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chapter edited

at school
we were all talking and hanging out before the bell rung for our first period. celia arrived to school and saw us, so she came towards us.

cel: "hey guys!"
rob: "wassup"
others: "hi" "hello"
cel: "finally friday huh"
vic: "the weekends are always the best"
cel: "yess. you guys doing anything?"
alv: "we're gonna have a sleepover at my crib"
cel: "ooo sounds fun"
ness: "you should stay the night with us too!"
vic: "i agree!
looks at me
y/n: "yeah, why not"
cel: "you can just send me address later. ima head to my locker now, thank you!!"
rob: "can't wait"
celia leaves
tia: "robert likes celia"
rob: "shut up!"
alv: "i knew it!"
y/n: "now that i'm thinking about, let's not invite robert anymore"
rob: "fuck you"
y/n: "i'm kiddingg"

idk if alvaro actually being serious abt her looking at him and the boys all lovely dovey shit, but hoping nothing happens.
at lunch
we were all in our table. like i said before, celia has a different period lunch. i noticed nessa not eating anything.

y/n: "your not gonna eat anything nessa?"
ness: "nah, school's lunch is nasty this week"
y/n: "have my apple"
takes it
ness: "thank you"
tia: "oh guys, i forgot to tell yall somethin"
y/n: "what?"
tia: "celia followed me on insta, and so i followed back, yk, cause she's a friend of ours. but then, she dmed me. and she was tryna be a freaky fuck"
alv: "did she dmed you something like flirty?"
tia: "yeahh yeah"
alv: "she did the same thing with me"
kai: "and me"
ro: "bro same here"
ale: "dude me too"
rob: "wait same"
ness: "hollup, what? all of you guys had a flirty text from her?"
jen: "we got another hoe"
y/n: "are you guys serious?"
the boys: "yes"
ness: "show me the dms, from each of you"

they all pulled out their phones and went on insta. they pulled the dm from celia. wtf

vic: "whaat"
jen: "i knew it, another hoe"
y/n: "i don't get it"
alv: "i told you yesterday, the way she be looking at all of us"
tia: "especially kairi"
kai: "she makes me uncomfortable."
ness: "at this point, we can't trust girls we meet anymore"
jen: "she'll just fuck around with all of yall, then leave like nothing happened"
ale: "i ain't getting near her"
kai: "or me"
tia: "me either"
ro: "fuck that shit, i'm blocking her"
rob: "should i be worried?"
y/n: "why? your not even nowhere dating or talking to her"
ness: "at this point robert, just lose feelings. she's gonna play yo ass and leave"
rob: "how would you know"
jen: "did you not see the dms she sent to each of the guys or what?"
rob: "what if she's playing around?"
ness: "i give up"
y/n: "should we still invite her to stay the night?"
jen: "fuck no"
ness: "we should just see what she does. keep an eye on her."
jen: "if you let her touch you, i'll beat the shit out of you."
hits mattia's chest
tia: "who said i was gonna let her do that?!"
y/n: "we all know how you are mattia"
kai: "horn dog"
ness: "same goes for you kairi"
kai: "me?? i'm not like that"
y/n: "not from what i've seen"
rob: "woah woah woah, this table is family friendly"
jen: "same goes to ale, since every girl in the school wants to be with his ass"
ale: "i'm not that stupid like mattia"
tia: "why is everyone coming after me for"
ro: "fuck boy"
tia: "i'm not a fuck boy, get outta here"
ale: "you used to be one"
tia: "that's the old me"
rob: "no difference between the old & new you"
kai: "you still look the same"
tia: "fuck you guys"

honestly, i'm just thinking if i should let her come stay or lie and tell her we're not doing it no more. jenna obv says no, but nessa says we should see what does and keep an eye on her. but idk. if she's over here texting all of them at the same time, then it's obv she wants something. i'll see what alvaro says.
at home
we were cleaning the house, since the group was gonna come over in a few hours.

y/n: "should we still invite celia?"
alv: "fuck, i don't know"
y/n: "i'm asking you cause you decided to do this and well, your older than me"
alv: "by like a minute"
y/n: "no difference"
alv: "we can do what nessa: see what she does and how she acts by keeping an eye on her"
y/n: "if that's what you wanna do, then let's do it"
alv: "bet"

it was 7 pm, and someone had knocked on the door. alvaro opened it, and it was mattia with jenna, ale, and vic.

them: "hey guys" "hi"
us: "ello"
tia: "are we the first ones here?"
y/n: "yeah, the others should come so-"
ding dong
alv: "or now"
opens door to kairi, nessa, & roshaun
ness: "hey yall"
vic: "hey nessaa"
y/n: "waddup bitch"
ro: "everyone else is here but robert and celia"
kai: "i'm guessing they're together."
ale: "honestly, i'm not surprised"
alv: "he's a victim"
jen: "woww, the disrespect"

a few minutes past and the doorbell rung. we went up to the door and opened it. then something caught our attention. robert & celia.. holding hands? huh?

rob: "hey guys"
tia: "robert, what is this all about"
rob: "oh it's nothing, we just felt like doing that"
tia: "there has to be a re-"
y/n: "alright we had enough, come in"
cel: "it's been a while since i had a sleepover"
vic: "really?"
cel: "yup, i didn't have anyone to talk to in my other school. when i moved here, i thought it was gonna be the same thing, but turns out i'm friends with all of you generous people!"
ness: "thank you, we appreciate that!"
looks at us
y/n: "yeah, thank you"
ro: "we should play spin the bottle"
jen: "boring, that's old school"
rob: "then what do you have in mind?"
jen: "what about truth or shot?"
ale: "6 of us are only 18, plus you guys are still minors"
y/n: "plus, my parents sometimes drink in their own time, so they'll probably notice that we've drinken their alcohol"
jen: "who said we were using their alcohol?"
pulls out a tequila bottle
alv: "woahh, you actually brought a tequila bottle?!"
jen: "no shit, i also brought the shot cups"
y/n: "i mean, i've tasted tequila before but idk"
ness: "when?"
y/n: "when alvaro and i were in freshman year, my mom was drunk so she gave us a little shot of tequila"
alv: "shit was bussin"
jen: "ima be drinking sprite so the tequila doesn't get strong"
y/n: "ima cut up some limes, anyone want one?"
alv: "me"
ness: "me"
ale: "me"
tia: "me"
ro: "ima drink sprite too"
rob: "same"
cel: "me too"
vic: "i'll take sprite"
kai: "i'll get lime"
y/n: "ok, i'll be back then"
alv: "i'll help"
kai: "me too"

i went up to my fridge to get the limes. alvaro and kairi helped me cut the limes. the rest came into the dining room, setting everything up. i'm praying that my parents don't find out about this. glad they went out this weekend, and that gian & anna went out, too.


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