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positive. is this real? it's just one test. maybe it's lying? idk cause it came out positive. i started tearing up.

kai: "babe, are you okay? open the door."

i opened the door slowly.

kai: "what was the results?"

i gave him the pregnancy test. he took it and seen it. he looked up at me in shock.

kai: "is this for real?"
y/n: "i-i don't know. it's just one test but who knows if it's real."

i just kept crying. i'm just shocked that it came positive. kairi hugged me and comforted me.

kai: "it's gonna be ok babe."
y/n: "what are we gonna tell our parents? what if they kick me out? what if they kick you out? where are we gonna go?"
kai: "we can go to somebody's from the group. they'll understand."

i kept crying.

kai: "next week, let's take another test. if it's positive again, then we gotta accept that the fact you're pregnant."

i nodded my head. i'm just hoping this is fake.

a week later
so today, ima take another test. if it's positive again, then i'll just accept it. i can't do nothing about it. i'm not gonna abort it. my parents were out at the store and my siblings were with their friends. earlier in the morning, i rushed to the bathroom to throw up. i searched up on google to know if that was a pregnancy symptom. and it was. it said during the 2nd to 8th week of pregnancy, you'll feel morning sickness. it's literally the 2nd week after i missed my period, that's another symptom. and i've been going to the bathroom a lot and felt really tired. 4 pregnancy symptoms. well, time to take it. i was waiting for the results, while kairi was waiting outside the door.
3 minutes later
results came in.

positive again. welp, i'm pregnant. a baby inside my stomach. i can't do nothing about it. yes, i started crying again. it's unbelievable that i'm actually pregnant. is this a dream? no it's not. it's real. i opened the door and showed kairi the results.

kai: "so it is true? you are pregnant."
y/n: "i've had at least 4 pregnancy symptoms."
kai: "what 4 symptoms?"
y/n: "morning sickness, going to the toilet a lot, tiredness, and missed my period."
kai: "oh shit."
y/n: "this is bad."
kai: "i know but what can we do about it? if only i was careful, none of this would've happened."
y/n: "don't blame yourself."
kai: "what are we gonna do?"
y/n: "we gotta tell our parents no matter what. we can't hide it from them."
kai: "you're right."
y/n: "once everyone comes home, ima tell my siblings first, then parents."
kai: "ima just tell my parents."
y/n: "all i'm hoping is that they support me."
kai: "me too."

it was around 6 and everyone had come home. kairi left an hour ago. i'm scared. i'm scared to tell them. i don't know what to say. ima just show them the pregnancy tests. i have to. ima have to call gian, anna and alvaro in the room.

we were now all in my room. they were confused why i want them here.

gian: "soo.. why are we here again"
y/n: "i have to tell you guys something."
anna: "you're pregnant, jk"

i started sobbing. anna guessed that so fast. i nodded my head.

alv: "what..?"
gian: "wait, are you deadass?"

i showed them the 2 positive pregnancy tests.

anna: "is this real?"
alv: "are you actually pregnant..?"
y/n: "yes.. i am."
gian: "i'm gonna be an uncle!"
anna: "gian, not the time."
alv: "did you guys not use protection?"
y/n: "we did but-"
alv: "it broke?"
y/n: "sadly."
alv: sighs

alvaro seemed upset about it. but i can't do anything about it. we're twins and we're really close. can't he be the supportive twin brother he's supposed to be? he should be there for me no matter what happens. i'm there for him always. idk why he's not giving me the same energy.

anna: "i don't see what's wrong with her being pregnant. i know she's 18, but she's an adult now. she's not a teen anymore. you guys are gonna move out, once yall graduate. you guys are gonna start a new chapter in your life. can't you be a little supportive for her, alvaro? you guys are twins and really close. you should be happy for her. be glad you're having a niece/nephew."
gian: "right like, i'm so happy that i'm becoming an uncle."
anna: "and i'm happy i'm becoming an aunt. you should be happy you're becoming an uncle."
alv: "no, i am happy. i really am. but if she tells mom and dad, what do you think they're gonna say? what if they kick her out?"
gian: "they gotta understand. they gotta be supportive."
anna: "exactly."
alv: "when are you planning to tell them?"
y/n: "right now."
alv: "right now?"
y/n: "yup."

i got up and stood at the door.

gian: "i'm coming"
anna: "me too. if they say anything, i'm standing up for you."
gian: "same"
y/n: "thank you."

we went downstairs and seen my parents in the living room.

y/n: "ma, pa."

they both looked at me with their full attention. i'm scared.

