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☺Chapter 12.☺

Dedicated to Frisky_Ash for being so amazing and eager towards my story. Thank you Aishu


"Well who then?" I am staring at her wide eyed. Who could it be she's physically attracted to.

"A Certain him I used to live with in India" says she and my curiosity rise higher.

Was she living with someone that I know not of?

She stumbles and hold my elbow, "freaking walking half-naked malhotra, gloryfying his six packs"

I stare at open mouthed and as her words dawns over my mind, I'm left smiling. Someone hug me tight, its me she is into so much!

"You mean me?"

She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head, "is your name six packs?" She asks me and I want to laugh. I shake my head amused and she makes sad face pouting a little. "Waise bhi yaha itni thand hai, Mr six packs is hiding here" she points her fingers at my stomach, poking thrice.

It tickles me and I chuckle.

"Nice try to cover up what you slipped on" I smirks and she doesn't meet my eyes.

I know now in a certain way she is affected. So I decide not to push her much.

"Its okay to feel that way Aashna, nothing wrong. Give yourself sometime."

Wow! I'm advising this to her, guess I should take the same advice, because every time she's near me in a close proximity the monster in my stomach lurches to action.

I have come a long way, feeling all those strange and new sides of attraction. Once we get attached it follows.

I glance at her who's staring down as we walk, maybe pondering over something. I leave her to her thoughts returning to my sweet memories.

Aashna hugging me at the lake, comforting me. Aashna and me watching a movie, well her watching the movie, I was busy in watching her. I smile at the memory.

I should have known this when she was nervous to my closeness, the night before I left Pune.

I glance back to her and she's chewing her lower lip.

I sigh trying to frame my next question as best as I can.

"Am I intimidating?

She looks up frowning and I raise my eyebrows. " At times" she admits and I nod.

"but you're not uncomfortable are you?"

"N..no! Kabir its..." she shrugs and shakes her head as if to clear her mind, "its strangely Alien that has never happened to me before."

"I get it" I purse my lips burying my hands into my pockets. Its getting cold and we have reached back to home.

As we get inside, an idea pops up into my mind.

Tomorrow's Sunday, and we have no plans.

"Aashna," she cease on her way to her room.

"Kal studio chale?"

I see a broad grin on her face and it goes right from my soul, refreshing it from within.

I grin back.



Oh god its so embarrassing, awkwardly freakishly odd. Since morning Kabir's been fixing me with knowing looks and I feel going all open- like exposed. Why the hell did I tell him yesterday what I've been realising , no shit shit!

Now he knows what I think of him and I know nothing about the way he sees me! How very unfair!

He doesn't feel the same way, maybe ! What am I feeling I don't know.

My frown tenses and there are lines clearly visible on my forehead. I heave a sigh and relax as I watch myself in the glass door.

Kabir is smirking beside me as he opens the door, we are at his studio now.

I so want to freaking wipe off that smirk on his face.

I want to yell, cry and laugh all at once.

"Here we are!"

I glance around the huge Hall. Woah! This is really huge! A hall almost like an auditorium. Its like a film set, various props are scattered around everywhere. Cubes, ying yang ball, Ariel lifts, dumbles, poles, posters, sceneries, New york- times square, a mini one and holy cow! A mini space shuttle, snow park and a ship!


"You mean wow?"

I look around at him, "what is this place!" I'm already loving it. He grins at me and offers his hand. I place mine into his gladly.

"C'mon I'll give you a tour."

We walk together to the space shuttle, its small and cozy prop with rings all around and glittering planets. God its like a dream! Kabir pulls the black curtain and I can see glitters all around me as we step in the shuttle.

"Look there" he guides and I leans my head in the little cut out window.

"Wow, I feel like flying" I giggle. Its like a galaxy. Kabir makes me wear the astronaut armour and I'm feeling like a 6 year girl as he zips me and I'm excited as hell.

"Stretch your arms now, pull on the visor."

I do what he tells me and he clicks some of my pics.

We next go to snow park , a mini version of which I've only seen in movies. There are flowers pink and purple on which white thermocol balls are pinned and the floor is covered in cottony white powder on the white tile of the little platform.

