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"i still love you.."


kairi's pov
i stopped walking and stood still in my current position. i couldn't believe what i just heard.

"emily." i spoke. everything she has done to me and still loves me? sounds very weird.

"you cheated on me and-"

"i know. it was a big mistake. i didn't mean to." she interrupted me.

"it's not a mistake, if you chose to do it." i said, with no emotion.

"kairi i-"

"you're not sorry for what you did. once i heard about it, you kept feeling sorry for doing it, but you were just sorry cause you got caught. one of your friends told me you told them you didn't regret it. i'm not stupid emily. you only wanna go back to me because you're a lonely fuck and so you could cheat on me again." i said. i didn't need to cry or anything. i was just irritated how she wants to get back with me after she cheated and just left me. and that isn't right. that's just bullshit.

"no kairi, it was a mistake-"

"don't touch me." i moved her hand away. she's so desperate. i'm not gonna break up with y/n, just cause of her. i love y/n no matter what.

"just because you love me, doesn't mean i'm gonna go break up with y/n. one, i have a child coming and i wanna be there for it. two, i've been with y/n for so fucking long and i haven't felt this good about myself since i gotten with you. three, you cheating on me then after that finding me and telling me you love me doesn't make any sense to me." i snapped.

mattia's pov
i was heading to the car to get jenna's jacket since her dumbass left it in there. but before i did go out of the gate, i seen kairi talking to someone. who is this fucker talking to? i decided to go hide behind his car and eavesdrop.

"just because you love me, doesn't mean i'm gonna go break up with y/n."

"- three, you cheating on me then after that finding me and telling me you love me doesn't make any sense to me."

he's talking to emily? why is that midget talking to her again? let me just continue eavesdropping.

kairi's pov
emily started to sob. i don't care if she's crying. i just had to say what i had to say to her. she wiped her eyes and looked up at me.

"you know what, fuck you. i was hoping to get back together until i found out you had a girlfriend. i don't give a shit about this anymore. i wish you nothing but the fucking best." she crossed her arms and walked away. i sighed in relief and starting walking back. i was about to go through the gate, until someone pulled me. i looked up to see mattia.

"what the hell was that for?"

"were you talking to emily?" he questioned. he must've heard our conversation.

"yeah. i came to get my jacket and she came up to me out of nowhere. it was hella awkward and then she told me she still loved me. like what was i supposed to do? forgive her for the shit she's done to me? fuck no. plus i'm very happy with my current relationship. i had to say what i had to say towards her and she got mad and walked away." i said. mattia stood up and looked at me.

"well good thing is you wasn't cheating, cause i swear to god, i would've beaten your little ass." he sighed in relief. i let out a small laugh.

"nah, i would never do that. i ain't ending up like her." i said, referring to emily. mattia pulled me and playfully but roughly, side-hugged me.

"you and y/n are really made for each other. true soulmates." he said, as we're walking back. i agree. after the breakup with emily, it was hard for me to get over it because i loved her so much and she just cheats on me with not just one guy, but with 2. hooking up with them behind my back, like i wouldn't figure it out.

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