👼Chasing her👼

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☺Chapter 26☺

Dedicated to ArpitaGauri as a good luck for starting her story here on wattpad. Click on her name to check her profile and follow her works. Lots of love Arpita

(Location: Pune)

Love is such an unpredictable emotion. It own people. It plays with them. It makes them confused. It burns them if they try protecting it. It chokes them for life. It has a power that is unmatched.

It has been a few days, Aashna walked into my apartment like a living dead. All she does is sit and stare into space. If I as much as try to speak with her on her love life she locks herself in the guest room and pretends to sleep. Movies, internet and long drives doesn't cheer her anymore. Even the new dishes I cooked for her went unpraised. She just plays with her food and I am as helpless as ever.

She'd probably kill me with just her eyes if I suggest on picking Kabir's calls. I wonder if she's the same girl who didn't ever give a damn about attending me if I went to her house, just because Kabir used to be on the line.

"Enough Aashna! Don't give him a hard time now" I glance at her suggestively.

She just glare at the phone and it keeps on ringing. I sigh. This is something we go through every day ever since she's here. She won't listen to him and has also threatened to damn me if I try contacting Kabir. I don't understand what is so big as a problem between them and I dare not push her buttons much.

The phone rings again and she clutch it in rage, aiming to smash at the wall. "Calm down girl!" I prevent her from ruining it and slide it into my pocket after switching it off.

"Why are you so angry? What did he do?"

"I did! I am angry at myself!" she sits back on the chair and I slide my chair near her. "Don't cry Aashna, pour it all out into words."

She hasn't even given me a reason behind her unexpected arrival still I let her stay guessing on something is up between Kabir and her.

"Its enough Aashna. Tell me what this is all about?"

"i can't!" she shrugs.

"You know you're reaching nowhere like this. How long are you gonna hide here? Huh?"

"Yash! You better tell me directly you want me out" She palms her forehead and sighs at me.

"woah! Relax yaar. I didn't mean that and you know it."

My phone rings and its Kukkie. "Hey"

"Hey. How's she doing?" She asks me on the other end and her voice somehow swipes away the tension in the room.

"Not good. Here" I hand over the phone to Aashna and she turns her head elsewhere. Sighing I put it on speaker.

"Di Kabir bhai called me. He said he's coming home. What should I tell him now?"

As soon as Kukkie speaks I notice Aashna's eyes turning to me and I shot her an 'I-told you that's gonna happen-' look.

"Tell him I can't meet him and that I'm out somewhere"

"Di are you aware how many lies are we telling him?" Kukkie says and I join her with my say. "Exactly Aashna, today or tomorrow he is going to chase you down, you can't run away"

"I'm going to sleep" Aashna mutters and walks away into the room locking herself again.

"Kukkie, will you tell me what's the matter with them?"

All this while I'm really confused, I know not the problem and can't come up with the solution.

"I can't Yash!"

"Kukkie, if they have fought, talking would only help. Why don't you send him here when he asks you?"

" I'm afraid if talking would help them but guess she needs him. I'll do as you say" she affirms.

"Okay,may it be easy. Take care"

I smile imagining her frowning cutely as she always does.

"You too.bye."

(Location: Bhopal)

"I was really angry when she left that day. I didn't know what to do and it took me time to gather myself and come look for her. I miss her Kukkies. Tell me where is she?"

Listening to Kabir bhai I didn't have the heart to lie to him. " I know where is she." I nod at him.

"Where? Kukkie I know you won't tell me the real problem that's troubling her but please tell me the way I can find my answers." He urges me and I side hug him as we sit on the stairs of my house. His state is saddening to bear. Truly my sister won't ever find a gem like Kabir bhai ever. But she has her reasons and I can't intervene.

"Bhai please make it all like it was before. She's not herself, talk to her, love her, do anything to get her back please." He squeezes me close dropping a kiss on my forehead. "I will Kukkie. I will".

Coming out of the hug I smile at him, " she's in Pune, with Yash"

A smile stretches on his lips too before he again envelops me in a hug, grateful and hopeful.