"Wanna try?" He asks and I eye those rollers. Skating is something I never did but the look on his face is like that of a child going to get a candy. So I wear them and try to stand up. Kabir is wearing them too and he helps me up.

"We have her here finally?" I hear someone say and turn around in his arms to look at a charming boy in his mid twenties, his hair bronze and eye light honeyed.

I'm surprised was I expected here?I pass a polite smile and stare up at kabir who's holding my shoulders.

"Yeah Fabiano, meet Aashna, Aashna he's Fabiano, all these props and set up you see?" I nods "well he's the man behind it"

I smile at Fabiano, "all this is fabulous."

"Fabiano is nothing if not fabulous." Fabiano winks at me, he has the Asian accent and I wonder where is he from.

"Pleased to meet you Aashna" uff the man is charming.

"Roll it, will you? Kabir ask him and then without warning he turns me to him, we are sliding on the rollers and he turns to whirl me around. I stumble and he steadies me.

"Retake" Fabino calls from behind the camera and kabir goes for it again, whirling me around and pulling me to him in a dance, this time successfully. I am laughing all the time and my hesitation is gone as I zoom on to rollers without his support.

I squeal in delight as my eyes search Kabir, my balance weakens and I go round only to hit my head at his chest as he holds me, we roll backward feeding the momentum finally hitting the curtains where snowy mountains are adorned.

So its a wall behind him and I'm pressed against him, his breathe coming cool on my forehead.
What is happening, its like a switch on-off mode that i've adapted to feel around Kabir, sometimes i'm way more comfortable, sometimes its unbearably awkward, and times like these when he stares at me like that, his gaze penetrating deep in my eyes, and those depths are breathtaking. I blink twice to clear my head as my heart dips n again restart to full speed.

I stand back and takes off the skates.

Fabiano shows us our recordings and clicks and I'm smiling way too much.

Next we see some swings to have fun, some balls to roll on, cartoon characters like Richie Rich, Tom&Jerry, Noddy and Humpty Dumpty to go pose with and finally to the ship where we pose for titanic. Its a fun place, I could always live here.

"Its fun working here." He answers my unasked question and I smiles at him, "I can see, this is so pretty" I take some fist full of sand from the made out beach they have here. We take off our coats and in our casuals takes a few selfie, Kabir sends them to Kukkie hastagging beachlife with our pics.

"Kukkie would have loved it, why didn't we come here then?"

"It all wasn't set up , Fabiano got it done just a week back."

"Are there models that come here?"

I ask licking my lips.

"Yes there is one already here. Come I'll introduce you" we walk to the huge ying yang ball. Wait! It has a door? I didn't notice it before.

"Ariana" Kabir calls and she emerges from the door. From what I could make of this ying yang is that its kind of a make up room. I can see three more people in their, probably make up artists and hair stylers.

I meet the model who is surprisingly very warming, not the type of image I had for famous models.she is gorgeous and tall with beautiful eyes. I meet two more photographers who work with Kabir. I get to know Kabir is more into nature and still monuments photography while glamour and events are handled by his colleagues.

"Let's have a look at my cabin" he tugs my hand and leads the way through the double doors. So its a in-house lift just like a metro, taking us Aligned way not up!

We step out to a wooden tiled narrow platform.

"Come" I follow him to the only door in the passageway. Its an ancient inverted U one with the initials K.M. inscribed on the wood with rich golden shine.

He opens the door and I'm already speechless. The wall opposite is of glass and there are photographs on it in a chess board style. Through the glass squares I can look out to the the city rustling below and those photographs are the best thing I saw.

There are some of those, very athletic and sporty.

"Are those award winning?"

"Yeah the agency were praises for me, I started as sports cameraman."

His eyes are twinkling and I glance back to all those photos. Starting as sports camera person!!! He is something really.

"They are awesome" I walk along the wall admiring each.


There are cuttings from magazines and I go through them, a cup of respect for him pouring over me drip by drip.

