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chapter edited

may 16
it was 2 days later and it is now mattia's birthday. we went over to his house to celebrate, just like we did with roshaun. we were outside doing tiktoks.

ness: "awe look, it's the trio doing a tiktok together"
jen: "the height difference just goes straight down from mattia to kairi."
ness: "kairi's such a short bitch"
y/n: "i feel offended"
ness: "don't worry, it's about him not you"
jen: "you're the only acceptable short ass here"
alv: "hello??"
ness: "bye"

kairi, mattia & alejandro walked towards us after finishing their tiktok they made.

ale: "look at the tiktok we made"
tia: "should we post it?"
kai: "yes fuck it"
ale: "look look look, it's kairi twerking on mattia"
jen/ness/y/n: "stop" "lemme see" "what"
ale: "and he's grabbing his hips yoo"
jen: "if yall gay, just say that"
tia: "fuck no, i'm not gay"
kai: "plus if we were, why would we dating girls dumbass, think before you say shit"
ness: "it's called being bi whore"
kai: "well, i ain't nun, i'm straight asl"
vic: "they call it 'bromance' "
jen: "that shit is no where near damn bromance, straight up fruits"
tia: "stfu, you be acting gay towards your little friends, especially them"
jen: "who's them hoe"
kai: "obviously ness, y/n, & vic, who else"
jen: "okay maiRI"
tia: "shut up n kiss me"
jen: "bye"

after we did the cake and took some quick pictures, we decided to go to the park, so we can take some pictures to post on insta. we went to a part where it has the best lighting, since the sun was setting.

ness: "okay, so there should be at least 2 people taking the pictures"
y/n: "i'll be one"
ness: "okay, one more"
y/n: "vic can be the other, she also takes good pics"
ness: "okay, vic!"
vic: "yes?"
ness: "you're gonna be taking the pictures along with y/n, so it's faster"
vic: "oh okay"
y/n: "alright guys, who's first?"

we started taking pictures. vic took mine and i took hers. all the pictures came out really good. i should start working as a photographer. that would be really cool. maybe.
we walked back to mattia's house. vic & i were sending everyone their pictures. we're gonna post them tomorrow.

it was getting dark and so we decided to go home. today was pretty fun as well. we did do more things today than we did on roshaun's birthday, like took pictures, did tiktoks, played a few games, went to go get icecream after the park. but both days were fun either way. in 3 days aka the 19th is robert's birthday. three birthdays in a month, jesus. next is vic, her birthday's the 6th of august. so 3 more months. alvaro & i said bye to everyone and we left. it just feels great to be out and see my friends & boyfriend again, instead of having to be stuck at home, nothing to do. even though being with my 3 siblings is fun, but they can sometimes be annoying asl. but no matter what, i'm just happy.


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