👼Time to Part👼

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chapter 7.☺

Dedicated to Riddhi Srivastava as a gift for her precious day. Happy birthday my doll. Be you. Love you.


Next morning when I woke up, I was a mess. Wiping away my groggy eyes sleepless I sat up throwing away the quilt.
My vest hung to my body as a second skin, sticky and wet from all the sweat my fever kicked out last night. My skin felt oily and foul smelling.

"Gross man! You look like hell!"

I jumped up on hearing her voice and realised she was sitting On the edge of my bed.

"Thanks as if I wasn't feeling more terrible already. Anyways what are you doing here?" I craned my neck left and right to get rid of the stiffness.

"Why I came to check on you, feeling any better?"

"Yeah I'm okay" I rotated my shoulders as I gave her an accusing glance. "For God's sake Aashna, you should give your foot a rest why did you have to move and walk, I don't see a superwoman streak in that!"

"Clearly Kabir sleeping with his vest on isn't his definition of 'Okay' " she teased ignoring my comment. This girl needs to learn she's straining her leg for more damage.
I sighed and replied taking off my vest
"I was shivery last night. Guess I need to eat."

"You also need to bath trust me." She wrinkled her nose and I scowled. " I already know I stink!" I grumbled while pulling my clothes from the cupboard.

"Okay, be quick I got the breakfast ready" she said and I turned to her in disbelief. She had a minor fracture in her ankle. Unbelievable girl!

"With Yash's help" she added gauging my reaction.


"Where's he?"

"I sent him to brush his teeth" I rolled my eyes. "What is it with boys unable to stay clean and clear." She rolled her eyes eyeing me.

"Don't move tum yahin baitho, mai aya." I made a dash to the washroom before she could again comment on my gross self.


Kabir looked more refreshed and back to his cool humor self after a shower.
His hairs still wet and his body clean emitting the familiar musky Axe smell.

We were sat at the dining table having the most amazing cheese sandwiches. Yash was an amazing chef. His treats were always an absolute delight to my taste buds.

The events last night, the fall and the facture was painful, and my plans on going hiking with Kabir this weekend was obviously shattered.

Though I didn't mind the pain this morning. I was quite enjoying the two boys fussing over me. Kabir was extremely caring like I was some weak delicate petal which would tear up on a slightest of scratch. His overcaring stunts did make me roll my eyes but Yash managed to make me laugh.

Yash was really a nice guy next door and was becoming our friend. Although it gets quite unbearable sometimes with his never ending rant about culinary skills, he kept the atmosphere light.

The whole week passed in a blur with me recovering at a slow rate because of my ignorance and rebellion streak, which I only discovered after meeting Mr. Hottty photographer.
Kabir was working from early mornings till evening and Yash kept me a good company. He did evening shifts at the hotel so that I won't be alone as Kabir came at evenings.

I had taken an off from work, handling the petty matters at library from my laptop itself.

I was a little upset with Kabir for he has told Kukkie about my leg earning a promise that she won't tell my parents. It was a good deal but I was still angry on him as Kukkie drove me insane with her every hour calls.

"Don't you have studies to do?" I asked Kukkie on Friday evening.
She gave a cute pout " I wish I was there with you di. I'm so worried."

"Right" I said and turned around to find Yash at the door.

"I'll have to leave early since it's Friday. Do you need anything?"

"No thanks Yash. I'll be fine."

"Alright see you later when I do" he winked at me and I waved to him before turning back to face Kukkie on my phone.

"Di...woh kaun tha?"

I smirked, "I thought you liked your precious Adi, baat karwaau kya?"
I loved teasing her.

"Mai toh bas aise hi pooch rahi thi just like that!" Kukkie colored up not meeting my eyes and changing the camera view so that i faced her study table instead.

I chuckled and said, " okay he's Yash, padosi hai"

Kukkie again turned the camera view to her face nodding to me.
"Don't worry about me Kukkie. I'm okay and Kabir is there to take care of me right. You trust him if not me."
I assured her for the umpteenth time that day.

