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chapter edited

may 15- night ~ kairi's pov
it was the night before mattia's birthday, so i decided to go over to his. i arrived and knocked. he opened it.

tia: "kairi, what are you doing here?"
kai: "just wanted to come n hang out w you on the night before your birthday"
tia: "oh, are you also coming here to hangout tmr?"
kai: "yeah"
tia: "come in"

he let me in. we went down to his room and played some fifa.

hours past and we did a few tik toks. it was 2 hours away from 12.

kai: "uhm, mattia."
tia: "hm?"
kai: "i gotta tell you sumn.."

he turns to face me. i'm anxious to tell him. what if we stop being friends? what if the whole groups stops being friends w me?

tia: "sounds bad. what is it?"
kai: "you know how yesterday i didn't go hangout w you guys for roshaun's birthday cause i said i was "sick"?"
tia: "why did you quote sick?"
kai: "cause i wasn't actually sick."
tia: "if you weren't, then why did you actually not go yesterday?"
kai: "..."

shit. i gotta tell him. he's one of my closest bestfriends. i jus hope he get mad or run his mouth.

tia: "kairi, jus tell me."
kai: "i uhm.. was hanging out w someone."
tia: "with who?"
kai: "celia."

mattia's pov
don'f we hate that little bitch? why tf would this midget hang out w that bitch. nah, i need answers asap.

tia: "why the fuck would you hangout w celia?"
kai: "we were hooking up."

what? he was what w celia? hooking up? is he.. omfg. first, me, now y/n.

kairi's pov
his face expressions are not good at ALL. this is bad, very bad.

tia: "you were what?"
kai: "hooking u-"
tia: "kairi, why would you fucking hook up w that fake bitch? we don't fucking like her! you were the least to like her. and now this bitch, who has been obsessed w you had her chance, yet she knew you n y/n are in a relationship!"
kai: "i still have to break up w y/n. i forgot."
tia: "yeah n the fact that you haven't n you had hooked up w celia makes you cheating on y/n."
kai: "can you not tell them ab this, please?"
tia: "kairi, how can i-"
kai: "please bro. i don't wanna lose my friends. please."
tia: "fine. jus know you already lost one."
kai: "wy-"
tia: "out of my house."
kai: "mattia i-"
tia: "out."

i got my stuff and left. welp, that's one friend loss. my closest one. i jus hope no one finds out ab this.
mattia's pov
he really wants me to keep the secret? cynthia 2.0. i ain't keeping it at all. i'm telling them the day after my birthday. he's fucked up. idk why he had to go talk to that snake pussy bitch in the first place. bitch was so obsessed w all of us, mainly kairi. yet, kairi hooked up w her. how stupid is this dumbfuck. y/n is now going through the same shit i had to go through. i hate this.


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