"Kabir Malhotra you are something" I smile big and turn around to see few photos on the back of the door we just came in.

Its full of photos of streets, people, odd cars, bikes and public shots.

They are some great photos, each telling a new story.

"I used to be outdoor a lot , you see this one, that's of Paris,a lot of women are glad to volunteer there"

He reckons.

"I stare at the glass of red wine which would have been very close to the camera lens, through the half filled red drink I can spot a women, leaning back on the couch.

"What is she wearing?" I doubt if she is wearing clothes at all? I can see all red through the wine, her image is blurred.

"Nothing, like I said, women in Paris are best a photographer could find, they know how to pose. A lot of them are ready for nude displays."

"You've been to Paris too!" I am amazed at this man, there is yet a lot to know about him.

"Yes, just after I was out of sports photography, I was sent there for a month."

"Great, I like Paris, its on my list" I nod at him looking around his cabin. There is a light stand, taller than me on the right. A camera stand is set here followed by few more of different size. There is a thing like a long rifle.

I take it in my hands , "what's this?"

"I'll show you, come stand there."

I follow his instructions standing in the middle of white flowy curtains , there is also a stool, black as coal in front of this whiteness of the room.

Kabir goes behind the camera, his one eye close as he focus his lens on me. I feel heat rise in my cheeks already. As a kid I was too shy when papa used to take the whole family for a photoshoot.

Though in the times of selfies and photogenic well maintained people, its not a big thing. The big lights flash at me and suddenly I'm a little nervous and funny, its like I'm out of place among all those equipments.

Kabir switch on the big rifle as I call It and I realise its a blower as the wind rushes to my face, my hairs flying backwards.

"C'mon give me a sexy pose" he calls from behind over the swoosh voice of the blower and I flush, my ears warming up. Sexy pose?? Damn him!

I keep my hands on my hips bending ahead a little. "Is this nice?"

"Er....maybe something different?"

Oh! OK . I grab an umbrella from a basket and pose with both my hands at the stick, umbrella open and facing him with my left arm, one leg up.


"Hmm..." I hear a click sound, trying to keep my balance. "Maza nahi aya"

I sigh, gritting my teeth. Why am I feeling he's rejecting my poses deliberately. I'm not some fudging model.

I throw the umbrella and glare at him. I can't see his expression behind the camera.

"C'mon!" He gestures from his hand.

I run my hands through my hairs and pull those up from my ears, a pose I've seen actresses doing, and then I shoot a attitude sexy smirking face at him.

Click. Click. Click. He comes out from his hiding place and smirks.

"Bss itna hi?"

I fume at him and switch the blower off snatching it from him. "Hadd hai! Why don't you show me then"

I go behind the camera now as he grins and walk in front of the camera. "Oh I'll show you something." He pulls off the sweatshirt above his head and just at the mere sight of his shoulders from the vest, I find my breathe hitch.

He takes some dumbles and poses.

"Be a good photographer Aashna" he winks and I flush as I hide behind the camera. Through the lens I watch him as he now takes off the vest too, his back facing me.

I'm waiting for him to turn, my nerves in bundles. He turns and my mouth drops open, what is it that he does, I can see his six packs more sharper than the last time I saw. I take my time, drinking in his body from the lens and he even doesn't have to pose. He is just standing and looking sexy as hell.

Wait! What am I thinking! Gross things out of your mind Aashna!
But then one more look at him again and I'm melting.

I'm again irritated.

I walk to him, trying to keep a straight face and not look below his chin. "Bakwas"

I stick out my tongue at him and turn around to go but I'm yanked back facing him, my one hand locked behind me in his hold while the other rests on his chest. His heartbeats are quickened and I dare not look him in the eye. God help! He knows he affects me and I am already red everywhere, I don't want to be embarrassed more.

"Your last pose was extremely gorgeous and breathtakingly sexy" he whispers and I meet his gaze, darkened and focused on me. I may have surpassed red to maroon by this second.

I feel his breathe, and I drop my eyes, my heart threatening to jump out. I'm afraid what if he finds out.