"Ok. But he's leaving tomorrow... er..Di Adi is calling me.we'll talk later yeah? Bye love you."
I shook my head at her. I just knew how long her later is.

I didn't even realise where did time slip away. It was finally a month that I was living with Kabir and he'd be gone tomorrow. His project was all piled up and done. His life was in Ireland. Everyone has a life why am I so bothered, it isn't like he can stay here forever.

Last night I had a type of a heated argument with him for telling off kukkie. He'd said one of my family member should know in case because he was leaving and that was what he felt right.

He was right like most of the times but I was acting silly unable to swallow my pride and hadn't talked to him since then.

I didn't want to part on 'not talking' terms with him. It was nearly time for him to come back. I stumbled and managed to walk to the fridge without straining my leg. It didn't pain much and was ok.

I filled two glasses with Rasna, mix fruit flavour. We drank this together every evening in the balcony. Just as I was breaking the ice out from the tray, one of the ice cubes slipped away. I was about to pick it up when I heard a moment behind me and I jumped taken aback only for my foot to slip on the ice cube I'd let fall.

No. No. No I don't want a spine fracture too. I shut my eyes trying to hold something, anything to prevent the fall blindly.

And I fell. It hurt.

Oh god! I fell? Not on the floor though. I opened my eyes to find Kabir beneath me. His hard chest under my weight. My elbow had hit the floor and I cried in pain rubbing it while getting off of him.

"What the hell Kabir!"

"Oh hello! There could be more damage done if I hadn't come. It's just your elbow. Less damage." He shrugged getting up and standing on his knees.

"Really? You were the one responsible for my fall in the first place! Aise choro ki tarah chupke se ghar mein kyu ghuse?" I glared at him trying to get up. The fall had triggered a vein in my leg which was swollen and now hurt.

"I wanted to surprise you" he bent down and picked me in his arms again. I held on to him for my life afraid he'd drop me.

"You did surprise the hell out of me. Pehle bhi aise hi pakad lete na Mr. Macho" I frowned at my elbow still rubbing the sensation off.

He swiftly placed me on the swing in the balcony and then started blowing on my elbow "filmy deewani, movie chal rhi hai kya koi, I can't be that quick"

"You were in falling before me"

"I slid on my knees so that you won't be hurt."

I rolled my eyes and he sighed. "Okay I don't want another argument, last night was enough. Did kukkie call?"

I felt a pang of guilt for last night and then nodded to him "yeah she did.uncountable times."

He grinned at me and a wave of comfort passed over me to see him smile for the first time in last 24 hr. I liked the fact that he too called her Kukkie.

"What were you doing anyway?" He asked me.

"Rasna" I pointed to the glasses and he fetched those with ice. We both drank in silence listening to the gentle pit pat of raindrops wetting the balcony railings.

I stared at the falling rain, thinking of our routine and time together. Kabir's phone rang and I looked at him as he answered.

"Yes dad."

"All ready and confirmed ...yes ...yes on 5th."

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow...will ring you when I reach"

I heard his one sided conversation with his dad wondering how he'd be like as I did.

Kabir was to reach his home tomorrow and then his flight was scheduled for the day after which would take him back to Dublin.

Away from me.

I shook my head thinking one day he had to leave. So be it.

"Kya hua?" He asked as soon as he hung up.

I just shook my head staring at the crimson sky, Nearing dark.

Dinner was again an awkwardly silent affair. He seemed lost in thought. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. It was our last night and we should be having fun.

I can't stop him from leaving then why not make the most of it.

"Let's watch a movie" I suggested and he smiled affirming my idea.

We settled on the couch dimming the lights and watched "The Intern".

Our arms brushed often and we both knew we both were stealing glances at each other.

I saw him shift towards me from the corner of my eye few minutes later and I pretended to concentrate hard on Jule and Ben sitting on the bed with their bathrobes on.

"Miss karogi mujhe?" His voice was again a whisper. But just not only a whisper. A whisper full of emotions.

I stared into his eyes , twinkling in the dark. My stomach suddenly dipped at his words and the intense stare he fixed me with.

