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chapter edited

next day, afternoon - alvaro's pov
mattia had texted the gc that he wanted us to come over for something. we don't know what it is, but y/n & i are going over rn.
y/n's pov
mattia wanted the group to come over again. we're not sure why, but i'm guessing he just wants to hang out again. which is kind of him.
ale's pov
mattia has told everyone to go over to his. i'm guessing he's ready to tell us whatever he needed to tell us. sounds serious tho. hope nothing bad happened.
mattia's pov
i invited the group to come over. yes, the group. including y/n. i didn't tell them what for, but to come over. i'm nervous. i don't know why i have to tell them this. but it's for the best cause i know for a fact kairi's dumbass ain't gonna tell them shit, especially y/n. and if i didn't tell them and kept it a secret, things are just gonna go worse than it already is.

i heard the doorbell ring, so i'm guessing they had arrived. i head over to the entrance and opened it. it was all of them, but alvaro & y/n. i'm guessing they're still on their way. i greeted them and let them in. we sat down in the guest room.

vic: "soo, what are we sitting down for"
rob: "alvaro & y/n ain't here yet"
jen: "right"
tia: "well yes, we are waiting for them but i also have something to tell you guys."
ness: "you sound serious there"
tia: "because it is."
ro: "tell us ab what?"
tia: "uhm.. ab kairi."

they looked all confused but somewhat worried.

jen: "did something bad happen to him?"
tia: "you'll find out once alvaro & y/n-"
ding dong
tia: "get here. i'll get it"

i got up and opened the door. i greeted them and let them in. i offered them to sit down.

alv: "so, what's poppin"
tia: "reason why i invited yall over is cause i need to tell you guys sum."
y/n: "it sounds bad."
tia: "cause it is."
alv: "tell us ab what?"
tia: "... ab kairi."

they were confused, y/n looked worried. this shit's sad.

y/n: "what happen to him?"
tia: "uh, so.. he came over to my house the night before my birthday.. and he came over and we played fifa and made a few tik toks, and.."
ale: "..and what?"
tia: "and he told me something."
jen: "something serious?"
tia: "yeah."
vic: "did he move away?"
tia: "no, not that."
rob: "..then what?"
tia: "he told me he wasn't actually sick during roshaun's birthday and my birthday."
alv: "i knew it, that mf didn't sound no where sick"
ness: "yeah, he sounded normal"
ro: "if he wasn't sick, then why didn't he come over?"
y/n: "maybe he was busy?"
alv: "if he was busy, he could've just told us that"
tia: "yeah, but he was busy with some
another bitch."

their ears couldn't believe what they heard. i had to say it, couldn't keep it in anymore. tired of keeping it in.
y/n's pov
busy with some another bitch? so, he was cheating on me this whole time we were in quarantine? is this why he hasn't been texting me? is this why he didn't come to both roshaun's and mattia's birthdays? i could not hold in my tears no more.
alvaro's pov
nah cause i know for a fact this fucking bitch actually cheated on my sister. they've been together for 2 damn strong years. what the actually fuck is wrong with him. first, we had cynthia cheating on mattia, now it's kairi. no, i can't stand that fucking dick anymore. seeing my twin sister cry hurts me.
mattia's pov
everyone looked angry. y/n started crying. we got up and comforted her. i wanted to have a one-on-one talk with her, since now she's experiencing what i've been through.
y/n's pov
i could not stop crying. it hurts me so much cause i've been in love with this fucking cheater since i've met him. the day cynthia introduced me to them and kairi was something to me. he was the guy i knew i was gonna fall in love with. all these years, he does this to me. was he bored? did he lose feelings? if any of that, he could've just simply talk to me and broken up with me in person instead of going behind my back and hook up with another bitch. i'm desperate to know who the bitch is.

y/n: "do you know who the bitch is"
tia: "celia."
everyone: "celia?!"
ness: "didn't that motherfucker say he hated her with a passionate?"
jen: "exactly cause she kept bothering him?"
alv: "i wanna beat the shit out of him so fucking bad rn."
y/n: "i wanna beat the shit out of her! i wanna fuck her up so bad until she fucking ends up bleeding cause-"

i cried even more. he said he didn't like her at all cause she was all up on him and being weird. and now she fucking home wrecks my relationship and he was okay with it. it's hurting me even more cause he hooked up with a bitch who not only talked shit about us but who also goes for the guy she's been obsessed with and had her chance. and it hurts me because we've been together for 2 years. all the memories we had together. the love we showed each other. i've never expressed my love to someone that loved, cared, comforted me for so long. everyone kept comforting me, which was making me a little better.
ness: "once we see this bitch and home wrecker again, i'm beating both of their asses. real fucking hard."
jen: "y/n, fuck that dickhead, fuck that slut bitch, you deserve sm better. you don't need a man, you just need us and yourself."
y/n: "thank you jenna and thank you all of you guys for comforting me rn. i love yall sm."
everyone: "we love you too"

what would i ever do without them.


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