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chapter edited

i woke up around 5pm. i got up and headed to the bathroom. i changed into some comfy clothes and headed downstairs. i made myself a sandwich and started eating.

i head upstairs and went on my phone. out of no where, i got a text from an unknown number.

 out of no where, i got a text from an unknown number

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i changed his contact name and turned off my phone.
next day
i got up and did my morning routine. i changed into a random. i got my bag and headed downstairs. alvaro was waiting for me by the door since i got up a little late.

we arrived and thanked our mom. we got off and seen cynthia and the rest in the front. she was flirting with the tall italian boy, which was mattia. how cute. we greeted them and they all started talking to each other. i was on my phone until someone spoke up to me. it was kairi.

kai: "hey y/n"
y/n: "hi kairi"
kai: "i wanted to ask you if you wanted to uh.. hang out?"
y/n: "i'd love to, i'll just have to ask my mom about it after school"
kai: "oh okay, wel-"

the bell interrupted him. we said our goodbyes and left to our first periods.
after school
school was over and i was outside waiting for the others. meanwhile, i called my mom.

y/n: "ma"
mom: "que paso"
(what happened)
y/n: "i'm asking you if it's okay if i could hang out con un amigo?"
(con un amigo - with a friend)
mom: "esta bien. voy por ti alas 7, ok?"
(that's fine. i'll pick you up at 7, ok?)
y/n: "si, thank you"
(si - yes)

i hung up and everyone came. kairi came out last. he came up to me, out of breath.

kai: "sorry i took so long, my teacher was holding me back for not finishing my work in time, and i-"
y/n: "kairi, it's fine. don't worry"

he went up to the driver's window and asked his mom if i could come hang out. he told me his mom said it was okay and so i got in the car.

(hir - hiromi [kairi's mom] )
kai: "mom this is my friend, y/n. y/n, this is my mother"
y/n: "hi mrs. cosentino, nice to meet you!"
hir: "nice to meet you too honey! how long of you guys known each other for?"
y/n: "a day now. we just met yesterday"
hir: "really?"
kai: "yeah, my friend cynthia introduced y/n and her twin brother to me and the guys"
hir: "you have a twin brother??"
y/n: "hah yeah"
hir: "you lucky. i sometimes wished kairi had a twin sibling."
kai: "i don't want another me"

i chuckled. his mom is so sweet and kind. i already love her.

we arrived to their house. we got off and walked inside.

hiro: "welcome in! make yourself at home."
y/n: "thank you!"

i smiled at her and she smiled back. kairi showed me around his house. i like it. very nice. we went upstairs. i noticed a room with dolls inside. i think he has a sister. we went inside his room. it was a bit small, but nice.

kai: "so, what do you wanna do?"
y/n: "let's get to know each other, i wanna know more about you"

i smiled at him. he smiled back and sat a little closer to me.

we talked for about an hour. now i know so many things about kairi. so he did have a sister. i'll meet her later. we decided to do a tiktok. we weren't that famous but we did have somewhat followers. we saved it in the drafts and got on the bed.

kai: "that was a good video but it's gonna be in the drafts for now"

i was staring at the ceiling, completely zoning out.

kai: "y/n?"
kai: "i see your zoned out"

he started tickling me and i got back to reality. i decided to tickle him back. we fell off the bed, so now we were both laughing on the floor.

y/n: "why did you tickle me for"
kai: "cause i was talking to you and saw you were zoning out, so i decided to tickle you"

i smiled and he smiled back. his smile was so ugh.

my mom arrived, which meant it was time for me to go home. i said goodbye to everyone and left. we only lived a few houses away. i arrived back home and headed to my room. alvaro was in the shower, so i patiently waited for him to get out, so i could go next.
kairi's POV
it was fun hanging out with y/n. that fact that i miss her too. damn, cmon kairi, you guys just met. i'll just see her tomorrow. mix feelings maybe?


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