Ofcourse. I wanted to say. But words failed me at that moment. All I could do was melt under his chocolate brown gazing orbs.

"Miss unhe karte hai jinhe bhoolte hai and I can never forget you Kabir." I said honestly and he blinked with a smile spreading on his lips.

"Can I hug you?" He sounded cracky and surprisingly I giggled back.

"Can you?"

He crushed me in his arms tight and I sank in his warm embrace.

I felt his stiffness vanish as he relaxed against me. We sat there hugging as seconds kept ticking.

"I'll miss you like hell" his voice came muffled from my hairs. I sniffed in his musky scent. He pulled me even tighter if that was possible.

"Aww don't act like such a baby" I tried to lighten up a bit before he turn into a wailing girl.

He pulled me back frowning at me but still smiling "don't 'Aww' me"
I laughed and poked into his ribs and he picked on my mood before starting a tickle war.

Few minutes of Kabir tickling me I was laughing like a maniac and my breathing was uneven but he didn't stop. I felt like I'd die of laughing too hard. I was already very sensitive and ticklish and Kabir just seemed to know where to touch me.

"Oh...ah..ok..ok Kabir" i let out a squeal and he gave me a devilish grin.

"Stop...Kabir!" I warned him but he continued , his breathing also came out hard fighting to have fun with me.

I thought quickly to stop him "Kabir my leg hurts please stop" I feigned hurt and clutched his hands and his hands ceased immediately.

I tried to hide my smile as his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes on my foot as though he can practically x-ray it from his naked eyes.

Just then the doorbell rang and Kabir got there to open and found Yash.

"Hey I came to take my charger back"
I heard him speak to Kabir.

We were both breathing hard as Kabir allowed Yash into the hall and switched on the lights.

Yash 's eyes grazed my appearance and travelled back to Kabir's half naked form.

It was then that I realised my clothes were ruffled from our previous act when I saw color rising in Yash 's cheeks.

"What were you guys up to?" Yash raised an eyebrow at Kabir not meeting my eyes.

Shoot! I knew he was thinking something which would obviously make it embarrassing.

I was in shock when Kabir just winked at Yash and tossed the charger to him.
"Movie night. Wanna join?"

"Er...no. you guys carry on I need to go. Good night"
Yash left in a very flushed state like that of a new bride.

As soon as he was out of the door Kabir and I broke into rounds of laughter knowing well what Yash contemplated.

For late hours of night we kept chatting. Kabir was fun to be around.

"Aadat hogayi hai tumhari" I voiced my thoughts to him when we were in my room. Kabir was again fussing over me, cushioning my leg and all that he does a lot as if I'm some piece of thin wood.

He looked at me, his eyes happy and sparkling with delight.
"Mujhe bhi"

He came and sat near me. We stared at each other for sometime and he neared me , I was going all edgy and felt my bones vanish from my body as I melted under his gaze. A flicker of something deep and unknown flashed in his eyes and he kept Nearing his face. I was turning into a jelly.

Then I saw it. The naughty glint in his amused eyes. He was dangerously close and I stopped breathing altogether.

I couldn't move, couldn't even blink my eyes. I felt almost like a corpse unmoving but my thudding heart was the only proof that I was alive.

He closed the few inches gap between us and I shut my eyes. For a second even my heart might have stopped beating.

"Kisi ko pata nahi chalega. Mere sath bhaag jaao"
He whispered in my ears and I shot my eyes open. He moved back at a reasonable distance. I blew out the breathe I was holding.

I'll kill him. Here I thought he was about to ... I shook my head and glared at him as he grinned shamelessly at me. I wanted to beat the living daylights out of him.

"What the hell, kuch bhi Kabir"

"Arry just think about it. Life in Dublin. You .me. We." He winked at me and I so wanted to kick him but better not to disturb my pretty wounded leg.

"Really!" I scoffed at him.

"Kidding!" He raised his palms up in surrender and cackled with a throaty laugh.

I rolled my eyes. Why is he such a bad yet good company.