(Location: Pune)

There is something about pain that feels comforting. It is more predictable than love.

I listen to the noon time hustle bustle on the road through the window. The red glow between my fingers occupies my mind as I put my hand into sunlight. I wonder how is Kabir now? He even went to Bhopal as I'd known. Yesterday Kukkie let me know that he came and talked. She tried convincing me that he loves me so much. As if I'm not aware of the fact. I smirk to myself. Destiny likes to keep it cruel.

Sometimes I wish I was one of those realists instead of being a hopeless romantic. That way I'd have the courage to endure the blows that life throws my way.

The doorbell rings and I sigh. Yash's back I guess. Now he'd annoy me with his talks about his culinary skills and will beat around the bush trying to get something out of me. But what can I tell him really? If he knows my situation he would not support me, like Kukkie he would also tell me to talk to Kabir or so. Nobody understands why am I doing what I'm doing. At times even I don't.

The doorbell rings again and I walk to the door tightening the rubber band holding my hairs up into a pony tail.

"Yash what brings you so early? You...." Words disappear into my throat as I stare in surprise at the person standing at the door.

"Hello Aashna." what? He has the nerve to greet me with a smile! I glare at him as he welcomes himself inside.

"I didn't say you can come inside."

Damn his smiling face. I try avoiding his eyes.

"Bola toh Maine bhi nahi tha jaane ka, still you went without telling me! Why Aashna?" He accuses me. How did he even know I was here? I'd kill Yash I swear.

"There was nothing left to talk Ka... ahem.." Why am I falling apart now? Why can't I speak his name even in front of him?

"Ofcourse there is! Why are you running away from me?" He asks moving towards me and I step back.

"I am not running away."

"Then what is this? You're hiding from me Aashna. Why are you here? Why didn't you go back to Bhopal?"

He steps towards me and I try to not look him in the eye.

"Stop" I raise my palm to make him stop as I hit the wall behind me.

"What do you want?"

"You" he says in a tender voice that almost melts my insides.

"I have nothing to do with you I told you , I want out of this relationship!" I fight strong to keep confident as I speak looking in his eyes.

"Yes you told me. But I don't understand why Aashna? Where did I go wrong?" He touches the side of my cheeks with his palm and I block his hand away. "Kabir....please step back"

He bores his eyes into mine until I break our eye contact and then his towering figure retraces back so I can breathe.

"Its not you its me"

I tell him in a lower tone.


Oh? I wasn't expecting this response from him. I wait for him to say something but when he doesn't speak I glance at him to see him rubbing his hands on his forehead.

"Yeah. I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore." I tell him. Loud and clear.

"Aashna." His worried eyes meets mine and he again steps forwards but I stop him. "Don't. Please. You'll ruin it"

He frowns at me and I purse my lips looking away

"What is it baby? Tell me, we will sort it out"

"There is nothing to be sorted out Kabir."

"Why! Why are you doing this to us?"

His eyes soft as a butterscotch, saddens as he close them for a while before looking at me.

"See Kabir. It happened okay! We met, chatted for few months we were away and then we again met and maybe thought it was love.but..."

"But? Wasn't it love?" He ask, with hurt in his eyes.

"It wasn't Kabir! We meet so many people with same interests and disinterests, not everybody can be loved just like that!"

His stance changes to a hard one as I speak.

"It was! for me Aashna. It still is love. Glad to know you see me among those "everybodies"."

He fixes me with a hard glare and walks out of the house.

I take a deep breathe to stay calm. But how can I? My insides go round in a whirlwind clashing at sides. It hurts me to hurt him but that's the only way I can keep him away from me.

Suddenly I feel a heaviness and I can't bear to stand in the same room with the bitter memory of me hurting him. I quickly type a message to Yash informing my departure and move to pack my stuff.

(Location: Bhopal)

A month has passed since the last time I saw Kabir. Everyone still talks about our marriage but they haven't yet started the preparations as not much time has passed since Biji's demise.

Worst thing about it all is that I can't participate in all these talks as I use to before. I can't be happy and I can't dream about my beautiful future with Kabir.

