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"about your pregnancy.

my pregnancy? what, is he gonna tell me to abort my baby? hell no. i'm keeping it, whether he hates it. i'm the pregnant one, not him. i've been dying to ha-

"i'm happy for you guys."

oh- oh? he's happy. he's actually happy. he gave us a small smile. i thought he was gonna still be mad but he changed his mind. he's supportive. well, isn't this surprising. i mean, i'm obviously happy he's being the supportive dad i've wanted. kairi and i looked at each other and smiled back at my dad.

"you're actually.. happy?"

"si hija. i realized how harsh i was being towards you, when you told me you were pregnant. but not just you, but also saying mean comments towards kairi. and i obviously want to apologize to you guys."


"y/n, i'm truly sorry for everything that happened 2 months ago. as a father, i should've been so supportive and being the true father i always have been to you. it's just surprises me that my niña is becoming a mother at 18."
(niña - girl)

"well technically 19, i'm giving birth after turning 19."

"lo mismo"
(same thing)

we laughed. aw, we're getting that father-daughter bond again.

"you're an adult now, and i know you can take care of things on your own. with kairi being the father, he'll be helping you a lot"

"that is very right!" kairi pointed out.

i smiled at him. how emotional.

"but alvaro, anna, gian, your mother, and i will also help you with anything you need. you also have the help of your friends and kairi's familia."
(familia - family)

"can i cry? this makes me emotional."

we laughed and i fanned my eyes, so i wouldn't cry. guess being pregnant does get you emotional.

"kairi, i'm so sorry for saying those harsh comments about you. i know you aren't dumb. i know you were careful during the moment and you know, mistakes happen. not saying the pregnancy is a mistake!" he laughed. kairi and i chuckled.

"but, knowing y/n was going to become a mother, you didn't leave her. you didn't bash her and blame her for getting pregnant. you stayed and want your kid to have a father figure, and it makes me really happy because i know how much you truly love my daughter. you would never hurt her in any way."

"no mr. romero, i would never hurt y/n or leave her. she's been the love of my life ever since we got together: sophomore year. and here we are now, graduated from highschool and becoming the parents we've dreamed to become. i always dreamed of having my first child with her. and now, my dream came true."

at that point, i was tearing up. never knew kairi could be a softy. it makes me laugh but smile.

"i was really scared to tell you and mom about it. already knowing i was gonna get bashed for it made me sad. you kicking me out made it harder for me. i thought you would never love me again. i thought you would never wanna speak to me again. i thought you would hate me."

i cried. my dad opened his arm, signaling for a hug. i got up and hugged him. it felt amazing to hug my dad. he was finally happy for us. he finally apologized to us. i felt joy.

"i'll never kick you out again. lo siento mucho."
(lo siento mucho - i'm very sorry)

"it's okay papa. i forgive you."

we still hugged. he squeezed me a bit and chuckled.

"hey, can i join the hug?" kairi playfully pouted. i chuckled and nodded. he hugged us and we just stayed like that. i felt so, so happy. now i can finally have a normal family again.
few moments later, we pulled away. i wiped my tears and looked at my dad. he sniffled quietly.

"te amo papa."
(i love you dad)

"te amo hija."
(i love you)

we hugged one more time and pulled away.

"you can come back home, if you want to."

i smiled. i love being with kairi and his family, i really do. i just wanna spend time and be with my family again.

"i would love that."


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