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chapter edited

after school
it was finally the end of school, so i got led out and i went outside. i was waiting for the others with alvaro.

alv: "you beat the shit out of her"
y/n: "i was hella mad bro, i had to let it out"
alv: "good job"
(𝚍𝚊𝚋𝚜 𝚞𝚙)
alv: "looks like we're gonna tell mattia today."
y/n: "when we were arguing, it got his attention. i'm just to nervous to tell him. he's gonna be hella pissed and mad. especially, now that i do know who she slept with.."
alv: "bro what?! you found out, how?!"
y/n: "when she wanted to "talk" to me in the bathroom. she said she had more feelings for him than mattia. shit's fucked up."
alv: "wtf? so then why did she didn mattia then?"
y/n: "she used him."
alv: "oh hell no."
y/n: "the guy will be a surprise for later."
alv: "fine"

the rest came out. oh shit, there's mattia.

tia: "ok, now can you tell me?"
y/n: "let's go to your place, then i'll tell you."
tia: "fine- actually, before we do go to my place, can we go eat first? i'm hungry asf"
y/n: "same, let's go eat guys"
others: "bet" "ok"

we all got in our cars and went to go eat at chik-fil-a. we ordered our food and ate inside. we were having a good time. but as soon as we get to mattia's house, it's gonna kill the whole mood.
we finished and left. everyone was on their way to his house, while i drove to starbucks cause i'm craving for some.

alv: "hurry up, you take so damn long"
y/n: "shut up and be patient for once."
i finally got my drink. we were now on our way to mattia's house.

we arrived at his house and we parked. we got off and went up to the door. alvaro knocked and mattia opened it.

tia: "what took yall so damn long?"
alv: "ask HER."
y/n: "shut up"
tia: "just come in already"

we came in and he closed the door. we went down to his room and seen everyone.

ale: "starbucks, seriously?"
y/n: "can yall just"
tia: "who cares, cmon"
y/n: "be patient."
tia: "sorry"

i sat down on his bed, with kairi and mattia.

tia: "alright, now that we're all here, can we please talk about what happened today? i wanna know."
y/n: "look mattia, we all really feel bad for you. it hurts knowing that i have to be the one telling you this because her bitch ass doesn't wanna say shit."
tia: "..what did she do?"
y/n: "don't get mad at me, be mad at her for eveything."
y/n: "..mattia"
y/n: "she hooked up with another guy."

he was shocked. man, i feel really bad for him.
mattia's pov
she.. cheated on me? but, what did i do wrong? i was so caring and loving to her. i don't know what i did wrong.

tia: "you.. serious?"
y/n: "i couldn't take her serious either, but she did. she really did. we got into a huge argument in the bathroom during lunch. that's why i wasn't there. she told me she was using you as a distraction."
ale: "she what?"
ro: "that's mad fucked up."
kai: "wtf?"
tia: "thank you for defending me. i really appreciate it."

mattia started crying. there was madness around the room. everyone was pissed. i still am. it hurts seeing mattia crying. lord.

y/n: "i'm really sorry mattia."
tia: "why would she just be with me if she had feelings for some other fucking dude? it makes no fucking sense.."
tia: "i'm sorry guys."
ale: "don't blame yourself bro, we're here for you no matter what."
others: "yes" "we are"
y/n: "do you want some alone time? we can leave if you want."
tia: "yeah please, just for like 5 minutes."
kai: "take your time bro"

y/n's pov
we gave him hugs and we left. i can't believe it. i told him. now just imagine if i told him who the guy was? would make things go worse than it already is.

rob: "i can't believe it."
ale: "knowing that he loved and cared for her makes me sad."
alv: "and to the fact that she dated him this whole fucking time for no reason."
(𝚢/𝚗 𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚝)
kai: "hey babe, what's wrong?"
kai: "y/n/n"
alv: "what happen?"
kai: "i think she's overthinking."
alv: "y/n"

i was overthinking and i didn't even notice until alvaro kept shaking me. i went back to reality. i hate this.

alv: "are you okay?"
y/n: "sorry, i was just overthinking about.."
kai: "about what?"
alv: "oh.. i think i know what is it."
ro: "what is it?"
alv: "can i tell them?"
y/n: "yeah sure."
alv: "she knows who the guy cynthia hooked up with."
ale: "you actually do?"
y/n: "yep."
alv: "she only knows the guy, she said it was surprise for everyone, including me."
kai: "so are you gonna tell mattia?"
y/n: "i mean, if i don't tell him, he'll find out eventually so, yeah."

mattia came upstairs with his pjs on. oh man, i don't wanna tell him. he already looks upset.

tia: "cmon guys"

we went back downstairs and we settle down. oh lord.

tia: "so, you know who the guy is?"
y/n: "you overheard, didn't you..?"
tia: "yup, just tell me who it is. it's ok. i'll be mad at them, not you. it's ok."
y/n: "you sure..?"
tia: "yeah, like what you said, if you don't tell me, i'll eventually find out."
y/n: "i mean.. yeah."
tia: "it's ok. tell me. us."
y/n: "it's.."
y/n: "it's quinton."


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