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chapter edited

i went upstairs quietly, so they wouldn't hear me. i tried opening the door as quiet as i could, but they fucking locked it. what the fuck are they gonna do in my room? they better not do shit in there cause i swear on everything, i'm kicking them out of my house. i decided to eavesdrop on them.

celia's pov
i was on y/n's bed, tryna look all hot for robert.

rob: "what are you doing?"
cel: "like i said earlier, i'll be your first body."
rob: "what do you mean by that tho?"
cel: "i wanna fuck you."
rob: eyes widen "as in, sex?"
cel: "yes silly"
rob: "idk, i've never had sex before. plus, this is y/n's house, her room, her bed. she's gonna be mad pissed at us."
cel: "i don't give a shit, she won't know either way."
rob: "i mean, i guess"
cel: "cmon, don't be a dick."
rob: "fine"
cel: "one thing tho"
rob: "hm?"
cel: "can you strip me down?"
rob: "as in-"
cel: "undressing me."
rob: "oh.. bet"

y/n's pov
i was eavesdropping on them.

cel: "i wanna fuck you."
rob: "...as in, s3x?"
cel: "yes silly"

hold up. they wanna have fucking s3x in MY room? what the fuck are they thinking? are they stupid?

rob: "idk, i've never had sex before. plus, this is y/n's house, her room, her bed. she's gonna be mad pissed at us."
cel: "i don't give a shit, she won't know either way."

ok, yes robert is damn right, but celia sounds stupid asf. how is she gonna have damn s3x in my fucking house? i thought we were damn friends. i gotta open this damn door.

cel: "can you strip me down?"
rob: "as in-"
cel: "undressing me."
rob: "oh.. bet"

no, i'm not letting that happen. not in my house, my room, and bed. i went downstairs quietly, but quickly. i went into the kitchen, trying to find the keys to my room, quietly.
alvaro's pov
i woke up to some noise. i got up and heard noise from the kitchen. did someone break in? i went to the kitchen quietly. i seen y/n looking for someone.

alv: "what are you looking for?"
y/n: "you fucking scared me and stay quiet!"
alv: "sorry! but what are you looking for?"
y/n: "the keys to our room."
alv: "why?"
y/n: "it's locked."
alv: "how?"
finds keys
y/n: "celia and robert are gonna fuck in there!"
alv: whisper-yells "what?!"
y/n: "shhh!"
alv: "let's go before it's too late!"

y/n's pov
we went up the stairs. i plugged the keys in the keyhole and tried to unlock it. i unlocked it and opened it. oh my lord. this is NOT what i wanted to see.

y/n: yells "why the fuck are you guys doing this shit!? you guys really think fucking in your friends house is a good idea? are you guys stupid?!"

mattia's pov
i woke up to yelling. who the hell is screaming at.. 2 in the morning? kairi, nessa, and ale got up. everyone else is deep asleep.

kai: "you guys heard that too?"
ness: "where is it coming from?"
tia: "upstairs i think"
ale: "let's go check"

we went up the stairs and seen alvaro & y/n standing infront of their room.

tia: "what happened?"
turns on light
ness: "AYO WTF"
kai: "what the hell?"
ale: "i did not expect myself to see this."
y/n: "i didn't expect myself to hear this!"
kai: "wdym?"
y/n: "they left like what? 10 minutes ago to go up to my room, locked it, talked about wanting to fuck, and are trying to fuck!"
rob: "y/n i-"
y/n: "no robert! i don't wanna fucking hear it!"

i was hella pissed bro. i can't believe they decided to go have sex without me knowing at first and not giving a shit. yes, i know robert said i was gonna be pissed but then he gave in. i can't believe it.

y/n: "get the fuck out of my room."
rob: "i-"
y/n: "GET the fuck out of my room!"

we turned around, so they could change. we all went downstairs and waited for them.
they came downstairs and opened the door.

rob: "i'm-"
y/n: "bye."

as i was closing the door, celia has the courage to say something.

cel: "she's a fucking bitch."
ness: "oh hell no."
y/n: "no nessa, don't waste your time on this whore. plus, it's raining."

i closed the door.

y/n: "let's just go back to sleep. i'm tired of this shit."

we went back to the guest living room and went back to sleep. kairi decided to sleep with me, to calm me down. i was feeling a bit better.

celia's pov
cel: "your friend's a bitch. can't believe she ruined our fucking moment."
rob: "i told you she would be mad."
cel: "i don't care, what matters is that kairi is mine."
rob: "wait, i thought you were with me?"
cel: "no, never was. sorry"
rob: "wait, so your leaving me?!"
cel: "yeah, sorry robert. you were a distraction, bye"

robert's pov
wth? but, we had s3x. she left me just to go for kairi. i gotta warn them. she walked away and left me in the rain. i stood there, helpless. why did i fall for her. they were right.
morning - pov
it was morning time. everyone else has already woken up.

jen: "where's robert & celia?"
y/n: "you didn't hear any yelling last night?"
jen: "no, i was deep asleep.. what happened?"
alv: "they has s3x without us knowing."
vic: "what?? they fucked?"
y/n: "yup, and that whore bitch didn't care if they were doing it behind my back."
ro: "what the hell?"

suddenly, our phone buzzed. robert had texted in the gc. what does he want? i opened it and he said that celia had left him in the rain and was going after kairi now. what?

y/n: "she's fucking obsessed with kairi bro."
kai: "i regret meeting her"
ness: "i think we all do"
jen: "we gotta be careful on monday."
ale: "yup"

celia sounds stupid as fuck. leaves robert and goes for kairi. what a stupid whore. she's just like cynthia. exactly like her.


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