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chapter edited

may 16 - 1 pm, y/n's pov
it was mattia's birthday, he finally turns 18. the whole group is gonna go over to his rn. i was just waiting for alvaro's slow ass. he finally came downstairs and we left.

we arrived at mattia's house. everyone was here but robert & kairi.. again. we got off and greeted everyone.

alv: "i see robert isn't here yet"
vic: "and kairi"
ro: "once again"
ness: "he'll come, no worries"
alv&y/n: "happy birthday mattia!"
tia: "oh shit, thank you"
alv: "yw"
y/n: "we brought you a gift"
tia: "you did?"
alv: "we did?"

i faced alvaro, confused. please don't tell me he forgot it.

y/n: "yeah, where is it?"
alv: "oh..."
y/n: "omg, you dumbass! how did you forget?!"
alv: "i'm sorry, not my fault i was being rushed!"
y/n: "i wasn't-"
tia: "guys, it's okay. yall can bring it to me another day"
y/n: "you sure?"
tia: "yeah, anyways fuck gifts. yall are here"

robert had arrived. i was expecting him to arrive with kairi, but i guess not. is he not coming again? cause if not, istg what is he doing? he's not even telling me shit no more.

everyone: "hey robert!"
rob: "hi guys, here's your gift bro. happy birthday"
tia: "thanks rob"

they bro hugged. i'm so confused though. why isn't kairi here? isn't he like, mattia's close bestfriend? shouldn't he come to his birthday?

ale: "i'm guessing kairi is still sick?"
tia: "oh yeah, he's still sick."
vic: "he probably does have corona"
jen: "fr, not gonna be near his ass no more"

idk, but it sounds weird to me.

end of hangout - mattia's pov
everyone was leaving. y/n and alvaro were the last ones. just by looking at y/n, she seems worried about kairi. like, she wants to know why he didn't come again. i couldn't tell her straight up "oh cause he's cheating on you with some bitch we don't like". i had to lie ab it. it's the fact that i know she gonna be hella crying tmr, once i tell them.
ale's pov
at the end, mattia's smile slowly faded away. why? idk, ima ask him rn.

 why? idk, ima ask him rn

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in my perspective, it sounds bad

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in my perspective, it sounds bad. did something happen? idk, he said we'll have to find out. guess i'll wait till tmr.
y/n's pov
today was fun. but there was still no kairi. i was really hoping to see him today. i really miss him. but mattia said he's still sick. but the phone call the other day didn't seem like he was? is kairi hiding something? he doesn't text me no more. is he distancing from me? did i do something wrong? what if he's cheating on me.. no, he'll never do that to me, if he really.. loves me. does that mf even damn love me? idk but i want damn answers.


i know, short chapter

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