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chapter edited

in the office
we entered the principal's office. we sat down, far from each other. we waited patiently for the principal to speak up. he finally broke the awkward silence.

p: "how did this happen?"
y/n: "i was walking in the cafeteria, minding my own business and she had the audacity to run up to me and pull my hair!"
cyn: "no, she-"
y/n: "don't even dare lying, cynthia. kairi witnessed everything."
p: "alright, that's enough. you two will be suspended for 5 days."

he handed us our suspension paper.

p: "starting tomorrow. you guys will be in the ISR (school suspension) rooms, separately."

we got our stuff, and got up to go into our ISR rooms. i got in my ISR room and sat down. the principal closed the door and now i'm alone. the room was small, but not that small. i took my phone out and decided to text the gc. first, i removed cynthia.

 first, i removed cynthia

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he's so impatient

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he's so impatient. so am i, i don't wanna be here anymore. let me just be glad that i'm suspended for 5 days. i've seen at least 4 vids of cynthia & i fighting on social media. man, it's funny seeing her getting beaten up. there was one video that had been recorded, when we were yelling back & forth. i saved it, of course. it had good quality and you can actually see us fighting.


i know, short chapter lol

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