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month later
2 months pregnant and the bump is getting noticeable slowly. next month is our gender reveal! i can't wait to find out what the gender of my baby is. so i'm getting ready to go somewhere unexpectedly: my house. must be wondering why. well, my dad called me. yes, my dad. he wanted me to go over to talk. so, he better be apologizing, cause if he's just gonna say more bullshit, i'm just not gonna have it. he just needs to accept that the fact that i'm giving birth in 7 months. i head downstairs and seen kairi.
y/n: "babe"
kai: "yes?"
y/n: "can you please drive me home?"
kai: "..home?" he said surprised. knowing it's been 2 months since i've seen my own house. kinda excited to go back.
y/n: "yes. my dad called and said he wanted to talk."
kai: "that's.. surprising. yall haven't talked since you've gotten kicked out."
y/n: "i know, so he better be calm and just accept me for what i'm doing. but here's the twist."

"he also wants to talk to you."

i know, surprising. the day i got kicked out, i told him that my dad was saying shit about him like why wasn't he careful, is he dumb blah blah blah. like i said before, my dad knows how kairi is. he treats me and everyone else really well and he's kind-hearted. mans was just over the heels for no reason.
we got in the car and drove off. we arrived and we stood outside the house. i'm scared. what if we get into an argument again? what if he makes kairi and i break up? i need to stop overthinking. kairi held my hand tight.

kai: "ready?"
y/n: "yeah."

we walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. my anxiety was rising. please go well. the door opened and standing aside was alvaro. he gasped and we hugged. i facetime and text him everyday. just been a while since i seen him in person. we pulled away and he man-hugged kairi.

alv: "what are you guys doing here?"
y/n: "dad called me and wants to talk to us."
alv: "woah, called you??"
y/n: "yeah bozo, called." i chuckled.
alv: "since when??"
y/n: "yesterday night. i was surprised when he wanted to talk to us."
alv: "i'm shocked he even talked to you"
we laughed. miss being around alvaro. he can be annoying sometimes, but he's the best twin i could ever ask for.

"is he home?"
"yeah, come in"

kairi and i came inside. i miss my house. i miss messing around with alvaro, gian, and anna. miss cooking with my mom. if my dad forgives me, i'll probably come back. who knows, what if kairi and i move into our own apartment? well, i guess we can include alvaro. i mean, we both love him. moving out is another convo for later. we sat in the guest living room and waited patiently for my dad. kairi held my hand tight. he's nervous, and so am i.

y/n: "you nervous?"
kai: "kinda. what if he starts yelling at me or sum?"
y/n: "it'll be okay, i promise."

i kissed him on the cheek and smiled. after a few minutes, my dad came in. time to be serious. he sat down in the sofa across from us. he looked pretty calm, so hopefully it goes well.

y/n: "hola pa.."
(hello dad)
dad: "hola.. hija."
(hello daughter)

it was nice hearing him say hija. i smiled softly and sat comfortably.

dad: "and hello to you too, kairi."
kairi looked up. he cleared his throat and spoke.

kai: "hello mr. romero.."
he said, anxiously but smiled softly. now we just wait for him to say something. he cleared his throat and spoke up.

dad: "i made you guys come here because i obviously wanted to talk."

he sounded calm. serious, but calm. kairi and i looked up at him.

"about your pregnancy."


cliffhanger type shit

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