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chapter edited

next morning
i woke up to everyone still sleeping. i used the restroom and left. i went downstairs the living room and seen the basement door open. i walked down and seen nessa cleaning.

y/n: "nessa, were you cleaning by yourself?"
ness: "yep"
y/n: "what time did you wake up?"
ness: "about an hour ago"
y/n: "you should've woken me up to help you."
ness: "nah, it's ok. i mean, if you want, you can go clean over that side of the basement"
y/n: "bet i will"

she was sweeping the trash on the floor, while i was throwing away trash from the tables. it took us a while to get it done. there was no school today, so we decided to go out. we all dressed in comfortable and warm clothes. we all head out to eat at iHop.
we finally ate and drove to this one trampoline park. we got our wristbands and went in. we put our stuff in these small cubbies and walked towards the trampolines.

y/n: "ima be doing some of my gymnastics shit"
ness: "teach me how to do a backflip"
y/n: "kk"
kai: "ima race the boys across the trampoline"
alv: "first, ima go to the kids area"
josh: "i don't think kids would want you in their area"
kai: "nah cause he'll blend in"
ale: "so will you mf"

we laughed and then separated from the boys. i was doing my backflips and nessa kept watching me, with her mouth open.

ness: "ok but how do you learn this shit?!"
y/n: "i did gymnastics, when i was younger"
ness: "teach me the basics!!"

we laughed and i taught her the basics.
alvaro's pov
we were done racing. we started to jump, to see who could jump the highest.

tia: "i'm gonna beat all yall sloths"
alv: "cap"
ale: "i'm jumping the highest tho"
kai: "i smell cap"

we were all trying to jump higher. mattia then jump real hard infront of kairi, which made kairi jump really high. kairi tried to land, but his left leg bent the way it shouldn't bend. we all stopped jumping and checked on him.

kai: "i can't move my fucking leg!"
rob: "it bent the way it shouldn't bend"
kai: "someone had the audacity to jump right infront of me!"
tia: "i'm sorry!"
ale: "someone go get the girls!"
alv: "i will"

i left and went to go find the girls. i found them doing flips and so i approached.

alv: "ayo nessa and y/n! c'mere now!"
y/n: "what happen?"
alv: "kairi might've broken his leg!"

y/n's pov
hold up, WHAT? wtf happened, that might've made his leg break?! nessa & i gasped. we ran and followed alvaro. we found the boys and a few staff members surrounding kairi. they already called the ambulance and were waiting for them to arrive.

y/n: "can someone explain to us what happened?!"
rob: "ask mattia"
tia: "we were all jumping and i jumped infront of kairi, whi-"
y/n: "i don't wanna hear it."

few minutes later
the ambulance finally came and put kairi on a bed. they took him and we followed behind. everyone in the trampoline arena were looking to see what happened. we were now outside the place.

m.a = medical assistant
m.a: "only one person can keep mr. cosentino company, during the ride."
y/n: "i will."
m.a: "alright young lady, step in."

they helped me get in the back with kairi. i sat down next to him, on a small chair.

ness: "we'll meet you there."

i nod my head and the medical assistant closed the doors. the vehicle was now moving.

y/n: "how are you feeling?"
kai: "in pain. it hurts a lot."
y/n: "everything will be alright, i promise."

i massaged his shoulders and gave a little kiss the side of his mouth. can't imagine him breaking his leg. would be a lot of work for him.


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