👼A Certain Him👼

511 54 145

Chapter 1.

Dedicated to asyaarshilover Happy birthday spiciee!!!❤


New beginnings came my way just when I thought I was leading to a perfect end.

Will this life be having enough time and space to explore the love filled sweetness disguised as sour?


She was in a carnival. Brushing past the crowd of black and white people with colourful hats and feathers planted on their heads, she followed the music being played on the drums.

It was Brazil, a place she's never been to.

Despite the hustle bustle of crowd, the cries of kids to sit on huge rides, the satisfying moans of people enjoying the food, the cheers of the audience supporting the dancer, the screams of people thrilled on high rides and the pleasurable sweet noises from the kissing booths, she could hear the drums playing with more tempo now. No it wasn't so good for her ears that she was attracted to it. infact she wanted to stop the drummer for playing that, correction- beating up that terrible thing so loud in such a jovial environment.

There, right before the cigarette counter was a group of four who were beating those wide white skins of the drums. When she couldn't take it anymore she splashed the drink on his face.

Well atleast she thought it was a male member playing the drums with rings in all his fingers.

But it turned out to be her fingers.

It was a black woman, now raged by the unexpected disturbance, towering above her.

Unable to bear the angry glare of the woman she spat, "stop that fucking music. Hell it doesn't even deserve to be called music."

A soft expression hovered over the black lady when she replied gritting her teeth, "Go find yourself some Love."



I hear Kukkie's footsteps running up the stairs to my room. My sweet little sister doesn't know how to not make noise.

Everyday she would wake me up making me grunt for my pretty sleep being disturbed. But today is different as I am up already.

I sigh wiping the sleep off my eyes and wait for the usual 'Kukkie's special alarm'

She steps into my room wearing her favourite Teletubbies yellow sleepers.
Aww! She looks cuter in them. I raise my eyes to her fairly beautiful tall figure, clad in her jumper pants.

She is younger than me but taller than I am and this fact have always made me frown whenever I noticed.

"Aashu diiiiii!!!!!!

Her childishness always makes me laugh at her morning call. I throw at her, the green soft toy I sleep with every night.

It hits her over her open mouth shutting it. Good. I think and smile gladly.

She picks it up narrowing her eyes at me, her button nose a li'll shrunk on her round face. She is adorable.

"Good morning Mr. Froggy! When will you teach her a lesson on being punctual?" She talks animatedly to the soft toy.

I scowl at her remembering what had me sleeping this late. Oh yes that dream.

I grin. Dream or no dream, somehow I manage to sleep till late in the morning.

Kukkie raise her thin perfectly trimmed eyebrows at me.

"I had a weird dream." I narrates all about my dream, how I went to a Brazilian carnival and how the black lady had spoken with an awkward emotion to find love.

"She really had a lot of teeth."

Kukkie starts laughing and I roll my eyes for why would I ever end up in Brazil and meet such people full of teeth!

Kukkie chuckles asking "did you find love?"

My mind races back to the end of my dream just before I woke up. That i don't tell Kukkie. I had a vision of a man's hand wearing a heart shaped pink watch on his wrist.

I shrug off the shudder growing on my arms. that's ridiculous! A guy wearing that kind of girly watch.

Well I had had more ridiculous dreams so far. An useless shit that didn't ever made sense.

Kukkie is one keen girl. She has noticed my expressions. "There's more!" She states excitedly. "C'mon what happened next?"

No. I ain't giving her another reason to have a good laugh this morning. I slip into my slippers.

"I'm getting late for college, will tell you later."

"That's unfair" I can imagine a frown in her voice.

Taking a towel I dash to the washroom. "Pay off for waking me up like that" I sing and chuckle shutting the door. What fun to irritate Kukkie.

"I woke you up for your own fucking good!"

"Alright" I call out to her from inside the bathroom.

"That's mean!" She must be huffing. How cute oh my kukkie.

"Thank you sweetheart!" I smile.

A good bath is all I needed. I sniff my wavy hairs walking to my class. It smells of jasmine from my favourite shampoo.

Ah! As usual I am the last one entering the class. Lazy bum gets late all the time. I wipe off the smugness before turning to the class.

