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chapter edited

rob: "quinton?"
y/n: "yeah.."
ale: "nah, he's actually fucked up for that. he was our close friend."
tia: "ofc him. bitch ass had been liking cynthia for a while. and was jealous when he heard we were together, didn't bother me."
kai: "fuck him, fuck her."
tia: "thanks for letting me know y/n, and for defending me."
y/n: "yeah.. no problem."

is he gonna like.. beat him up or something? sounds like he wants revenge. i mean, if he fights him, then i don't care, quinton deserves it. if cynthia tries to do something, i'll simply fight her again. i don't care if i get suspended again or i get expelled, i'm doing it for my bestfriend. he's like a brother to me.
we were outside of the school, at our spot.

tia: "if i see them doing shit infront of my face, i'll do something about it."
alv: "and i'll cheer you on"
(𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚖)
alv: "what, i'm just being a real friend"
tia: "thanks alvarito"

finally lunchtime. so far, nothing has happened. we were all walking to lunch from our lockers. we were all having a good time, until we seen cynthia & quinton. ugh. they seen mattia and on spot, they made out. wtf.

tia: "alright bet"

mattia walked up to them and shoved quinton. oh boy.

quin: "dude, what the fuck is yo problem?"
tia: "fucking little bitch! you want everything for your fucking self!"
quin: "ok and? i liked her before you!"
tia: "what does that have to do with anything?! it's her choice on who she wanted and she chose me!"
quin: "don't seem like it cause she's been wanting to be with me"
tia: "and idk why the fuck you were with me if you never liked me, you fucking hoe!"
cyn: "aye n-"
quin: "don't talk to her like that!"
tia: "i'll talk to her however i like!"

mattia lifted his fist and punched him. quinton then fought back, which made cynthia back up. everyone was circling around the fight. while, we were pushing through the crowd. cynthia was standing there like an idiot. ale & robert were trying to hold mattia back, as other guys were trying to hold quinton back. a teacher then took the boys to the office and ordered everyone to go back where they were supposed to be.
7th period
it was my study hall, so i asked the teacher if i could go use the bathroom. after telling me i could, i got up and left. after i left the bathroom, someone touched my shoulder and turned me around, making me face them. what the hell does she want?

cyn: "can you fucking stop telling people about the situation? it's not cute anymore."
y/n: "first of all, i didn't tell anyone anything besides mattia & the others. so don't be damn assuming."
cyn: "then how do people fucking know?"
y/n: "i don't know! could be from social media or overheard. damn, now leave me alone!"
cyn: "fuck you and your stupid friend group."
y/n: "don't even talk shit, when you were in the friend group in the first place."

alvaro then came to up to us. must've heard us argue.

alv: "woah woah woah woah, the hell- oh"
(𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢)
alv: "ignore her, cmon"


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