y/n: "quiero hablar con ustedes."
(i wanna talk to you guys)

i sat down and so did gian, anna, and alvaro. my parents were sitting up and giving me their attention. can't believe i'm doing this. don't start crying.

mom: "que paso mija"
(what happened honey)
y/n: "all i want you guys es que me entiendan, me apoyen and still love me."

they seemed confused and worried.

y/n: "so a week ago, i took a pregnancy test and it came positive. no lo creí, así que tomé uno hoy y resultó positivo otra vez. i'm... pregnant."
(i didn't believe it, so i took another today and results were positive again)

they were shock. i was getting really scared because someone was getting angry. it was my dad. he was the one getting angry. why me.

mom: "yo si-"
(i do-)
dad: "estas que!? estas que cabrona, estas que!? como estas embarazada!? no usaste protección o que!? porque no piensas en que si no usas protección cuando tienes s3xo, te puedes embarazar!?
(you're what!? you're what asshole, you're what!? how are you pregnant!? you didn't use protection or what!? why didn't you think that if you don't use protection when having s3x, you can get pregnant!?)

i started crying. i've never seen my dad like this before. i get he's mad at me for getting pregnant, but he thinks i didn't use protection when i did, but it broke. gian and anna started comforting me.

gian: "pa, she did use protection!"
(pa - short way to say "dad")
dad: "oh yeah? si lo hubiera usado, no habría estado embarazada pendejo!"
(if she used it, she would've not been pregnant dumbass!)
alv: "ella lo usó, pero se rompió. ella no quería que esto pasara!"
(she used it, but it broke. she didn't want this to happen!)
dad: "tu pinche novio no tuvo cuidado o que?!"
(your fucking boyfriend wasn't careful or what?!)
y/n: "he was careful, okay!? no esperábamos que el condón se rompiera! kairi siempre tiene cuidado no matter what. no rompería el condón y me dejaría embarazada a propósito. el no es asi! don't put the blame on him!"
(we weren't expecting the condom to rip! kairi has always been careful. he wouldn't rip the condom and leave me pregnant on purpose! he's not like that!)

i was so fucking mad. i was not gonna let him blame this shit all on kairi. kairi is a sweet, loving, caring boyfriend and my dad knows that.

dad: "a mí no me hables así! you know what."
(don't talk to me like that!)

he got up and started walking somewhere. we were all confused and we seen him at the front door. what is he doing? he opened it and stood there. wait, is he..

dad: "get out."
y/n: "wha-"
dad: "dije que te vayas!"
(i said to get out!)
anna: "you're kicking her out!?"
gian: "no don't do that!"
dad: "callasen!"
(shut up!)

i couldn't believe it. he was kicking me out.

dad: "get your things and out."

i went upstairs crying. i got the things i needed: laptop, a few clothes, phone, charger, all things i need. it took up two backpacks. i got them and went downstairs. i couldn't i was doing this.

mom: "no la vas a sacar de la casa! estas loco?! donde se va a ir?!"
(you are not kicking her out of the house! are you crazy!? where will she go?!")
dad: "no se, pero si se va a ir."
(i don't know, but she will go.)
mom: "que no!"
y/n: "mami, i'll just go. it's okay."
sary: "pero mija, where will you go??"
y/n: "with one of my amigas."
(amigas - friends)
dad: "ya ves, now go."
(ya ves - you see)

i stepped out of the house. i looked at everyone. i kept crying.

alv: "no do-"
y/n: "it's okay."

i walked away slowly.

y/n: "i'll stay in contact with you guys."

i smiled at them. my dad slammed the door shut. welp, this is it. i kept crying and so i called kairi.

kai: "babe! how did it go?"
y/n: "bad."

i cried even more.

kai: "why are you outside- wait. don't tell me.."
y/n: "my dad.. kicked me out."

he was shocked. he couldn't believe it. i hate it here.

kai: "are you serious?"
y/n: "yes, i-i don't know where i'm supposed to go to."
kai: "you can stay at mine. my parents don't mind at all."
y/n: "really?!"
kai: "yeah deadass! here, ima go pick you up."
y/n: "okay"

i hung up and waited for 5 minutes. he came and i got in. kairi reached over to hug me. i felt safe in his arms. i don't know what i would do if i didn't meet kairi. he means everything to me. i appreciate my mom, gian, anna and alvaro for defending me. it means the world to me. would've been nice if i didn't have an angry dad. but what can i do about it? the more i defend myself, the angrier he'll get. why me man, why me.


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