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chapter edited

it was 2 days before robert's birthday, and so alvaro & i decided to go to the mall today and buy him something. tomorrow, we were going to my cousin's house to celebrate her 15th birthday. she was supposed to have her quince on the 23rd, but it cancelled due to covid, so they moved it to the 15th next year. i was so excited for her quince, but now we gotta wait 'till next year. also for anna, she was also having a quince, but it cancelled so they also moved it. covid really be changing people's lives for the good and the worse, but mainly the worse. at least for me.
(𝚋𝚝𝚠, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚜 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚎 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚜, 𝚓𝚘𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊, 𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚕𝚢𝚗𝚗, & 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚍𝚔)

before we left the mall, i went to the restroom cause i needed to pee really bad. like we've been walking around and i've been holding it for so long. alvaro waited for me at the entrance and i went to the restroom.
i got out and as i was walking, i seen kairi in line for food. lemme go say hi before i leave. i walked up to him and he looked up from his phone and smiled.

kai: "babe! what are you doing here"
y/n: "came gift shopping for robert with alvaro, we're actually about to leave, just went to the bathroom real quick"
kai: "aye, i went gift shopping too and bought some things for myself"
y/n: "i can see that, whole lot of bags"
kai: "yeah, what are you doing when you get home?"
y/n: "nothing, probably just relax. you?"
kai: "nothing too, wanna come over?"
y/n: "sure!"
kai: "bet, i'll let you know when i'm home"
y/n: "alright bye, see you later"
kai: "bye"

i left and met up with alvaro.

y/n: "alright, let's go"
alv: "what took you so long"
y/n: "i had to pee really bad leave me alone"
alv: "sure you were only peeing?"
y/n: "i wasn't shitting! i found kairi in line for food, so i had to go say hi"
alv: "oh he's here?"
y/n: "did i not just say that"
alv: "shut up"

we got in the car and left. going out in public with masks is so weire to me cause i've never had a mask on. everyone in the mall was wearing a mask ofc cause it's the rule to wear one to not get covid. i wonder when this virus will go away.

we finally got home. i was texting kairi during the car ride and he's still in line for food. i mean, the line was long, so that makes sense. we went inside and seen my mom making food. yum
(𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚘𝚜- 𝚖𝚊𝚛)

gian: "oh they're home"
mar: "sup dickheads"
alv: "what are you doing here fatass"
mar: "i'm spending the night dumbass"
y/n: "when did you get here?"
mar: "like an hour ago"
y/n: "oh. where's anna"
gian: "she left"
y/n: "where?"
mar: "my house, where else"
y/n: "shut up"

i joined my mom in the kitchen. she was making sopa de arroz (rice). so good.

y/n: "mami, ima go to kairi's house to hang out, esta bien?"
(is that okay?)
mom: "fine, alas och-"
(at eight)
y/n: "me regreso i know"
(i come back)
mom: "ok, cuídate"
(take care)

i got my mini purse, my phone and the car keys.

alv: "where are you going?"
y/n: "kairi's"
alv: "oh"
mar: "who's kairi"
gian: "her short ass boyfriend"
mar: "how tall is he"
gian: "5'4, you seen him before"
mar: "i have??"
gian: "yeah when.."

i left and turned on the car. it was 5 pm and i obviously have to be home by 8, 3 hours is good enough. i made my way to starbucks because why not. i called kairi to ask if he wanted anything. i parked in the parking lot. he answered

kai: "hello?"
y/n: "babe, do you want anything from starbucks?"
kai: "you already know"
y/n: "anything else?"
kai: "no that's all. are you on your way now?"
y/n: "yeah, ima just get us starbucks and be on the way. wait are you even home?"
kai: "no.. i'm literally about to leave the mall"
y/n: "i- omg i'm so dumb wtf"
kai: "i'm kidding babe, i am home"
y/n: "omg bruh"
kai: "oops"
y/n: "anyways, i'll be there soon"
kai: "k bye"
y/n: "bye"

i hung up and drove up to the drive thru. the line wasn't that line, which is good.

10 minutes later and i finally got my order. i finally made my way to kairi's. his house isn't that far. we live in the same neighborhood, just different streets.

i drove up on his driveway and parked. kairi came out and helped me with the drinks.

y/n: "thanks babe"
kai: "no problem"

we went inside and the house was alone.

y/n: "were you home alone?"
kai: "yeah, my mom went out with my aunt and maiya is at gracie's house. just me, milo and now you"
y/n: "i didn't know you were alone until now"
kai: "i was eating food, want some?"
y/n: "no thanks babe, i'm full"
kai: "what did you eat?"
y/n: "i ate fries with cheese & bacon at the mall from charleys"
kai: "that shits so good"
y/n: "literally. where's milo"
kai: "out in the backyard"
y/n: "let's go outside with him, he'll be lonely"
kai: "fine, let's go"

i got our drinks and he took his food and we went outside. we sat down at the patio table. the climate outside felt nice. i love the wind.

30 minutes past and we decided to go inside. kairi let milo in and he threw away his trash, since he finished eating. we cuddled up on the couch.

kai: "babe"
y/n: "hm?"
kai: "you know how we're about to graduate"
y/n: "mhm"
kai: "and we're gonna become adults soon"
y/n: "we are adults babe, we're 18"
kai: "oh shit"
kai: but like we're gonna be more into adulthood soon"
y/n: "oh, yeah"
kai: "throughout our whole relationship, we haven't done.. yk"
y/n: "i don't know.."
kai: "haven't done.. it."
y/n: "ohh"
kai: "yeeah"
y/n: "babe cmon, we were only like 16 when we got together"
kai: "i know"
y/n: "we were too young to do that"
kai: "i know"
y/n: "plus, remember i said that one time that i wasn't ready"
kai: "i know, i remember"
y/n: "but.. i think i am ready"

i looked up at him and he looked at me, surprised. yes we've talked about this and stuff but we were young and like, having s3x at a young age is wrong to me. that's why i wasn't ready. i wanted to wait until we were older and ready. i mean, kairi has been ready for a year & a half now. we're 18, we're adults. we're about to graduate and alvaro & i are gonna move out soon. we thought about moving somewhere close to our neighborhood cause i wanna be able to visit my family. kairi was still looking at me.

kai: "are you deadass?.."
y/n: "yes. i said until we were older and ready and i feel ready."
kai: "i mean, we're right here so.. kidding"
y/n: "but i'm actually ready."
kai: "are you sure?"
y/n: "yup"
kai: "positive?"
y/n: "yes babe"
kai: "alright then.. let's go"

we got up and made our way to kairi's room.

y/n: "what if your mom comes home or your dad??"
kai: "my mom left once i came home, my dad doesn't come home from work until like 7. we got time"
y/n: "alright"
kai: "before you even ask, yes i do have a condom"
y/n: "damn, you were prepared"
kai: "gotta have one just incase it was time"
y/n: "and it is time"
kai: "babe, are you sure you want to do this? you actually don't have to do this. i don't want you fe-"
y/n: "babe, yess. i am sure i wanna do this"
kai: "ok then. i'll start slow don't worry"

can't believe we're doing this. kairi's gonna be the one taking away my virginity. idk if he has already lost his but he's gonna lose mine. this is my first time doing this and i don't know what to do. but it's okay. i'll learn.

PS: i am not writing a smut cause i will not feel comfortable and it's just weird. and sorry for posting a month later


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