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the chapter that covers ale's pov was meant to be chapter 55 not 54, i apologize.

at kairi's house - y/n's pov
we've made it to kairi's house. i'm surprised his parents weren't mad at him. i'm just happy they understand, unlike my dad. kairi helped me carry one of my bags. we head inside and seen his mom. he carried my bags up to his room and i thanked him. i went to go sit at the dining table.

hir: "oh honey what happened?"
y/n: "my dad kicked me out."
hir: "what?? he did??"
y/n: "yep."
hir: "i guess he was very angry."
y/n: "yeah, the more i defended myself, the more he got mad."
hir: "oh y/n, i'm so sorry to hear that. you can stay here as long as you want. you are always welcomed here!"
y/n: "thank you so much!"

i pulled her into a hug. she's the best suegra i could ever ask for. i love her with all my heart and always will. maiya came downstairs running and gave me a hug.

mai: "i am SO happy to be an aunt!! omg this is the best thing that has ever happened!!"

awe, i adore maiya so much. such a sweet, friendly, joyful, energetic girl. i just hope she stays like that.

hir: "maiya! leave poor y/n alone. you could've hurt the baby"
mai: "i'm so sorry"

she rubbed my non existent pregnant stomach. we started laughing.

y/n: "i just wanna thank you guys so much for letting me stay here. i mean, i do have my other very amazing friends but i like to be with kairi a lot. he's the best guy i've ever been with. he's my first ever love. he's always been there for me and always understands me in any way. i'm just glad you raised him the way he should be raised. i love you all."

mrs. cosentino wiped her eyes and her, maiya, and i pulled into a hug. kairi eventually came downstairs.

kai: "hey, why are we hugging for"
y/n: "i was just saying how i appreciating yall a lot"
kai: "aw, how sWeEt"
y/n: "hush"

we got into another hug, with kairi this time. we pulled away and took deep breaths in & out.

hir: "y/n are you hungry? i'm almost done making food."
y/n: "yes, i've been starvin. do you need any help?"
hir: "no it's okay. it's almost done. you go ahead and hang out"
y/n: "alright!"

kairi and i went up to his room. we cuddled on his bed.

y/n: "i'm just really happy your parents let me stay here. i could've gone with someone in the group but i like being with you more."
kai: "really?"
y/n: "mhm, i always feel safe with you. i feel comfortable with everyone but i just wanna be with you mainly."
kai: "i love you."
y/n: "i love you too."


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