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chapter edited

next morning - 10 am
it was the next morning, and my parents had left to work. which means, we're home alone for pretty much the whole morning and afternoon. i went downstairs and went in the kitchen. i decided to clean the kitchen. i turned on my mom's speaker, the one she keeps in the kitchen. i connected my phone to her speaker, so i could listen to music, while cleaning. i put on my playlist and started cleaning and jamming.
a few minutes, alvaro came downstairs.

alv: "turn your shit down, damn"
y/n: "no, anyways you gotta clean your side of the room and bathroom"
alv: "i know"
y/n: "pos apúrate"
(well, hurry up)
alv: "don't rush me"

few minutes later, gian & anna came downstairs.

gian: "turn that shit down"
y/n: "no. anyways, did you guys clean your rooms?"
anna: "yeah"
gian: "duh"
y/n: "boy shut up and go clean your damn room"
gian: "fine"

after we cleaned, i ordered wendy's for us to eat. after we ate, we threw away our trash and hung out in the living room. randomly, cynthia called me. maybe called me by accident?

alv: "who's calling you?"
y/n: "cynthia"
alv: "why?"
y/n: "idk, ima go see. brb"

i went to the guest restroom. i finally answered the call.

y/n: "hello..?"
cyn: "y/n"
y/n: "yes?"
cyn: "i have to tell you something.."
y/n: "it sounds bad."
cyn: "cause it is.."
y/n: "what did you do..?"
cyn: "i know your gonna be mad but.."
y/n: "..but what?"

cyn: "i slept with another guy.."


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