"Kabir, chodo"


I stare at him and there is nothing that I can hunt down to say to him. I stay mum and watch him, his eyes boring into mine, and its so strange I want to look away but at the same time I want to keep gazing at him. There is something holding my eyes glued to his and I feel his rough touch at my wrists. I move my hand back from his chest and his free hand comes up to take it again in his hold as he places it right there on his heart.

My eyes follow as I could feel a pulsating rhythm against my palm.

His heartbeats? Why are they vibrating madly!

I worry my lips and looks up at him, my eyes wide.

"This is what you do to me too"

He whispers and I stop breathing altogether. Mee too? What did he mean by me too? Can he hear mine.

"Breathe" he leaves me as he step back and pulls on his vest, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

I relax and breathes turning around. How do I face him now!

what do I say to him !

Should I wait for him to say something?

why is it so goddamn awkward!

I think I'm gonna explode. So strange and so unnervingly nagging it is, these tingles inside my body.

Its hard to block that image from my mind, him standing so close, whispering that. I am affecting him! Should I be happy? Or worried?

He clears his throat. Oh my god he's gonna say something. I warn myself not to do or say anything stupid and embarrass myself more. Since when have I turned into a nervous mess?

"wish I could read minds so that I knew what are you thinking" he speaks in that deep voice and if it didn't before, it definitely is sending ripples of jelly inside my system.

What is it that's making so much of difference here. It wasn't like this with him always?

"Nothing" I manage to reply.

"Hey Kabir, they just told me you brought her here...oh! Hey Aashna nice to meet you I'm Sophia"

I relax in the presence of a third person in his cabin. She's a brunette with attractive features, clad in a grey outfit, a decent and professional looking girl in her twenties.

"Hello" I smile.

"Sophia is our agency's anchorwoman. She likes spotlight." Kabir fills me in and Sophia rolls her eyes at him.

"Hah! Ab Allah ne khoobsurti bakshi hai to dikhaane me kya Harz" she waves her hand off.

Kabir shakes his head, "I'll collect all the photos, Sophia will take you to the food zone Aashna. See you in ten minutes"

I glance up at him and he catches my eyes, deep chocolates of his orbs trying to communicate something to me. I don't know if I understood but I blink at him and follows Sophia. She is professional looking but her language is informal. I am surprised that she is married and even is blessed with a baby boy.

I chat with her at the food zone and she orders for me the best that they have. I sip on my coffee, very gladly. I now realise how much in need of a drink I was, my throat had dried from all the glory I saw from his six packs.

I brush the picture away closing my eyes for a moment as I hear Sophia talking about her kid fondly. When I open my eyes , I see Kabir joining us.

My teeth grits as I curl my toes inside my converse. Its alright! Why am I getting weird.

Kabir smiles at me few reassuring ones and its like a balm spreading all over me, freeing me from the uncomfortable thoughts. I try myself, putting some efforts to join in the conversation normally as Fabiano joins us.

I am smiling as we talk and I'm thankful to Kabir for indulging a common topic to keep me in so that I don't feel left out.

As we're walking back to the bike I thank Fabiano, Sophia and two more of his fellow cameramans of whom I forgot the name.

As we're riding home now, I'm holding on to him and it feels nice, not uncomfortable now. I'm confused at my own reactions and feelings. Sometimes it goes wrong and awkward, other times it feels home to be near him.

I need to see Lily, before that I'd have to speak to Kukkie.

"Have you told them I was coming? I ask him and he doesn't reply.

I frowns and taps his shoulder. " Kabir!"

"Sorry I didn't hear what?"

Oh! So he too is swimming in his own sea of thoughts, questions and views.

"Those at the studio seemed aware of who I was"

"Haan, Maine bataya tha you're my friend"


Friend! Best friend!

Kukkie's voice ring in my ears, 'but best friend isn't the limit'

Can we be more? 

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So something to say about this longer update I managed to give u guys? 🙈🙈😹😹

Tomorrow I'm starting my college life, so for updates I'll be taking out some time to write but if they aren't so quick so I hope you guys will understand.

Now be sweet and drop comments and votes ;)

Love always,

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