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chapter edited

next morning
i woke up to the sound of my alarm. i turned it off and checked the time.
damn, it's so early. i got out of bed and head to the bathroom. i brushed my teeth and head to my room to change into comfortable clothes. i grabbed my backpack that had everything i have. i'll be honest, ima miss my room, fun times i had in here. i said my last goodbyes to my room and went downstairs. anna, alvaro, and gianmarco were sitting on the couch, on their phones while my parents were outside with the people driving this big trailer that had most of our furniture. we decided to throw away some old furniture we had. i sat next to alvaro and broke the silence.

y/n: "yall excited to move down to new jersey?"
anna: "i mean yeah, but ima miss my friends"
gian: "what friends"
anna: "shut up"

it was silent for a moment until my mom came in.

mom: "alright get in el carro"
(el carro - the car)

we all ran to the car. finally i can get some sleep. after a few minutes, we drove off. my dad stopped at the gas station to fill the gas tank with gas. while he's doing that, i tried to get comfortable so i could just shut my eyes and sleep. after getting comfortable, i put on my airpods, put music on, and fell asleep.
the arrival
we finally arrived to new jersey. it was such a long ass car ride. 26 hours. i know, so long. it was around 8 am the next day. i got off the car and stood outside the house. the weather was kinda cold since it's the beginning of november. the house was nice and average. it wasn't too big or too small. there was only 4 rooms, which means i gotta share rooms with alvaro, again. good thing is our room has a bathroom with 2 sinks. perfect, a sink for myself. i got my stuff out of the trunk and started to unpack some things. the furniture wouldn't get here till later on in the day. good thing is, i have my sleeping bag. i set it up and fell asleep in it.

i woke up around 10am. i got up and checked if anyone else was awake. as i was about to walk out, i noticed alvaro slept in the room as well. i walked out of the room and checked the others. my dad was asleep, meanwhile my mom was downstairs doing whatever she was doing. gianmarco was asleep, but anna wasn't. she was unpacking her things. i got back to my room and starting unpacking again. alvaro eventually woke up.

alv: "your done packing?"
y/n: "almost, you haven't even started"
alv: "i know."

he got up and went to our bathroom.

alv: "our bathroom is hella nice"
y/n: "tbh"

i finally finished unpacking everything. the only thing i need is my furniture, then my side of the room will be completely done. i left the room to go check on the others. i stopped at anna's room first.

y/n: "hey anna, nice room."
anna: "oh hi, and thank you"
y/n: "mhm"

next, gianmarco.

y/n: "hey gianmar- dude, you're not even done unpacking."
gian: "i got tired so i just went on my phone"
y/n: "maybe leave your damn phone and get workin"

he rolled his eyes, got up and started to unpack. i went downstairs and saw my mom decorating the living room.

y/n: "good morning mom"
mom: "oh buenos días y/n"
(buenos días - good morning)
y/n: "i have a question. when is the trailer coming? i wanna be done with my side of the room already"
mom: "it should be arriving in an hour"
y/n: "alright"
mom: "antes de qué te vayas, i need to tell you something"
(antes de qué te vayas - before you go)
y/n: "what is it"
mom: "you guys start school on monday, so tomorrow, we'll go to the store so you guys can be able to buy things you guys need"
y/n: "oh alright"

it was finally night time. we all finally got our furniture, so the house is now completely done. i was washing my face and had knocked on the door.

alv: "bro, hurry up. i need to take a shit"
y/n: "bro, there's a bathroom downstairs. go use it."

he ran downstairs to the bathroom. damn, this bitch always has to shit. anyways, i got out of the bathroom and got on my bed. eventually, alvaro came in the room.

alv: "i recommend not to use the bathroom downstairs until like, tomorrow"
y/n: "yeah, i wonder why"

i gave him a disgust face.

it's been hours and i decided to go to bed. i charged my phone and set it on the night stand and drifted to sleep.

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