👼Rose Garden👼

48 17 43

☺Chapter - 8☺

Dedicated to Coffeeholicme11 as a pre birthday gift. Her birthday is on 20th so make sure you drop your wishes❤

Rose Garden


"GG!" She yawps, followed by a wave of squealish laughter as I tickle her sides. It's a game I play with my princess in which I ask her who she chose to bathe with and she'd always say 'dadda' when she was little but now after getting better at understanding, my princess is no more as innocent as I thought. She'd no more choose me in order to annoy me and say my mom's name when I'd ask her who's more good or who's more playful or who's putting her to sleep, getting her food or getting her hair done. She is in team daadi now and it makes me feel proud and happy. Her acceptance of people and ability to form new bonds is a matter of concern for me but she amazes me in everything and anything.

My little precious daughter is able to trust my family and mom has always been supportive about growing a child. If it wasn't for her I don't know how I would ever be able to handle being a single dad with a toddler while I also dealt with my pain. Riddhi and mom are all that I have and all that I plan on cherishing.

What keeps me going is this bright warm smile my princess gives me every morning. There are times I have a hard time swallowing the lump in my throat wishing somehow Aarohi could see her smiling like this too but I am aware of the blessing and that somewhere she's watching us. I imagine her reprimanding me sometimes when I teach our daughter things mothers don't approve of children speaking.

"Daadi ki bacchi! Won't you ever let me bathe you?" I run behind her, deliberately slow and watch her squeal and run around the couch in the hall, wearing just a top.

"Nhai nhai nai!!" She says between her giggles and I laugh. It's only with her that I forget everything about who I was and what I had been through. Our time is a carefree bubble where I am not sure who is more of the kid, me or her.

"Aye, C'ere shame shame!" I beckon her with my fingers and she only hides behind the couch. When does she ever do what she is told to do? I smirk and climb on the couch, looking over its back to her tiny ass hiding in there. She is so small and light, I hold her with my hand and lift in both of my hands, saying "Gotcha!", to which she only shies away in my chest. I shower her with kisses on her cheeks because I simply can't resist it at all. She is mine to call, my little goofball of insane energy.

"No nhai nhai with daddy?" I ask for the final time and she pretends to point at me but then cheers 'GG' again as mom comes into the hall, her one hand loaded with laundry.

"Where is she learning all these tricks from?" I shake my head, letting her on the floor and she quickly runs to her daadi, who is in the mood of cleaning everything in the house today. I hate cleaning day because everything in the house turns into a mess till evening.

"I'm out. Bye Princess!"

"Baiiiiii!" Comes her reply, which only makes me roll my eyes every time. That is annoying in a cute way and I only don't mind because it's my princess so there is no doubt not to. She is so much opposite to how her mother was. Aarohi was classy in so many ways that in front of her even I would look like a roadside romeo. Only that my eyes weren't on her for a long time and she did try to catch mine.

However, her little version, who always amuses me in the way she does things, is nothing like her. Children anyway do things without the care of the world, unaffected by opinions and judgements. It's only the adults who are burdened by societal expectations.

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