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chapter edited

we kissed for a while. we pulled back and stared into each other's eyes. his eyes are so damn pretty. he spoke up.

kai: "y/n, i wanna tell you something."
y/n: "go ahead"
kai: "y/n, you've been my bestfriend ever since i've met you. we have a really great strong connection between us. i've always trusted & cared about you, and you always will be trusted & cared. you've made me happy since day one. i honeslty don't know what i would do without you. i wanted to confess my feelings to you tonight, here, right now. i like you y/n, a lot. ever since from the start."

i was surprised. i didn't know he actually liked me. i thought i was the only one liking him. now it's my turn to tell him how i feel, which i feel the same.

y/n: "kairi.. i didn't know you had feelings for me."
kai: "you didn't?"
y/n: "no, i didn't expect you to like me."
kai: "well, now you know"
y/n: "you know, ever since that day we got to know each other more and when we tickled each other, i knew from that moment i gained some feelings for you."
kai: "fr?"
y/n: "of course! it's just.. i'm not ready to be in a relationship yet."
kai: "i understand. you haven't been in one and you don't know how it feels. i can wait."
kai: "let's get back before they think we got kidnapped or something"
y/n: "alvaro probably thinks we ran away"

we laughed and started walking back. kairi held my hand, so i hold his back. his hand was warm, while mine was cold. we got back to mattia's house. we opened the door and closed it. we opened the door to mattia's room, aka the basement. we were downstairs and everyone was staring at us.

tia: "woah, y'all are holding hands now"
(𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚢)
kai: (𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚕𝚢) "forgot about that"
ale: "you guys hiding something?"
y/n: "no?"
rob: "cmon y/n, we all know you like kairi"
everyone: "robert!?"
rob: "sorry"
cyn: "robert can never leave his mouth shut"
ale: "tbh"
y/n: "how do you guys know? i only told cynthia."
cyn: "i didn't tell them anything, i swear!"
alv: "kairi told us"
kai: "oh yeah, i overheard you guys, when i went upstairs.."
y/n: "oh, well its whatever. everyone knows now soo"
cyn: "soo you guys officially together?"
kai&y/n: "no"
kai: "she isn't ready to be in a relationship, so we're just, yk"
ro: "talking?"
kai: "yeah"
others: "ohh ok"
rob: "so how was walking around?"
kai: "it was nice, we laid on the grass to look at the sunset and stars"
y/n: "hella pretty, i recommend"
cyn: "yeah mattia"
tia: "what"

alvaro and i had to go home, so he was saying goodbye to everyone. i was with kairi.

kai: "i'll see you tomorrow at school"
y/n: "hoping i get the front seat cause alvaro always takes it"
alv: "shut up!"
kai: "text me when you get home"
y/n: "i will"
rob: "they kissed!!"
y/n: "robert, you sound like a damn 5 yr old saying that"
rob: "shut up"

2 months later - school
it was another school day. damn. i got up and got in the shower. i got out and changed into some sweatpants and a black shirt. i put on my slides and head to the car. we drove off and arrived. we got off and greeted everyone. kairi & i hugged.

alv: "ok i get it, i'm single."
y/n: "we didn't do anything"

after school
i was outside waiting for alvaro. he came and we headed home. i went up to my room and got on my bed. i was just chillin on my phone until i got a text from kairii.

 i was just chillin on my phone until i got a text from kairii

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i got up and head to my closet. i threw on a white crop top with jeans and wore my white crocs. didn't feel like wearing too much. i brushed my hair, put on lotion, perfume, got my phone, charger and wallet and head downstairs. i went up to my mom.

y/n: "ma, can i go hang out con kairi porfis"
(con - with ; porfis - short abbreviation for porfavor aka please)
mom: "el va por ti?"
(he's gonna come pick you up?)
y/n: "si"
mom: "esta bien, voy por ti alas 7"
(that's fine, i'll pick you up at 7)
y/n: "okay gracias"

few minutes later, i heard a honk, which means he's here. i got up, and got my long-strap purse.

y/n: "el ha llegado"
(he arrived)
y/m: "esta bien mija, te cuidas"
(alright honey, take care)

i left and made my way to the car. he opened it for me, how sweet.

y/n: "thank you"
kai: "no problem"
y/n: "hi mrs, cosentino!"
hir: "hi love!"
kai: "are you hungry?"
y/n: "yess"
kai: "what do you wanna eat?"
y/n: "i'm fine with anything, so don't start with the "nO yOu ChOsE" cause i swear"
kai: "chik-fil-a?"
y/n: "sure!"

we headed off to chik-fil-a and ordered our food. we then made our way to their house. we knocked on the door and maiya opened it.

mai: "y/n!! it's been a while"
y/n: "aww i missed you too!"
kai: "ok, you can let go now maiya"
y/n: "hey, let the girl hug me"
mai: "yeah man"

we laughed and eventually pulled away. i said bye to her and went into his room. we were chilling on his bed, then he spoke up.

kai: "ima take you on a date tomorrow"
y/n: "fr?!"
kai: "yep"
y/n: "where??"
kai: "it's a surprise"
y/n: "aww mann. i mean, i do love surprises"
kai: "well then, tomorrow is our surprise date"
y/n: "alright, can't wait!"

few hours past and i went home. i was so excited for our surprise date. i mean, we've been to 2 dates already, but this one was just exciting to me. man, i can't wait. i told alvaro about it.

alv: "another date?"
y/n: "bruh, let the man take me out"
alv: "that's like the third one this month"
y/n: "second dumbass, we went on one last month"
alv: "same thing"

he's so stupid, but i'm excited for tomorrow. i did my night routine and head off to bed. glad tomorrow is saturday.
kairi's POV
can't wait to ask y/n to be my girlfriend tomorrow. it's been two months since we've been talking. if she's still not ready, it's ok. ima text mattia about my surprise date.

i turned off my phone and went to sleep

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i turned off my phone and went to sleep.


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