"Bonjour madame" the class greets me enthusiastically. I smile back at them.

"Bonjour" yeah I teach them French. And they seem to enjoy my company. I have some pretty students.


It's been a long day. And very hot!

Bhopal can get really annoying when the electricity is out. It is nearly midnight, I can hear kukiee running upstairs to the terrace. I have my suspicions to whom she talks over the phone in the middle of the night.

I grin in the darkness thinking about her face if I ever will catch her with her boyfriend. I shake my head, why does she need a boyfriend to pamper her when she is the apple of the eye to our family of four?

These love concepts are out of my range of understanding. I walk to the window smiling at the full moon shining in all its glory. Stars are winking at me from the summer night sky.

I sigh as the cool winds kisses my face.

Love for me is what nature makes me feel.

And then the morning dream comes crashing in my mind.

"Why would I find love. I have all the love I need." I mutter to myself.

The orange street light casts on the road, making it shimmer golden and mesmerising.

My gaze is fixated on the pebbles shining, captivated by the beautiful night.

As if that is an invitation by the road.

As if the roads are calling me, wanting to be explored.

I have this sudden urge to go out, so I sneak out of the house, trying to not make much noise and wake my parents up.

Once outside a sense of freedom fills me up and I have this crazy attack, I have been having them ever since I gained my mind. I start doing crazy things like Playing with my own shadow under the street light, twirling around a pole,jumping over a cement seat and giggling at my own antics.

It all makes me happy.

I have never enjoyed solitariness so much.

It's then I realize I'm not alone when I see another shadow behind me.

I turn around and my eyes collide with a pair of light brown eyes, reflecting the light from the street lamp making them twinkle.

He is wearing a happy look, clearly amused.

I bite my upper lip embarrassedly, for the man has probably seen me dancing crazily.

He is tall, his body well built to which cling his clothes perfectly.

Before I can notice more of him, I hear him speak in a gentle tone, a mere whisper of "hello"

"Hey!" I whisper, the word leaving my mouth before I can even process his polite smile.

"What are you doing this late in the middle of this lonely road?"

I feel he has a quite intimidating voice. I say, "it is not a lonely road anymore well, I could ask you the same"

" I decided to stroll, it's really hot in here." He replies easily, shrugging his broad shoulders.

Damn. His eyes are deep. Maybe I am the one staring at him too observably. I move my gaze down.

"Haven't seen you here before" I point out to which he gives an elegant smile.

"I live in Dublin. came here to meet my aunt in the back street."

A part of me is delighted to know that he is staying near by. I am delighted? That. Surprise the hell out of me.

"To where?" I ask him.

"Mr.kapoor's catering house" he is easy to talk to.

"Oh! Neha aunty" I smile. Neha aunty lives just in the back street. She runs a catering house with Kapoor uncle. They are nice people and really warm and welcoming.

"Yeah she's my aunt. By the way, I'm Kabir." He forward his hand for me to shake.

My eyes widen slightly. I can't help but notice his clear fair skin and long fingers. I shake hands with him as he smile that attractive smile of his.

"Kabir Malhotra"

"Aashna Mathur" okay. I think we were well off easily in conversation before the handshake. It feels quite formal.

After a silent moment he starts to walk ahead and I follow his lead.

I make a small talk as we walk together, past the sleeping beggars and dogs on the side of street.

"So you're on a holiday?"

" Yeah holidaying and working goes together for me."

I give him an interested glance.

"I'm a photographer by passion and profession."

"That's cool" I smile at him honestly. I have a thing for photographers. I think it's cool and totally respect the art.

"I always see more in everything." He says suddenly, His deep voice making my heart beat erratically for a second or two.

I lets out a breathe I was holding unknowingly. A light breeze starts blowing.

He is wearing a pleasant smile . Who knew I'd meet this handsome of a man in the middle of nowhere.

Yeah I find him handsome. Judge me anyway! Go figure! 


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How do you like Kukkie? And Aashna?

Are you guys excited to read Kabir's point of view?

Keep up! And give me words in the comment box while I go write next chappy. Don't forget to add the story in your reading lists.

Love always,


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