it was 6:30. i put my shoes on and waited downstairs. cynthia has to go, so she left. it's been a few minutes until i get a text from kai saying he's here. i walked out and headed to the passenger seat. before i could, kai walks out and opens the door for me. what a gentleman. i smiled at him and sat waiting for him to drive off. i was so nervous but very excited. yes kairi can drive. he has his temps atm. we all have our temps.

kai: "wow, you look beautiful"
y/n: "awe, thank you. you look handsome"
kai: "thanks, you ready?"
y/n: "sure am"
kai: "alright then"

and he drove off. i was excited to see what he did. we eventually got to the date place and it already was looking amazing, due to the sunset. we got off and kairi put a blindfold on me.

kai: "alright, take my hand"
y/n: "make sure i don't fall, please"
kai: "i will, don't worry"

we held hands and headed to the area. we arrived and he took off my blindfold. it was beautiful. a little picnic, with candles around it, plus an amazing view of the sunset. i smiled at him and kissed him.

y/n: "kai, this is so beautiful. i don't even know what to say, i'm speechless."
kai: "i know you love the sunset, don't even lie"

we laughed and sat on the picnic blanket. we ate whatever he brought and laid on the blanket. we stared at the stars. it was a beautiful night. i'm so happy he did this.

y/n: "thank you for bringing me here. it's so beautiful"
kai: "no problem"
kai: "i wanted to tell you something, that's why i made this date."
y/n: "alright, i'm listening"
kai: "like i said before, you've been my bestfriend ever since i've met you, and when i met you, you've made me happy for the past year & a half now. since freshman year, you would always make me happy no matter what. you would never fail me at making me smile/laugh. you were always there for me whenever i needed you and so was i. i've made this date because..."
kai: "because i wanted to ask you something.."
(𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚔𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗)
kai: "y/n y/m/n y/l/n, would you like to be my.. girlfriend?"
y/n: "yes, yes i would love to be your girlfriend, kairi samuel cosentino!"

we hugged and kissed. this is the best. night. ever. we pulled away from the kiss. he wiped my tears and we both smiled. we continued to stare at the stars, holding hands. i eventually fell asleep.
kairi's POV
i did it. i asked her to be my girlfriend. you did it kairi. i love her with all my heart. we were staring at the stars until i noticed the time. 11pm. her parents probably want her home now. i turned around to see her sleeping. she's such a perfect sleeper. i picked her up and headed to the car. she was barely even heavy. i laid her in the backseat. i got the things from the picnic and put it in the trunk and drove her home. i got off and i carried her to the front door. i rung the doorbell and her mom opened the door.

mom: "why hello kairi- oh, she's asleep"
kai: "yeah, she fell asleep during our date"
mom: "ohh, i forgot about the date! how it go?"
kai: "it was amazing, i asked her to be my girlfriend and she accepted it!"
mom: "i am so happy for the both of you!"
kai: "thank you so much! uh, is it ok if i stay here for the night?"
mom: "ofc, come in! she must be heavy"
kai: "thanks! and nah, she isn't"

i took her to her bed and laid her there. i dabbed up alvaro and took off my shoes on the corner of their room.

alv: "how it go?"
kai: "amazing"
alv: "she said yes?"
kai: "uh huh"
alv: "fr??"
kai: "yessir"
(𝚍𝚊𝚋𝚜 𝚞𝚙)
alv: "now, don't break her heart"
kai: "cmon, she's too innocent to get heartbroken"
alv: "i know, and this is her first relationship with someone she truly loves"
kai: "i know, that's why i'm with her cause i love her"
alv: "mhm. aight, goodnight bro"
kai: "night"

i took off my jacket and only had on my pants and shirt. i wrapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep.


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