𝟹𝟷 - 𝚙𝚝. 𝟸

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chapter edited

gianmarco's pov
bruh, i was nervous. i actually never been in my room alone, with someone i had a crush on. i spoke, to break the silence.

gian: "soo, how was school?"
mai: "it was good but boring as usual, and you?"
gian: "lame too. got in an argument with my teacher cause she took my phone from me. like, mf it's my phone."
mai: "i hate teachers like that. my science teacher took my phone away cause she accused me of recording the classroom, when i was just checking the time! like what the heck?!"
gian: "bro, fuck school"
mai: "i have good grades, but yeah f school"
gian: "fr? i'm basically failing."
mai: "why?"
gian: "school ain't shit"
mai: "i mean, i could help you on anything."
gian: "nah, i'm fine. well.. if you want, i don't mind"
mai: "yeah, anytime! just message me and- oh wait. i don't think i have you on social media."
gian: "i'll give you my phone number."

y/n's pov
we were listening to their little conversation. it was somewhat boring.

ness: "school? yeah, nice conversation guys."

mai: "i mean, i could help you on anything."
gian: "nah, i'm fine.. well if you want, i don't mind"

vic: "he don't mind huh

mai: "— don't think i have you on socia media."
gian: "i'll give you my phone number."

jen: "damn, he givin his phone number to her."
y/n: "sheesh"

gianmarco's pov
i gave her my phone number. she saved it as "giann<3". shii, i feel special.

gian: "soo, do you have a boyfriend?"
mai: "no. kairi is wayy too overprotective."
gian: "alvaro & y/n are also overprotective, but more alvaro."
mai: "the brothers are always overprotective. plus, we're too young"
gian: "who cares if we're young, they don't gotta know."
y/n's pov
jen: "gian asked maiya if she has a mans."

mai: "no. kairi is wayy too overprotective."

vic: "she's right."

gian: "alvaro & y/n are also overprotective-"

y/n: "bruh, he's lying."

gian: "-but more alvaro."

y/n: "that's better."

mai: "the brothers are always overprotective. plus, we're too young."

vic: "she's right about the young part."

gian: "who cares if we're young, they don't gotta know."

vic: "ayo??"
y/n: "he sounds stupid."
gianmarco's pov
mai: "i know you like me gian."
gian: "wha- how do you know?!"
mai: "mattia's girlfriend told me"
gian: "and how does she know?!"
mai: (𝚜𝚑𝚛𝚞𝚐𝚜)
gian: "well idc, i know you like me too"
mai: "i'm guessing alvaro told you"
gian: "yup"
mai: "well, we both know now"
gian: "shii, if only i could.."
mai: "if only you could.. what?"

i leaned in bro, I LEANED IN. i know i shouldn't be doing this, but fuck y/n and alvaro.

y/n's pov
jen: "fyi, y/n told us"
y/n: "i found the note, hush"

gian: "shii, if only i could.."
mai: "if only you could.. what?"

ness: "my mind is telling me he's doing something.."
y/n: "no-"

i jumped out of my bed and we ran out of my room.
alvaro's pov
kairi, ale, mattia and i were walking in the house, seeing y/n running across the hall. huh? we were confused, so we decided to check to see what happened cause the girls were following her as well.
y/n's pov
i opened the door and seen gian LEANING IN?? wth is he doing?! is he stupid?

y/n: "STOP."

they turned around, gian turning red. he had the face of guilt.

alvaro's pov
we walked up and seen y/n opening gian's door. i peeked through her shoulder and seen gianmarco leaning in?!? wtf?!

alv: "WOAHH"
y/n: "oh shit!"
kai: "what happened?"
tia: "is that maiya sitting on gianmarco's bed?"
mai: "yeah, why?"
kai: "wtf are you guys doing?"
mai: "we were just having a convo, what's wrong with that?"
alv: "noo, you guys were not."
vic: "yes they were!"
ness: "they were just talking about school."
alv: "i literally seen gian leaning IN!"

y/n's pov
and the boys were shocked. they couldn't believe two middle schoolers were about to kiss. i didn't know about it and so my heart told me to go stop whatever they are doing. that's why i went running to his room. cmon now. plus, it was gian leaning in, not maiya.

kai: "why, why maiya?"
mai: "i didn't-"
ness: "bro, you really think we were gonna let these two kiss?"
kai: "well-"
jen: "first of all, put the blame on gian, not her."
mai: "let's go home."
kai: "what?"
mai: "i wanna go home, please."

her voice cracked on the word 'please'. they were heading downstairs. we were standing by the front door.

ness: "see, now your making her cry. for something she didn't do."
kai: "she was going to kiss gian, how is that "nothing"?"
jen: "she wasn't going to kiss him dumbass, did you see her leaning in?"
ness: "exactly."
kai: "whatever, i'll see you guys tmr."
y/n: "babe-"
(𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚝𝚜 𝚍𝚘𝚘𝚛)
alv: "and you stupid ass, we gotta talk."
gian: "bro, i didn't do anything!"

i was about to go to sleep, until alvaro spoke up.

alv: "were you really gonna let those two mf kiss?"
y/n: "for the last fucking time, no! why don't you just believe us?"
alv: "because you guys didn't even give a shit!"
y/n: "oh my god, you make my head hurt. they're just fucking middle schoolers! they don't know nothing about relationships. calm your fucking ass down. maiya knows they're young do be doing that."
alv: "ok, so then why were they leaning in?!"
y/n: "it was gianmarco leaning in for the last damn time! my lord. stop trying to blame poor maiya."
alv: "idk, but this is your fault."
y/n: "bro, how is it my fault!?"
alv: "you took maiya to see gian! and that happens when you take her there!"
y/n: "okay that's because they're fucking friends. alvaro, you're fucking better than this. i'm hella pissed at you."

i turned the opposite direction from alvaro was and tried to sleep. he needs to grow the fuck up. damn, gianmarco was the one leaning in, not maiya! alvaro gets on my last damn nerves. i just hope kairi isn't mad at me. i already have alvaro mad at me.


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