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chapter edited

we're finally meeting a new character lol
at school
i was doing my work during my first period, when my teacher called me up. i got up and head to their desk.

y/n: "yes?"
t: "they want you in the office."
y/n: "oh, ook.."

i left the classroom and head to the office. what did i do? i was so confused.
i went in the office and seen the principal and a girl: blonde medium-short hair, about same height as me, skinny, pale. she seems friendly.

y/n: "yes?"
p: "hello ms. romero. i called you in because i wanted you to tour this young lady around the school. she's new to our building. and you always love touring people around."

that is true. i've been touring people around since the beginning of my senior year.

p: "i'll let you guys walk around now. enjoy!"
y/n: "soo, what's your name?"
cel: "celia, celia braud. what about you?"
y/n: "y/n romero."
cel: "pretty name!"
y/n: "thank you! so is yours."

she smiled. she's giving me friendly vibes, which is a good thing.

we kept walking around, showing her around the school, her asking questions about school stuff and all, until we came across kairi walking in the halls.

kai: "oh hey y/nn, who's this?"
y/n: "this is celia braud, she's new to the school, so i'm showing her around."
kai: "oh cool, hello celia!"
cel: "hi!"
kai: "i must get going before my teacher thinks i'm skipping or something."
y/n: "alright, cya later."
kai: "bye"
cel: "bye"
cel: "is that your friend?"
y/n: "boyfriend actually."
cel: "ohh boyfriendd? how long have you guys been together for?"
y/n: "almost 3 years now"
cel: "omg, that's a strong relationship."
y/n: "i know, i'm surprised we've been together for that long."
cel: "you guys are so cute."
y/n: "thank you, i appreciate it!"

honestly, we can really become good friends. the girls would love her.

celia's pov
ok, but her boyfriend is fine asl. i might be acting all friendly and shit but that's doesn't mean i won't steal her bae. she's pretty and all, but he's mine. and only mine.
y/n's pov
it was 5th period, which meant lunch. i was gonna invite celia to our table, but she had 4th period lunch, which made me and her sad. no worries, i'll introduce her to the others after school.

y/n: "after school, i want you guys to meet someone."
rob: "boy or girl?"
y/n: "girl."
rob: "bett"
jen: "who is she?"
y/n: "her name's celia. she's pretty and really nice and seems fun to be around."
vic: "celia? as in, celia braud?"
y/n: "yeah, you know her? you have a class with her?"
vic: "no, my friend who goes to the school she used to go to, told me she uses guys to try get with someone she's obsessed with. i don't know if that's true, but that's what they told me."
y/n: "she seems nice to me, though."
vic: "i don't know, i don't go to their school, so i can't really say much."
jen: "your friend's probably lying."
vic: "yeah, you're right."

after school
i was walking out the school building with celia. we seen the group outside.

cel: "i'm nervous, what if they don't like me?"
y/n: "i doubt that. they'll like you."
y/n: "hey guys, this is the girl celia i was telling yall about."
everyone: "hey celia" "hi celia"
cel: "hi guys! wow, i didn't expect you guys being a big group of friends."
ness: "i know, we're trying to keep it small."
jen: "how much people in total is it?"
ro: "it's 9 people"
ale: "it's 10 dumbass."
tia: "he forgot his numbers."
y/n: "say your names idiots."
ness: "i'm nessa."
jen: "jenna"
vic: "victoria, but you can call me vic."
ale: "alejandro, but you can call me ale."
rob: "robert"
tia: "mattia"
alv: "alvaro"
ro: "roshaun"
kai: "kairi"
cel: "you all got nice names!"
everyone: "thank you" "thanks"
y/n: "well, i gotta get going. it was nice meeting you celia. see all of yall tomorrow!"
everyone, including celia: "bye!"


honestly, celia is a really nice girl. she's really seems fun to be around. but what vic said earlier at lunch had me thinking. a whore? it be weird if she was. she seems too nice to be a whore. well, it don't matter. vic's friend is lying for sure. celia don't seem like a whore to me.
celia's pov
all of y/n's guy friends are attractive. idc if robert has a long nose, he's still attractive. might as well get with one of them, then go for another. i'll leave kairi last, cause he's the one i truly want.


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