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chapter edited

y/n's pov
i was finally done packing everything i needed to pack. i decided to stop at my shared room. yes, i share rooms with alvaro, since we're yk, twins. though, i'm a girl and he's a guy, we still had to share rooms. at least our half of the room was decent for our personal space. instead of having to be all messy and unorganized. would've been terrible. anyways, he was finished packing up.

y/n: "i see you're done."
alv: "well no shit."
y/n: "oh, shut up."
alv: "no, anyways what do you want?"
y/n: "damn, can i not come and check up on you?"
alv: "no cause you never do that"
y/n: "yes i do."
alv: "no you don't"
y/n: "shut u-"

my mom yelled my name from the kitchen.

mom: "y/n!"
y/n: "mande!?"
mom: "come downstairs, rápido!"
y/n: "coming"
(rápido - quick/quickly)

i left our room and made my way downstairs. i came downstairs to my mom cleaning the kitchen.

y/n: "que paso"
(what happened)
mom: "tell your siblings to go to sleep. we're leaving to new jersey tomorrow."
y/n: "but ma, it's only 8"
mom: "lo se, pero nos vamos a ir en la mañana"
(i know, but we're leaving in the morning)
y/n: "alright then"

i made my way upstairs to tell my siblings to go to bed. my first stop was anna's room.

y/n: "anna, mom said to go brush your teeth and head to sleep."
anna: "bruh, why so early?"
y/n: "cause we're leaving tomorrow morning, now go"

she rolled her eyes and got up to the bathroom. next, gianmarco.

y/n: "gianmarco, mom said to go brush your teeth and sleep."
gian: "it's only 8 tho"
y/n: "we're leaving tomorrow morning, hurry up and go"
gian: "okay, damn."

last but not least, alvaro.

y/n: "alvaroo"
(𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚞𝚙)
alv: "what now?"
y/n: "mom said to go brush your teeth and sleep."
alv: "bruh, it's only damn 8"
y/n: "we're leaving in the dAmN morning"
alv: "fine."
y/n: "pos, apúrate"
(well, hurry up)
alv: "shut up"
y/n: "you shut up"

i said while i pushed his head. he turned around and pushed me. he pushed me a little too hard, i almost fell. gladly, i had my balance.

y/n: "damn, watch out."

he didn't say anything and left.

after we all brushed our teeth and me doing my little night routine, everyone headed to sleep. i wasn't tired yet. i was running through my thoughts.
i wonder how new jersey will be like? will it be hot? cold? fun? boring? i quickly snapped out of my thoughts, when my mom opened the door.

mom: "pensé que estabas dormida"
(i thought you were asleep)
y/n: "i was going to until you opened up the door"
mom: "oh sorry mija. goodnight"
(mija - somewhat like "honey"  to daughters)
y/n: "night"

she left and closed the door.

i just remembered that my bestfriend, cynthia, lives in new jersey. hoping we end up living in the same city as her. haven't seen her ever since she moved. later on, i drifted to sleep.


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