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chapter edited

the day went well. school was finally over, the girls & i were outside talking and waiting for the boys. we've seen the boys from the distance, until cynthia purposely bumped into jenna.

jen: "bro, what the fuck is your problem?"
cyn: "oops, sorry. i didn't see you there"
jen: "you mad cause i'm with mattia? how sweet, you want him back don't you?"
cyn: "who said i wanted him back?"
jen: "it seems like it cause you keep staring at him like a fucking weirdo"
ness: "cmon jenna, don't waste your time on this whore"
cyn: "who the fuck are you calling a whore to?"
ness: "you, dumb bitch. can you not hear or something?"
cyn: "fucking-"
y/n: "look cynthia, we don't got time for your childish bs. ok? if your fucking mad that we've replaced you, then forget about it. stop giving them, us, dirty looks. grow tf up."

i had to yell, she was making me hella mad. she's so fucking childish and stupid.
mattia's pov
the boys & i were walking outside to our spot when we heard yelling from jenna.

ale: "is that jenna and cynthia arguing?"
rob: "ayo"
tia: "the fuck, hope nothing happens"
alv: "a fight? les goo!"
ale: "shut up"

we stood there, watching jenna and cynthia arguing back & forth. then, nessa jumped in

ness: "cmon jenna, don't waste your time on this whore"

they kept arguing back & forth until y/n jumped in.

y/n: "look cynthia, we don't got time for your childish bs. ok? if your fucking mad that we've replaced you, then forget about it. stop giving them, us, dirty looks. grow tf up."

damn, she was hella pissed. we walked up to them, kairi was trying to calm y/n down.

tia: "fuck off cynthia"

y/n's pov
cynthia then stormed to her car and drove away. my god, can she leave us the fuck alone? cause apparently she can't.
we all went to my house and hung out in my room.

vic: "honestly, cynthia needs to go somewhere else"
ness: "she needs help cause apparently she's obsessed"
y/n: "she makes me feel uncomfortable."
kai: "i think she makes us all uncomfortable"
jen: "but her ratchet ass still stares at us like i know, we're prettier"
tia: "we should just mind our own business and not care what she does. if she glares at us, just know she's mad."
y/n: "yeah, you're right"


it was now nightime. though it was only 12 in the morning, i was hella tired. i did was i usually do and got on my bed. i told alvaro goodnight and head off to bed.
y/n's thoughts
oh shoot. on monday, it's kairi's birthday. i need to give him something special. very special. gotta think. shoes! no. clothes? nah. ooh, gaming headset! still no. gasps i . know . A PS5! he's ALWAYS asked for one. always dreamed of having one. "y/N, i WaNt A pS5". that's it. tomorrow, ima go shopping. if i don't find it, might as well order it. i gotta get the PS5.


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