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at school
we arrived at school and everyone was there but kairi. where is he? mm, let's ask them.

y/n: "hey guys"
others: "hey" "sup"
y/n: "where's kairi?"
tia: "mf is sick"

but he didn't text me? maybe he was too tired. i'll check up on him after school.

school was finally over and we all said bye. we got in the car and left. i dropped off alvaro and left. i made it to kairi's house, so i parked on the driveway. i got off, got my phone, keys, etc, and went up to the door. i knocked on it.

mai: "hii y/n!!"
y/n: "hi maiya!"
mai: "are you here to check up on kairi?"
y/n: "yupp"
mai: "okayy, after you guys talk or whatever, wanna hang out??"
y/n: "for sure!"
mai: "come in!!"
y/n: "thank you!"

she's such a happy, sweet girl. hope she stays like that. anyways, i went up to his room and knocked, opened it. he was in bed, looking so rough. poor kairi.

kai: "oh hey babe"
y/n: "hey, how are you feeling?"
kai: "feel like shit, can't even breathe well"
y/n: "how did you even get sick?"
kai: "i showered yesterday and i went outside in the freezing cold"
y/n: "now why would you do that"
kai: "cause why not"
y/n: "your so.. idk, weird"
kai: "aye, you too"

we talked and told him maiya wanted to hang out. he was ok with it, so i left to her room.
i spent the afternoon with them. it was fun. i tell everyone bye and left. i got in my car and drove off. i came home and left my things upstairs. i sat down in the living room, with my 3 siblings.

y/n: "sup hoes"
gian: "sup whore"
y/n: "boy shut up"
alv: "shut UP i'm trying to watch this show"
y/n: "alvaro, your always killing my damn mood"
anna: "agreed"
alv: "then leave, this show is interesting"
gian: "it's fucking liv & maddie"
y/n: "oo liv & maddie, love that disney show. scoot over, i wanna watch this. my childhood show. good memories"
gian: "yall weird"
anna: "k"
gian: "shut up"
alv: "k"
gian: "fuck you"

gian went upstairs and went into his room. alvaro, anna, and i were watching our childhood show: Liv & Maddie. man, i miss disney channel. i miss my childhood. i wanna young again.


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