"Good night beauty" he closed the door behind me and I sang back "good night Devil" I grinned for minutes lying there in darkness of my room untill my cheeks hurt.

Who wouldn't miss this man. Someone mad.


I wheeled my bags to the lift door. My taxi was waiting downstairs. I was going to fly to home first.

I turned around and hugged Yash who was less flustered compared to last night.
"Take care.."

"I will" he nodded. I grinned at him "actually I was saying take care of her."

Yash grinned back at me. "What is going on between you two"

Everything. I wanted to say.

"Nothing. We're just friends" I shrugged off.

"Just friends?" I jumped around on hearing a sweet high pitched voice.

I recognised her as our landlady. Mary. She seemed in her fifties, her shoulder length brown curls falling at her hunched figure. She wore a maxi dress matching the color of her tanned skin. She was kinda cute with her fluffy cheeks and light grey eyes.

"Where is Aashna? I need a word with her" she glared at me.

Shoot. I think she heard the just friends part.

Great. We were in trouble. I led the way for her inside the hall to Aashna who was just slipping into her converse. She'd insisted on dropping me off to downstairs. Said she needed to move so as to exercise and I had to give in.

She looked up, her face delighted in surprise. She looked so beautiful, her face glowing fresh and her hairs damp from the shower. I just had her plaster changed this morning.

"Hello Mary aunty. Aap? I'm sure I transfered the rent into your account yesterday.

"Yes I got the rent. But you lied to me. I didn't expect this from you." She glared at Aashna, who was utterly confused.

"About what?"

"About you and him being in a relationship. I heard him say you are just his friend."


Preferably with a red

I gave out a nervous laugh to Aashna's warning stare. I could already see a plan forming in her mind.

"What the hell Kabir. I can't believe you said that baby. I'm sorry for last night. Mary aunty we just fought yesterday and he's being all grumpy.and ..and he's leaving" Aashna's eyes were Nearing tears as she showed the hurt.

She called me baby. Now we were supposed to play boyfriend girlfriend right. Cool actress Aashna. I clapped for her mentally.

Mary turned to me and Aashna winked behind her.
"Aww why do you young people keep fighting?"

I saw Yash enjoying completely to his delight .

"No fights aunt Mary. I just lied to this Man here. If he knows the whole society would know and we just wanted to keep it silent. Haina girlfriend?" I smiled at Aashna and pulled her in a side hug.

"Oh. I was here to remind him of his pending rents. This one." Mary glared at Yash and dragged him out of the flat.

Aashana and me shared a laugh.poor Yash.

We were downstairs and Aashna was walking by herself better on her own. I was happy to see that.

"Time to part" I shoved my hands in my pocket and said looking down.

"Take care. And keep in touch." She said in a low voice.

If only I could just stay with her forever. But i can't leave my job and I can't stay away from her.

Practicality to hit me. Lets return to Be a Man again and not act mushy like a lovestruck teenager.

"You too" I smiled at her as she smiled back at me.
While opening the gate to the taxi I caught sight of Mary.

"Good bye mary aunty" I called and she walked to us with a smile. "Good bye big boy. Bless you."

I got a naughty idea and quickly pulled Aashna's hand and pecked her on the cheek. "Bye girlfriend"

Mary admired us and I got into the taxi. I saw Aashna was in total shock. I liked that. She gathered herself as sense rushed in her system. I closed the car door. She shot me a look in mock anger but I knew she won't do anything in front of Mary.

I waved from the open window as the wheels took me ahead. Away from her.

It's all about getting used to her absence.
I didn't know how I'd manage. But I would. I guess.

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Hope you guys liked their last time together.

Tell me what did you like most in the update.


Shipping name for Kabir and Aashna is KASH.

Where do you think they are going to meet next?☺

Lemme know and drop in coments and don't forget to add the story to your reading lists if you haven't.

Did you guys know that today is Kukkie's birthday. I mean my real life wali Kukkie 😉 Riddhi srivastava who's been roping in these amazing banners with Anshul.

Do leave your wishes.

Love always,


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