He is really testing me now, sitting on the reception area of the catering house and watching every one whose passing by, on the road, like a hawk.

I know he is waiting to see a glimpse of her. I really don't understand him. A month back he told me I don't need to tell our folks about calling off our marriage. He said he has nothing to do with Aashna. Then why is he still here trying to keep an eye on her.

What am I? A fool?

Yes a fool who is madly in love with him still. But this man is really confusing me. I had a rural camp treatment trip last few weeks so I was away. But today when I came back here, I found out Mr. Kabir has made this house his own looking place where he sits and scan the road with his eyes. What the hell.

I stand beside him as he suddenly stands up from his seat. My eyes follow his gaze on the street and I see her. Clad in a green dress with some books in her hands. She walks away without even looking in his direction.

But this man is so in love with her. And this makes me cringe away.

"Oh! Hey Aarohi"

He finally realizes I'm there and I roll my eyes.

"What is up Kabir?"

"Nothing much, I didn't know you were coming" he smiles in a courteous way.

"I want to ask you something" I raise my eyebrows at him and he mimics me and nods at me to go on. "Sure"

"Kabir...er last time we met you told me to not call off this marriage thing and that you two..I mean Aashna and you were not together"

"Yes? That's what I said."

"Well from where I see, it doesn't look like that to me" I awkwardly moves my eyes elsewhere.

"Ofcourse what I said is true. But I don't know why things are like this between us, I'm trying to save our relation."

"Oh" I pass him a smile but what he just said hits me hard emotionally. Ofcourse its clear he loves her. Then it might be her who is making things complicated.

"Then what do I play here? Should I tell aunt? Let's not give them hopes and upset them later"

I ask him and he is lost in his thoughts.

"No....I didn't tell our family about Aashna. But as soon as things go right between us I'll myself call off this marriage." He says and goes back to scrolling on the I-pad.

Another wave of hurt washes me yet I'm left like a desert internally. Why is it hurting me so much.

"Does she have problems?" I ask and he looks up to me. I drop my gaze embarrassed.

"Yes, she pushes me away but I won't give up" he tells me and I realize this is the first actual conversation we are having where he is sharing with me the events in his life.

For this thought, the hurt takes the back seat as this little joy rides me.

"Yes you should try till the end if you love her."

He nods at me, "I do. A lot"

I feel strange in my heart. I say in my mind. 'I do too kabir. A lot.' I wonder if one day I'll be able to speak these words aloud to him.


I don't buy anything that Aashna tells me these days. It is clear that she doesn't mean what she says. So I've gotten over the hurt part in a fortnight. She has already tested my patience. These days when I visit her in the library, she would always snap at me trying to offend me but I don't get offended.

She has clearly said she want out but every time I look into her eyes , all I see is that she badly needs to fall more deeper with me.

In a year that passed, I've known her enough to tell that she is fighting to push me away. But I won't give up that easily. Every day I watch her walk by our lane. She visits the public library down the corner. Like everyday, today too I'm walking inside to ask her for a lunch together. She denies daily and find a way out but I do not want to lose hope.

I enter the room to find her writing something on the paper.

I lean behind her to peek at what is going on.

"you can't breathe so you write."

Reading what I read took my breathe away. I've always wanted her to go by her instincts and write. I guess she is listening to me finally!

Out of happiness I lean closer to her and whisper "beautiful"

She immediately stands up to pack her stuff. "Are you in such a hurry to go for lunch with me?" I face her with a wink.

"Tum...phir se aagye!" She shoots me a glare and I stiffle my laughter. She looks cute when annoyed. But I know better she is partly happy with me being there. She might even be waiting for me to come.

"Do you think I'll go without a reasonable explanation? As far as I know you don't have one, so I chose to stay."

I fold my hands and watch her as she wets her lips blinking rapidly. I want to see how hard she can fight this.

"Leave me alone Kabir." Her cracky voice reaches my ear and she tries to get away. But I hold her hand locking them behind her and bring her close to me. Her breath fanning over me and her smell driving me emotional.

