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chapter edited

y/n's POV
i woke up to alvaro snoring. my lord. i felt arms around my waist. i turned around to see kairi. awe, he looks funny. i tried to get up to use the bathroom, but he made his grip a little harder.

kai: "stay"
y/n: "i need to peee"
kai: "hold it for a few"
y/n: "fine, but if i pee myself, it's your fault"
kai: "alright then"
(𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚝𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛)
y/n: "alright, it's been a few minutes. ima pee myself, babee"
kai: "ok fine"

i got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom. i took a quick shower and got out. i changed into sum comfortable clothes and laid on my bed. kairi places his phone down and we cuddled.

kai: "ima take you to the park"
y/n: "why?"
kai: "because we can't just stay in bed all day"
y/n: "but i like my bedd"
kai: "i know, it's so comfortable"
y/n: "exactly, let's just stay and watch a movie, then leave"
kai: "ok lazy"
y/n: "don't talk"

we laughed and watched a movie. we got bored, so we got ready and head downstairs. i told my mom where we were going and she was ok with it. we said our byes and left. we decided to go to the bowling alley instead.

kai: "ready for me to beat your ass?"
y/n: "what ass are you gonna beat? cause it ain't mine"
kai: "woah what"
y/n: "anyways, let's make a bet"
kai: "alright"
y/n: "if i win, you gotta run down this street only in yo boxers. you hear me?"
kai: "you're gonna make me run down this street half naked?!"
y/n: "aye, it's the deal man"
kai: "fine but if i win, tomorrow when we hang out with the group at someone's house, your singing a karaoke song infront of us"
y/n: "boy i can't even sing?!"
kai: (𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚜) "aye, it's the deal man"
y/n: "haha, funny"
kai: "so deal?"
y/n: "do i get to chose the song??"
(𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍)
y/n: "fine"
kai: "so..?"
y/n: "deal"
(𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚜)
y/n: "let's go"

we drove off to the bowling alley. we arrived and got off. it wasn't too crowdy nor too empty. we got our tickets and went in.

kai: "rock, paper, scissors. 2 out of 3
y/n: "alright"

rock, paper, scissors, shoe - tie
rock, paper, scissors, shoe - kairi
rock, paper, scissors, shoe - y/n
rock, paper, scissors, shoe - tie
rock, paper, scissors, shoe - kairi

kai: "finally"
y/n: "alright"

we played for an hour and guess who lost? yep, me. we were tied but my dumbass threw the bowling ball too hard, it hit the alley and it went off to the side. now i gotta sing tomorrow and i don't even get to chose the song. but it's not like it'll be an embarrassing song.. right? we hopped in the car and turned it on.

kai: "looks like someone is gonna sing us a song tomorrow"
y/n: "all i'm hoping is that you don't chose an embarrassing song"
kai: "mm, let's see about that"
y/n: "trying to embarrass me?"
kai: "pfft no"
y/n: "i hope you get pantsed tomorrow at school"
kai: "rude"
y/n: "i love spending time with you"
kai: "so do i. i just hope your mom doesn't think we go out too much"
y/n: "she's fine with it, she loves you!"
kai: "she does?"
y/n: "yeah! she told me she was so happy when we got together. she even knew i liked you"
kai: "really??"
y/n: "mhm"
kai: "ohh yeah, she was. i love your mom"
y/n: "she can sometimes be annoying but yeah, she's the best"

we arrived back to my house.

y/n: "welp, i gotta go then"
kai: "be prepared for tomorrow"
y/n: "yeah so yall can laugh my ass off"
kai: "oh cmon, it won't be that bad"
y/n: "that's what they all say"
kai: "i'll see you tomorrow, love you"
y/n: "love you too"

we hugged, kissed, smiled and i got off. we waved and i went back in the house. i went upstairs, changed into my pjs, charged my phone, and ofc, alvaro interrupts me before i could even get in the bed

alv: "where did you guys go?"
y/n: "bowling alley, why?"
alv: "just wondering, i woke up to you guys not in the house"
y/n: "oh, what time did you wake up?"
alv: "i kept waking up and falling asleep so, idk"
y/n: "lazy headass"
alv: "that's you"
y/n: "says the one who play games all day"
alv: "stop lying"

i rolled my eyes and got on my bed. i fell asleep.


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