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chapter edited

next morning
i woke up to the sound of my alarm. fuck. i got up and head to the bathroom. i put on a cozy outfit. i got my stuff and went downstairs. alvaro was waiting for me in the living room. we head out to the car and start it. we pulled up to kairi's driveway. i got off the car and walked to his door. i rang the doorbell and waited. mrs. cosentino opened the door and greeted me.

hir: "kairi, y/n is here!"
kai: "i'm coming!"
y/n: "so how are you mrs. cosentino?"
hir: "i'm good! what about you sweetie?"
y/n: "i'm good too!"
hir: "that's good!"

i smiled while patiently waiting for kairi. he finally came and i helped him carry his bookbag.

hir: "alright, have a good day at school loves!"

we smiled and waved goodbye. i helped kairi in the car and closed the door after. i got in the car and we head off to school.
we arrived and parked. i helped kairi out, while alvaro was carrying his bookbag. we walked to our usual spot. the group pulled up and we had sometime to talk before the bell rung.

tia: "kairi, can we talk?"
kai: "fine."

they walked away from us, so they could talk. i think mattia's apologizing.
mattia's pov
i felt bad for what i did, i obviously needed to apologize. so i'm doing it now, before it's too late.

kai: "what?"
tia: "listen, i'm sorry i made you break your leg. i really didn't mean any of this. if i didn't jump in front of you, this would've never happened.
kai: "you were just having too much fun"
tia: "yeah"
kai: "see, it isn't that hard to apologize."
tia: "so we're good now?"
kai: "yeah, but just don't do it again"
tia: "i promise"
kai: "ngl, it's fun being in crutches"
tia: "isn't it a lot of work?"
kai: "yeah but it's fun, it's like i'm working out."
tia: "you're a such a geek"

we laughed and head back to the group. he's right, it wasn't that hard to apologize. i guess i'm just too stupid.
y/n's pov
they came back, laughing. jee, looks like they already made up. that's good. we were all having a good time, 'till the bell rung. we all headed to our first period classes. i went inside my chemistry class and sat down at my seat. i noticed cynthia staring at me. i ignored it and took out the hw the teacher left us. i was fixing my shoe, and i saw cynthia still staring at me. why does she keep staring at me for? i ignored it and class started.
bell rung, which means first period is over. finally, this bitch gets on my nerves. i left and head to my spanish class. i walked in and seen kairi in his seat already. i sat at my seat, which is next to his.

y/n: "cynthia kept fucking staring at me during first period."
kai: "the hell, why?"
y/n: "i don't know, but i just ignored it. i ain't tryna cause problems with her again."
kai: "she got some staring problems, that's what"
y/n: "getting on my nerves"

i stopped thinking about it and continued on with class.
5th period
it was finally lunch time. i was walking with the group to lunch. we arrived at our tables and sat down.

kai: "bro, being in crutches is fun. i get to leave class 5 minutes early"
rob: "but bad thing is the broken leg"
kai: "and it's like i'm working out"
rob: "bad thing is broken leg"
kai: "and i have you guys helping me, which i appreciate"
rob: "your welcome"
kai: "shut up, you don't even help me"

we laughed and continued whatever we were doing.

ness: "bro, during 3rd period, cynthia kept staring at me."
y/n: "whaat, for real?"
ness: "yess, be getting on my nerves"
y/n: "nah cause she kept staring at me during 1st period, too"
ness: "what the hell is her problem? she probably mad"
y/n: "i ain't tryna cause problems again, so ima just ignore it"
ness: "who cares about that hoe anyway"
y/n: "honestly"

end of school day
kai: "aw man, i won't be able to play soccer"
ness: "dude, it's january. who the hell plays soccer this cold?"
ale: "we do"
y/n: "i know, they're weird"
alv: "it's fun and fresh"
ness: "huh"

we all then head into our separate ways. we were all gonna hang out later, at kairi's house.


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