"You ask me ways to leave you Aashna, but I want to tell you how leaving is not an option but living together is."

She stares up into my eyes and I feel this can be the moment where she will hug me and say lets be together again.


She whispers into a breaking voice and I feel her getting vulnerable.

"Why Aashna? What's this barrier between us? Don't you get affected when I'm stood next to you, when I look deep into your eyes, when we're so close, don't you feel my love?" I ask her earnestly and she shakes her head as a few tears build up at the corners of her eyes.

I realize maybe its too much for her so I take away my hands back at my sides leaving her free. She steps back to put some distance between us.

"Let's talk"

I suggest and pulls a chair for her. She glance at me with wet eyes. "Why do you come daily? Why do you chase me down wherever I go? I told you Kabir we can't happen. I am tired of telling this please don't make it hard for me. Just leave me alone."

Her words cut through the tiny pieces of my heart and it hurts badly to see her like this. But what am I supposed to do? If she doesn't then it is on me to save our relation.

"You want me out but you still wear the locket I gave you" I smile at her and walk out of the Library. She loves me.She definitely loves me. I have to find this thing whis is getting us to these paths I never wanted to travel.

More days passed by and every night my hopes crashed. It was like I was losing a part of myself everytime she denied of the idea of 'us'.

I knew my constant pushes were really making her fall apart. Everyday I didn't left her alone, I kept reminding of our times together, things we did, things we loved together and all she did was turning around to hide her tears and walking away.

My efforts are breaking her but I'm the one who is being eaten away by the cruel fate.

I feel sad about the fact that no one can hear me out. I lose people easily. It has been two months that Biji is gone. My parents are also here at aunt's place to get their mind off Biji's memories back in Chandigarh. There are times they bring up the subject of the marriage Biji proposed. I am trying to dodge those family chats and Aarohi has been very helpful and supportive. Though I feel she also gets hurt by what I'm doing. I grimace and close my eyes after gulping down the drink.

"Drinking your pain away?" I hear her ask and turn around to find Aarohi standing behind me in the balcony.

"Is it that obvious?" I raise my eyebrows at her and shift, making space for her to sit beside.

"Uh huh!" She nods.

"I was thinking of you and there you are." I tell her and a surprised look adorns her face.

"Woah! I'm honoured to be in your thoughts Kabir." I had to smile and she chuckles.

"So? Are you having some luck?" She asks me and I pour her some drink, sighing and shaking my head in no.

"Oh no I don't drink." She denies politely and I shrug taking a sip from the glass.

"I want to ask you something" I glance at her and she looks confused but goes on, "what convince you that she still loves you? What keeps you going?"

"What convince you she doesn't?" I ask her back and she nods at me. "guess you don't want to answer that"

"Its been one and a half year to us Aarohi. I know her to tell this much that she loves me still. There is something troubling her that I know not of, that she doesn't tells me." I don't know why but for the first time I feel some relief in sharing itw with someone.

I glance at Aarohi and she is lost in her thoughts.

"May I ask you something?"

She comes out of her train of thoughts and stares at me waiting. I don't know if the question would be personal for her but I want to know. "Is there not anyone in your life whom you love?"

Her half smile falters and she drops her gaze. Her nervousness even radiates to me. She looks away not meeting my eyes.

"Its ok if you're uncomfortable sharing" I tell her to ease her state but she stands up abruptly.

"I think I should help your mom in the kitchen." Saying so she starts to leave. I want to stop her but my phone pings and by the time I gather my attention back to her she has escaped.

I check the text from Kukkie.

Hey bhai! Di's alone at home tonight. Thought I'd tell you. :)

I smile and quickly type a thank you to Kukkie. She won't tell me what is up but yet I am grateful that she helps me. I finish the drink in one last gulp and walk out of the house. Lets see if you find a place to run away from me tonight, Aashna Mathur.


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Thanks for waiting for the update loves 😘😘
I'd like to ask for some more wait till the next one gets out. I have exams so this is the last update of this year.
We'll see you all in the new year. Wish you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New year in advance ❤

Please let me know your reviews in the comments below.

Love always,
Sue ❤

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